Yogie and Booboo finished their Awana's program for this school year this week, Poppie went to parents night with them. It was his birthday and I was making him birthday dinner for when he returned home. The girls had had pizza and all sorts of sweet snacks at the event. Boy wanted to know if Poppie was going to have cake but since Poppie didn't want a big fuss for his birthday we didn't, disappointed the kids but sometime Poppie needs quiet and piece. He has had a painful spring and winter, the cold makes him hurt more than normal and he tends to get grouchy. We are hoping that the real spring will come and warm us up, he spends more time in his chair when he hurts and it is time he got to go out and do stuff.
Today we are all going to give the baby goats shots, dewormlng them, wither the one little buckling and hopefully Son will trim their feet. He doesn't like to trim the does feet when they are pregnant, as we throw them on their sides, which make the process easier. He is afraid that might up set their pregnancy's so we don't during them. The first babies are around a month old now, give or take, so time to get the trimming done. Can't wait until the two bums are 2 months old so we can stop bottle feeding them, will give us alot more milk to make soap and cheese with. I finished up a couple orders of Easter Soap and took a couple orders for laundry soaps. Mokie is going to put together a display to take to a local store to see if we can sell them with her, if not their are a couple other store we might try. We will be doing one craft show at the end of May and are in the jury process for a show the end of June. I have been really slacking, being sick for the the last six weeks, on my Internet stores but will be getting the listings done to get back on track. I have the inventory done just haven't kept up like I should on the listings, I have lots of upcycled items to list which will be fun.
Yogie and I are cuddling and watching Sunday School programing, Booboo, M and Buga are sound asleep, still in the living room, overnights tend to wear the little mites out. Yogie's cough is getting worse, similar to mine so she had to come get an early morning hug from mom. It is always special when Yogie comes to get cuddles, it come easy to Booboo, but Yogie is more standoffish with her cuddles so everyone is special and to get a whole morning full is a real treat. I am going back cuddling and enjoying my Sunday..... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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I love your blog Debbie...Keep it up! Your life is really special and your are one amazing woman..proud to call you my friend...Lots of Love, Muriah