Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hucks, apples, tomatoes, peppers.... it tis the season.

We got up early to go pick maybe our last huckleberries of the season, Poppie may try and go once more but might not get to go.  I stopped by the store on the way up the hill and ordered 2 cases of peppers and 2 cases of tomatoes, they will be here tomorrow.  I ordered hoping the Lady would want some but didn't have the time to call her and in the end she did, glad didn't want to do that many jars tomorrow anyway.  We got to the mountain and started picking I told the Ladies that they could go by their fair ride tickets today or tomorrow if they each picked a gallon, well they both did well and in the end each picked a half gallon which was pretty good.  Poppie and I each picked a gallon before we had to leave, Booboo had a piano lesson we had to get her to.  Poppie also scoped out wood on the way down the hill, going to get it on Saturday after the Farmer's market.  Poppie is picking beans on Friday for the girls to take to the Farmer's Market so I don't have to can any more beans this week, thank goodness.  We ended up with 3 full gallons of the huckleberries in the end and with the 6 in the freezer we are two gallons ahead of last year, yay. 

I had just gotten home and had time to email Lady about the tomatoes when Mokie came for me to go pick apples.  We loaded the ladder, the kids, except for Booboo who was at piano lessons and away we went.  I held the ladder and Mokie picked and I dumped into the bigger buckets.  We ended up with 15 gallons.  I also saw a bumper crop of rose hips that I may go pick for tea and jelly, well maybe. We got home and I checked the internet, Lady does want the tomatoes.  I also have to go pick apples with her on Thursday.  I just may have my apples made into apple butter and put up by the time I have to go help pick them.  I love summer such and abundance this year, and so much is free if you are willing to work for it.  I think I will put the tomatoes up in pints this year never done it before but I have many more pints than quarts and that would give me more options.  Off to wash huckle berries and start apple butter.

May the Lord love and bless you.  May the glory of God be the controlling influence in your life.  May you be in Christ and have his grace.  May you love the Lord above all in your life... tomorrow.

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