It always amazes me how much satan ( I know the computer wants me to give him a capital letter on his name but I will not) pays attention to the lives of people. He is after all in charge in the earthly realm at this time. I do so look forward to the time, well if time is no more is it really time? I look forward to the Lord Jesus's rule in my life. I find when I get to a place in my life when all seems to be going along smoothly I am enjoying my worship with the Lord, the kids are doing wondrously and I can see head way and maybe a time of prosperity to come the demon devil has to put his nose into my life. He sees when God has strengthened me and he sees that I am joyous in the Lord, he hates it and sends all manner of trials, fears, doubts and problems to try and destroy my life in Christ. I got hit yesterday and while I tried to mistakenly fix it myself, which made the devil do a happy dance, I sorrowed and I feared and I let woe sneak in. I spent wasted time trying to deal with my demon on my own. I finally took myself in hand and gave myself to the Lord's service. I prayed, and though it did not take the trial away, God comforted me. He told me all would work out and he had a time frame to give me back my peace, he will be with me through my struggles and that is very comforting to me. He reassured me that he is indeed truly in charge this morning because when I opened my computer there awaited me a message out of the blue, from a dear friend of mine, my dear Vegas, she had sent me a quick note of her love and support. How wonderful she is and how much the Lord knew I needed her love this morning. The devil may have power on earth, but only the power that God allows him to have, and God will not let us endure anything we cannot handle with him to help us. I am truly blessed even in my moments of doubts, trials or as I walk through valley of the shadows...... my God does comfort me.
I just want to add that we are living in a time when the evil whisperers have more say than the good hardworking in this country. We live in a country that has allowed anonymity to bring out the evil ones who lie and can false witness, they never have to come out of the shadows and they can have long lasting effect on your life because they are guided by satan. Our country has allowed it on many levels. The laws are becoming more and more evil in the name of " for the good of all." The Bible never says that this world in this age will experience peace on earth, in fact it states exactly the opposite. The powers that drive our society in this day and age are running ever faster, in the name of peace and love of all, head long to the evil enticements of the devil. Evils and vileness that would not have been tolerated a hundred years ago are the norm and all of it is in the name of letting every one do their own things. Oh, how satan does whisper to the ungodly and lead them to destruction's and we the lukewarm allow our lives to be controlled by the few who make the rules, yes we the silent majority are allowing satan to manifest himself into all corners of our society. We have allowed abortion, we have allowed 15 states to bring shame on the sanctity of marriage, yes we have allowed the laws to be insidious and destructive to the family unit, yes we have allowed our schools to teach it to our children while we are looking the other way or maybe just now aware enough to care. We are truly living in end times, whether it be coming tomorrow or in the next few decades or maybe centuries but we are witness to the end times.... I do hope God doesn't allow the evil to destroy the good but then the bible says we will be in horrible times and they are a coming don't kids yourself.....
Please take heed because tomorrow could be the day that the Lord Jesus comes as a thief in the night to take the saved home and then the trumpet of doom will come to all that are not saved. Please don't wait to long and don't be one of those who were almost but lost... Seek your salvation the Lord is awaiting that one last soul to end this age are you that one last soul? Maybe not but soon that last soul will be saved and no more will be....tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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