The spring concert the girls and their classmates had worked all spring on took place yesterday at 2 o'clock sharp, well sort of, the children were dressed in their Easter finest. They were all excited to share their wonderful songs with us. The teacher had planned out the songs as a trip around the world, they sang Irish and English ditty's, a french lullaby, and a Japanese song that they had to work hard at. They sang their first public round. We were enjoying their serenading when Poppie's phone began to buzz in his pocket. He usually doesn't carry it at the school so was kind of shocked that it rang. He answered it and Mokie's little tiny goat had had a baby.
She had been sickly in the fall and we had put her in with my little buckling that was sickly as well. They were both struggling and we never thought about them being old enough or well enough to bred. Well we were wrong and a 2 0'clock sharp, sort of, she gave birth to a very tiny preemie buckling, Mokie had to help pull him, her first by herself. He looks just like his dad but with ears. So he looks like a tiny little saanen. He has no teeth on the bottom, but they should be in in a few days so he is a little premature. His momma didn't want anything to do with him and ignored him for the first 20 minutes, Mokie cleaned him up and dried him off, when he finally started to make noise and tried to stand his young mother started to peak at him with a little interest but not much. I came home from the concert, after the girls were done singing, and he was just standing up. I held his momma while Mokie helped him nurse, she didn't have much but he happily drank it. I gave Mokie some colostrum that I had frozen to help him get by until his mom got more milk.
I was just in the house from all the excitement when a friend of mine, that breeds doxie's, called. She had had a litter in March and one of the little females doesn't quite walk right so she can't sell her and doesn't have the time to mother her. She had offered to give it away last week and she had three takers but the other two fell through so I got to have her. She is the cutest little liver colored beautiful evenly marked girl. We named her Sadie, her gate is more a squiggly squirm than a walk. My friend was not sure if she got stepped on or maybe it is genetic. I looked on the Internet and it maybe a disc problem the doxie's have but either way she will be loved as long as she has quality of life. She is happy and totally lovable and enjoys just being a puppy so far. She isn't in any pain so we will see.
Today is going to be cold so maybe Poppie can rest up from the greenhouse making, building always hurts him if he does too much at once, which is more than a couple hours, and he likes to do more so always pays for it with days of pain.... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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Love the story. So inspiring. Hope you could make goat milk soap out of it. :))