I woke up with my persistent sore throat still plaguing me. I am not letting it set my schedule so with a spritz and a couple of Tylenol I am off. I do want to make it perfectly clear to those who apparently think that a sore throat makes my brain unfunctioning, all of my faculties are in working order and have been all weekend. The audacity of some people is laughable. I am not sure if Cubbie and Boy will be here or not, I guess I will see when or if they come. I am hoping to make several more batches of soap in the next couple days. I am trying to get my stores all full so to get them aged for future sales. Oh, and I got a lovely order or two yesterday from my photos, so cool, gotta love good friends who support me. I am going to try and get my carpets cleaned this morning. I also have a date this afternoon with Herbalist and Belle. I am bound and determined to be up for it, it will be alot of fun.
Tomorrow I hope to get to go to CAKLS, I am working on a bunting for Bubbie, I have actually given Mokie's baby girl her nickname, I have never done that before, it may change but for right now she is telling me that is her nickname. I can chat about what I am making with no worry of discovery as Mokie has never and has no future plans to read my blog. She will have to read it at some future day when I have it made in to book form, for my grand kids. Too funny she says, "why would I want to read about what we do everyday". I think she just likes real books better than virtual ones. I will give her a copy when I give her her copy of my hand written cookbook, think of the utterly silly asides I can draw in the margins. That will make her day, wink.
I could not bring myself to watch any of the many remembrance shows that were on the TV yesterday. I really thought about it but all I could do was think of the day I spent on my couch sobbing as the building came down all those years ago. Was it really ten years, more than my two little girls lifetimes. I couldn't go there the pain is still so raw for some reason. Just thinking of them by looking at the titles brought pain to my throat, anxiety to my chest and tears to my eyes in the end I could not do it. I would love to watch them as tributes, to those dear lost souls, but for some reason facing them all at once was more than I could do yesterday. I hope that doesn't make me a coward, I know it makes me less brave than all of them, but then God know I wasn't in the first place he didn't ask their fate of me, he just asks that I remember. I just can't do it all at once and all on one day.... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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Someone actually accused you of being unfunctioning in the brain because of a soar throat, that's a good one. Wow! Sis