Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Castile or Olive oil soap my first...... Choices come and go, but eventually you reach the final one.....

Yesterday I opened the page for my Soap Making Classes on Facebook, I am hoping to get the word out to people who would really be interested and like to take the classes.  I meant a nice lady at the Library who I didn't know who seemed really interested.   Those are the people I am hoping to reach, most of my friends, that are interested in learning, will probably already know about it.  Some will take it and those who don't will probably just pop in out of the blue and asked me to show them how, which I will enjoy doing because I love sharing anything I do, make or might learn to make.  I don't think God put us on earth to be selfish, he put us here to be a blessing to others and sharing in\s a blessing to the sharee and the sharer.  I included that I was offering to make castile (which is a fancy name for olive oil soap), goat milk soap or alternative liquid soap.  I have made both goat milk and alternative liquid but I had not actually made just olive oil soap.  I decided to make up a batch yesterday.  It turned out very nice so far.  The biggest secret to soap is one is pretty much like making an other and so many people want you to think it is a big mystery.  I think that is one of the aims of my class will be to help the attendees become comfortable with the whole process, from lye to bar.  I actually gave a class a couple years ago and the one person that had been to an other class was surprised I wasn't teaching them to fear the lye and all of the thinks it involved.  Her reaction to my class makes me want to give people the love of soap making with out the fear and myths that surround it.  I hope I can accomplish that.  Maybe teaching yourself has it's advantages, not preconceived fears..... hmmm!

I have one still sick at home, this is also the only day this week with no littles.  I have them two more days and then I will only have them as Nannie, so looking forward to that.  I will be going to the 4th Annual Spring Fling on Saturday.  I have lots of new soap, soaps in a sweater on a rope and around 12 rugs to take.  The girls are going to bake up some pies to donate to the Friends of the Library bake sale.  I don't think you can ever teach community responsibility to young.

This morning I am blessed to live in a village when it comes to taking care of the children in our family.  I have come to a place in my life where taking on extra responsibility for my grandchildren has become limited.  The limitations are some due to age, some due to relationships that are not compatible with doing what your heart might want to and in the end I have my two littles and their childhoods have to come first, so I was unable to assist in the current situation.  I am happy, and blessed, that one of my sisters was able to come forward and due what I could not for two of my grands.  I love them and I love her and the Lord be praised that she could do what Poppie and I can not.  I pray for a good out come because I think that this is the last chance, on top of a mountain of chances given the grands Mom.  I pray the chance is taken and success may rain down but if not, the chances were many and all thrown away it would seem.  I lament and pray for the outcome all around.

I pray today that you live if a village of love.  A village given to you by the Lord Jesus for your good on this earth.  May your friendships and family be the blessing that God intended them to be and may you have accepted the village you were given by God like the salvation he so wants to give you.  It is never to late to accept a gift and salvation is the most import one you will ever be given..... tomorrow. 

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