I had an interesting week. Two people I care about have had surgeries and I tried to help with what little I could to be of service in their lives. One has to have more surgery but the Lord moved in a massive way and healed a broken relationship and that is a miracle in it's self. The Lord be praised. I love when the Lord moves mountains.
I had been to goodwill, with all the back and forth I have been doing to Zootown of late, and have picked up three of C. S. Lewis books, Mere Christianity 1st, then The four Loves 2nd and then lastly The Screwtape letters. I really like all but didn't have anymore to read, though I plan on reading the Chronicles of Narina but that is another day, any way I was back at goodwill and found a book by
Randy Alcorn and since I had liked Heaven by him I picked it up without looking at the name or hype on the book cover. I couldn't believe it when I sat down to read it the next day after finishing the Screwtape letters that it is called Foulgrins Letters and it is for all practically purposes a continuance of the Screwtape letter. It is at worst a tribute to C. S. Lewis's Srcrewtape Letters and a best a better version. Only God can move books in such a manner, I do not and never believe in coincidences. I just love when God keeps you in his life plan for you.
This week at Church the young minister that gives a sermon, or lesson,on Sunday nights had a good message with a lot of thought provoking ideas from the word of God. I do have some thoughts on his message. His message was on sitting on the fence and a he spent a lot of time in his study to give the sermon it was all well thought out and had pure love behind his words. I think that he gave a good sermon on besetting sins. He chose as his last point to say that we as Christians should get off the fence on watching cable tv. because even if we don't watch the bad shows and only watch the good shows, or protect our children from the bad that we can, we are still guilty of all the bad that others see on the cable TV. I for one am a sinner and TV has always been apart of my life I grew up in the TV generation. I have over the years stopped watching network TV because I believe it is a horrible place for my kids to be. I am not sure the young man watches any TV so he might not know that for the most part network TV is worse than cable in my opinion. I have locks on my TV so there is no channels that I wouldn't allow my children to watch though to to his point that the commericals are still bad and their are pictures of girls in bikini's, that is true. I know that I can't really keep that from my girls but I do the best I can so I am "on the fence" per his sermon.
I understand how my watching TV and allowing my children to watch the supervised TV does, as he says, contribute and pays for the continuance in his estimation of the evils of TV being brought to others and helps support the evils of TV in general. I think that he probably has the right of it in the strictest sense. I would asked to that same thought why my TV watching, in my governed way, is any different than he and any other Christians use of the internet. Isn't paying of the internet for our innocent usage paying for the terrorist ability to indoctrinate young peoples of this world to terrorism? Isn't our innocent use of the internet not also pay for the sex traffickers use of the same internet? Isn't our innocent use allowing the sexually predators of this world a platform to use because we pay to use ours? The reality is, yes. My paying for TV and internet give the abusers a platform for their evil uses. I would also say that voting for and having an elected governments allows that we might elect a criminals to office that might do illegal things while there, and they have and do. Allowing visa's to the US allows for peoples like our forefathers an escape from persecution but can, and does, allow for a terrorist to come in among them. Driving a car allows us to move forward in this country to become a better nation for having the car, or the plane for that matter, but it only takes one drunk driver to make it bad, or one plane flown into a building to make us know that evil can come of the good things that we pay to use on, any, and all levels. I understand the good of the sermon and I understand that TV can and is an evil tool in the hands of the wrong person but then the pharisees saw fit to bring an adulteress to the Lord and asked her to be condemned for misuse of her body..... What did Jesus say in John 8:7 so when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, he that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her...... We all have a besetting sin and mine just might be TV, or gluttony (not just the kind that means eating but the one that mean I consume to much of this world, or worry about my self more that others) but then we all do and the best we can do it to repent of our sins, but when we point out others sins with our finger we must remember that our other three fingers are pointing out our sins to them just as loudly.
I pray that you are walking in the Lord, and Jesus is the master of your life. There is nothing more important in this life than the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ's way of salvation and grace... tomorrow.
I had been to goodwill, with all the back and forth I have been doing to Zootown of late, and have picked up three of C. S. Lewis books, Mere Christianity 1st, then The four Loves 2nd and then lastly The Screwtape letters. I really like all but didn't have anymore to read, though I plan on reading the Chronicles of Narina but that is another day, any way I was back at goodwill and found a book by
Randy Alcorn and since I had liked Heaven by him I picked it up without looking at the name or hype on the book cover. I couldn't believe it when I sat down to read it the next day after finishing the Screwtape letters that it is called Foulgrins Letters and it is for all practically purposes a continuance of the Screwtape letter. It is at worst a tribute to C. S. Lewis's Srcrewtape Letters and a best a better version. Only God can move books in such a manner, I do not and never believe in coincidences. I just love when God keeps you in his life plan for you.
This week at Church the young minister that gives a sermon, or lesson,on Sunday nights had a good message with a lot of thought provoking ideas from the word of God. I do have some thoughts on his message. His message was on sitting on the fence and a he spent a lot of time in his study to give the sermon it was all well thought out and had pure love behind his words. I think that he gave a good sermon on besetting sins. He chose as his last point to say that we as Christians should get off the fence on watching cable tv. because even if we don't watch the bad shows and only watch the good shows, or protect our children from the bad that we can, we are still guilty of all the bad that others see on the cable TV. I for one am a sinner and TV has always been apart of my life I grew up in the TV generation. I have over the years stopped watching network TV because I believe it is a horrible place for my kids to be. I am not sure the young man watches any TV so he might not know that for the most part network TV is worse than cable in my opinion. I have locks on my TV so there is no channels that I wouldn't allow my children to watch though to to his point that the commericals are still bad and their are pictures of girls in bikini's, that is true. I know that I can't really keep that from my girls but I do the best I can so I am "on the fence" per his sermon.
I understand how my watching TV and allowing my children to watch the supervised TV does, as he says, contribute and pays for the continuance in his estimation of the evils of TV being brought to others and helps support the evils of TV in general. I think that he probably has the right of it in the strictest sense. I would asked to that same thought why my TV watching, in my governed way, is any different than he and any other Christians use of the internet. Isn't paying of the internet for our innocent usage paying for the terrorist ability to indoctrinate young peoples of this world to terrorism? Isn't our innocent use of the internet not also pay for the sex traffickers use of the same internet? Isn't our innocent use allowing the sexually predators of this world a platform to use because we pay to use ours? The reality is, yes. My paying for TV and internet give the abusers a platform for their evil uses. I would also say that voting for and having an elected governments allows that we might elect a criminals to office that might do illegal things while there, and they have and do. Allowing visa's to the US allows for peoples like our forefathers an escape from persecution but can, and does, allow for a terrorist to come in among them. Driving a car allows us to move forward in this country to become a better nation for having the car, or the plane for that matter, but it only takes one drunk driver to make it bad, or one plane flown into a building to make us know that evil can come of the good things that we pay to use on, any, and all levels. I understand the good of the sermon and I understand that TV can and is an evil tool in the hands of the wrong person but then the pharisees saw fit to bring an adulteress to the Lord and asked her to be condemned for misuse of her body..... What did Jesus say in John 8:7 so when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, he that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her...... We all have a besetting sin and mine just might be TV, or gluttony (not just the kind that means eating but the one that mean I consume to much of this world, or worry about my self more that others) but then we all do and the best we can do it to repent of our sins, but when we point out others sins with our finger we must remember that our other three fingers are pointing out our sins to them just as loudly.
I pray that you are walking in the Lord, and Jesus is the master of your life. There is nothing more important in this life than the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ's way of salvation and grace... tomorrow.
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