Mokie, all four kids and I are off to the dentists first thing this morning. Yogie is not actually going for her cleaning as at the last ortho appointment they had changed their policy about the ortho patients having to have their cleaning in the ortho department of the office. They changed her appointment to her next ortho appointment in a few weeks. We decide she should come because the girls always go for each others appointments. We have to travel over 50 miles and it gives them a day of fun so they don't associate the dentist with negative. They are both very good students so that isn't a problem. Since Mokie can't be in both rooms at once with her two kids Yogie has decided to hold Boy's hand and help him be a big boy at the dentist. I will be her back up, Booboo doesn't usually need a hand held anyway. Mokie will have the pleasure of holding Cubbie's hand, lucky her.
We do want to get home early in the afternoon so we hope all goes smooth and we can get right back, probably lunch and pick up some minerals for the goats. The girls are going to go with Grandpa to the big farmers market in Zootown tomorrow, so they will spend the night, so they can drive in, he usually has to drive 60 plus miles and be there and set up by 9. The market runs from 9 to 12 or maybe 1. He wants them to experience the bigger market which will be nice. The local market starts here the 18 of June. He usually goes to the bigger one then does the local one after the major planting sales at the big one tapper off. He can sell the produce almost as well here, and grandma keeps their greenhouse open for sales so that balances them not going into Zootown for the later part of the summer, plus he gets to spend it with the girls.
Poppie plans to till one last time before we plant the garden. He has been tilling every couple of day, makes the soil nice and soft but also helps to kill weeds so they don't get a start. We grow an organic garden, not certified, but we have never used anything on our weeds but good old elbow grease and we don't use commercial products on it just compost and manure, we have lots. He will start putting up the rafters the windows are all done and some of them look a little funny or let's say the greenhouse is unique but it is all from upcycled windows, that don't always match and will heat up the beds very nicely. We will be getting the roofing just after the first of the month and it will be all done and ready to plant.
Poppie will have time for Poppie this morning, no kids, as they will be all with us. He has learned over the years that we all love him and don't like when he is not here with us so he isn't really gone a lot and is a bit of a recluse. He likes visiting with the mothers when he picks up the kids, visits with the local business people when he picks up oil and slop. He has a couple of friends that he visits, spends time with Bug when Bug is not working, Son and he have a nice relationship but generally Poppie is a home body. He does like when he gets to be at home all by himself, he says it is nice. I don't like to be alone so don't ever feel the need to be alone so I just have to understand that he has the need. Today Poppie gets alone time..... tomorrow.
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