Yesterday was a nice normal day, well almost, we did start the morning off at a basket ball tourney at 7:30. Booboo's team had made it to the finals the day before and they ended up taking home second place metals. She was so proud, I thought she had done well since she had only been playing basket ball for two weeks of practice. She is a head taller than all the other girls on her team and she made a very good center. She is very good at staying with her girl and rebounding. We had gone to watch Yogie play yesterday but Booboo was drafted into playing with her and her team. They didn't win but they did their best and that is all that we have ever ask of our Ladies. We were done with basket ball and made it to Church by 9:30. It was a nice service and I went back for evening services that was a dvd of the Bill Nye and Ken Ham debate. It was nice to see it and I for the first time was disappointed with a the childhood favorite Bill Nye, I don't think he was a his best, and I don't really think he even listened to Ken Ham as he didn't seem to be addressing any of the points that Ken Ham put forth. I did like Ken Ham, but then again I am one of those Creationists that believe that God can and did create the world by speaking it in to being. God can do anything so a 6 day creation is something I believe, and that is called Faith. "In the beginning God....." that is also Faith.
I have two cases of strawberries to make into jelly and since I have clear jel I may make some of it into pie filling. I did have time to make some beet soap yesterday but alas it is not red, I even tried a little lemon in it to try and set the color but once it hit the lye it was literally seconds until it was a yellowish orange and after sponification, and since I must have not had full true trace I had to repatch it, so I ended up with light brownish to greyish colored soap; but alas I had scented it shortbread scent so in a funny way it looks like shortbread, well sort of. Poppie did actually got on a walk through the rain forest with us he really was in pain from all the setting so it was very nice of him to do so. It made it seem like maybe we were back on track. This morning we were up at 6 studying the Word of God so we are well and truly back into our lifes routines..... not that God is a routine but the routine studying of his world does make our souls better in line with where God would like us to be.
I am excited to be experimenting with different soaps for my Advanced Soap making Class. I have worked with veggies, not so much fruit but may just to show the reasons why you might not want to but then maybe the beets would be enough. I have oil infusion to work on as examples, spices, teas, and natural colorants. I may have to break down and make one batch with commercial color but then as I am a self described natural soap maker I might just be stubborn and not. I am not sure I can teach what I don't believe in, much like I would not begin to teach devil worship to anyone....
I pray that you are safe and loved in a relationship with the Lord Jesus. I pray if you are not that you have heard the Lord calling and that you was being pricked in the heart to seek his call. I pray for your salvation and hope that you well and truly know that Jesus loves you so much that he gave his life for you. You, might say he did it for all man kind, but no, he did it personally for all (there is a difference) that means to you personally that he died just for you, something that so many, even people who believe already, find hard to imagine. Jesus die for each of us personally, it was our individual sins that made him have to sacrifices and die for us each individually. Please don't let his death for you go unaccepted, today you can accept that precious gift and sacrifice he made just for you and have eternal life.... tomorrow.
I have two cases of strawberries to make into jelly and since I have clear jel I may make some of it into pie filling. I did have time to make some beet soap yesterday but alas it is not red, I even tried a little lemon in it to try and set the color but once it hit the lye it was literally seconds until it was a yellowish orange and after sponification, and since I must have not had full true trace I had to repatch it, so I ended up with light brownish to greyish colored soap; but alas I had scented it shortbread scent so in a funny way it looks like shortbread, well sort of. Poppie did actually got on a walk through the rain forest with us he really was in pain from all the setting so it was very nice of him to do so. It made it seem like maybe we were back on track. This morning we were up at 6 studying the Word of God so we are well and truly back into our lifes routines..... not that God is a routine but the routine studying of his world does make our souls better in line with where God would like us to be.
I am excited to be experimenting with different soaps for my Advanced Soap making Class. I have worked with veggies, not so much fruit but may just to show the reasons why you might not want to but then maybe the beets would be enough. I have oil infusion to work on as examples, spices, teas, and natural colorants. I may have to break down and make one batch with commercial color but then as I am a self described natural soap maker I might just be stubborn and not. I am not sure I can teach what I don't believe in, much like I would not begin to teach devil worship to anyone....
I pray that you are safe and loved in a relationship with the Lord Jesus. I pray if you are not that you have heard the Lord calling and that you was being pricked in the heart to seek his call. I pray for your salvation and hope that you well and truly know that Jesus loves you so much that he gave his life for you. You, might say he did it for all man kind, but no, he did it personally for all (there is a difference) that means to you personally that he died just for you, something that so many, even people who believe already, find hard to imagine. Jesus die for each of us personally, it was our individual sins that made him have to sacrifices and die for us each individually. Please don't let his death for you go unaccepted, today you can accept that precious gift and sacrifice he made just for you and have eternal life.... tomorrow.
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