Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Days of chaos and non order are soon coming to an end..... I have to grow up and be an adult, sigh.

Poppie and I had one year of no children, well two if you count the first one, in our lives.  Our kids were all grown up and we even got to go on a grown up vacation just the two of  us.  We went to Yellowstone, we were to get to go for the week but it ended up being a three day week end but we did get to go.  We were beginning to figure our how to be empty nesters.  We came home and Goofy and Matt, who had known each other in a dating manner for a month, were getting married and in less than 6 weeks, the whirl wind began that within a little more than a year we would have a baby to take care of, at first as grandparents, then less than another year later as parents of a newborn and a 13 month old.  We were new parents again and our nest was no longer empty.  We had gotten used to no time clocks and no calendars.  We got to keep that as our lifestyle for the next 5 years.  One day Yogie started school but we still did not let time rule our lives.  It became less and less a reality as the girls grew into a school routine but we desperately have cherished all the time away from time that we could manage.  In the last years, farmer's market, 4-h, bountiful baskets and Church began to chip away more and more at our freedom and I finally bought a clock and put it up in my front room. I put the school magnets on the frig, you know the ones with the calendars on them and pretended to still be as free as we wanted to be.  Poppie started feeding his friends animal more and more regularly, his friend is 70 and needs the help of a couple hours each morning.  Funny Poppie enjoys the time with his friend daily as an out of the house, that and his weeding keep him busy, but time had snuck in even in Poppies life.  This year has told us that we can no longer even pretend to not be the slave of time.  Poppie has kids to pick up at 3:30 daily, one child in volleyball to pick up daily at 5, one in piano on Tuesdays, one with a Wednesday time to join shooting sports, volleyball games to attended, no time for Farmer's Market during the school year, Church, Singing at the old folks home and assisted living and the list goes on....... We are no longer allowed the luxury of the chaos of non time.  We have to set times for reading, time for milking, time for play, time for dinner, time for bed (though a little later than last year), time for feeding animals and who knows what on each day.  It is time to grow up and be real time bound parents again for the second time in our lives, and we have come to this kicking and screaming all the way.  Oh, and that list of times does not include the times we are needed to do things for the grands so time to put on our big people panties and buck up, time to be on schedule.

Poppie is making good head way on my mock Hoosier, when it is done it will be a real Hoosier in everyway but when and where it was made.  He is doing a job to be proud of on it.  It is so right for the space we have for it.  I can't wait he is next going to build me a  1950 Chevy wooden side board mason jar light fixture and an antique bed frame pot hanger.  I can say when it is all done I won't live in a cookie cutter house anymore.  I really have come to terms with my "new" house and we are really making it ours and in our taste, which usually makes no sense to anyone but us.  We do have to hold on to some of our off beat, chaotic sense of self some where, after all. A space without time, that is timeless......

May the Lord be in your life, may you seek the salvation of Jesus Christ.  May you turn away from the eternal death of hell and accept Gods gift of salvation through his grace and your belief in his son. Believe..... tomorrow.

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