I accidentally heard the Library was looking for a sub last month, funny Lady hadn't even thought I would be interested so never thought to tell me. I really haven't looked for a job in the last 8 and half year, well one outside of the home. I will always be in the process of setting up a new endeavor of some kind, I have had several small business along the way. I am currently, even as we speak, thinking on how to get a grant for a business start up, but that is another tale. I liked that the sub job was currently not a weekly commitment and is going to be spurattic but might eventually be more time, I trust God to know what will be right for me when it is the right time for me. I went in yesterday for training. I was only there for a couple hours, it was really nice being out in the public and seeing people. I think I will like the job. I have done a lot of things and it sort of seemed like home, I think a good fit. I came home after the training, fed Poppie and Bubbles then back to the Library for a couple hours of CAKLs with all my dear friends. It was a great day of visiting and getting caught up. It was nice of Poppie to spend the day with Bubbles so I could get away. He did have a little issue with her and her pottie training, she likes to go in her pants just to mess with him. He was not happy. Well she did just turn two last week so she is still early.
Mokie asked me two days ago to help Cubbie make gingerbread soap men, like I did last year. It would have been nice had she asked me last week because I did make them more than the day before she needed them last time. I couldn't do them yesterday so this morning was the day. I made them the same as the red soap I made last week, I will still never understand how you can mix clear fragrance and creamy soap and come up with red soap, I never use colorants so it is nice to be able to have the red. I guess the red will just always be cinnamon apple. I am hoping to only make about 5 or 10 fragrances from here on out. I actually have to sort through the soap closet and french mill a lot of it. It is all nice and dry so will make nice rebatched, or french milled, for selling this summer. I have a lot of nice plain oatmeal goat milk and a few other nice bars I will keep the way they are but I have digressed. Cubbie was excited to help me this morning. She got to help a little with the oil weighing and the milk weighing but not the lye. She especially likes the cinnamon apple smell and is very proud of getting to share with her little friends. I ended up being out of propane so she got to help with the microwave to melt the oils. I traced it in the blender to a nice trace, creamy yellow, then added the scent. It was just starting to turn pink as we were pouring it into the molds. I ended up with gingerbread boys and girls, snowflakes, shells, frogs, turtles, a dolphin, and the bottom of a measuring cup with the last little bit. I covered it with plastic and a towel so it would sponify. We shall see how they come out.
I pray for your faith in Jesus. I pray that you would have a relationship with him, I am not going to pray for your religion or even your Christianity because all of that is works and can come as you grow, or not, I just pray that you accept Jesus into your heart and life. He is the one door to salvation, he is the only part that matters all else is secondary. I pray daily for all that I know to seek the salvation that is Christ Jesus. If you don't know what I am talking about that is fine, just find a Bible and read the gospel( Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) of the new testament. They give you the story of Christ Jesus. Yes, you know the one that Christmas is celebrated in memory of. He is the only one that ever died for you, your sins and more importantly he is the only one that ever died and rose again that you might have life everlasting, God said believe on him and you will have eternal life, John 3:16...... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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