We had a long day in Zootown, Yogie was in the dentist chair about an hour and a half, her progress is coming along well, they have made phenomenal change in her mouth. They put in a small appliance that is supposed to turn one of her front teeth, it should cause her pain as it is an aggressive modification to her mouth. She was a little cranky last night. She has to work a little harder on her brushing she seems to go through cycles of great brushing then shear rebellion on her routine. She is not allowed to eat popcorn either. She got a gift certificate to an earring store for her work on her teeth, so far, so that was fun. We will have to have a girlie day trip so she can spend it.
We picked up the pool and the roofing. Now if it would stop raining we could both of them up. No point in putting up a pool in the rain, and too rainy to put the roofing up. We picked the hay up at 9 and by the time we were back to the hay store at 1 all 15 tons that they had gotten in were gone. The rain seems to be causing a shortage in hay this spring. The prices have also gone up. The neighbor bough 4 bales from us for the little goat, Dessert, now Yoda, that they bought from us. He got lonely by himself this week, as we told them he would, they borrowed one of Mokie's withers to visit with him and they made a deal with us to buy Pokaspot when she is 2 months old the end of the month. This spring the goat crop is actually starting to help pay for their feed. I sold 2 bucks, 1 wither and one doeling, so that is a good start. I hope to sell a bunch of does in the spring, if I can actually breed more doelings next spring. I am sure I will have buckling and withers as well. We have decided to train both Rootbeer and Clover to lead, the first step toward making pack goats.
I woke up and started making shorties at 4 this morning, I couldn't sleep. I got an actually message from the Made Fair that I will get in, I just have to fill out the app and send in the fees. I now have to work hard on getting enough items to sell, Twin advised me that I should have 4 times what I think I can sell. She said when your inventory looks low the buyers don't really look at your items. This is going to be so different from any of the shows I have ever done, I am usually in a different set of buyers. I am usually selling antlers and art, I know in this economy that luxury items don't sell so I started actively trying to sell more necessity items, IE the soap, and hopefully my upcycled and redesigned items. The selling concept is a little different than any I have ever done before, so have to figure out how to be accepted as a seller by the other sellers. I have to figure out how to price the items which is the scariest part of the whole thing. I will just have to wrap my brain around a new game plan, I guess, I have always been a fast learner so I hope I can get this down soon.
I have never seen the "Simple Life" with Paris Hilton, but I have read some of the gossip from it. I don't know how she could have done anything that was truly a simple life by the media I seen and read about her, I think that Me and Mine live the simple life and the two concept could not possibly be more polar opposite if we tried, just saying..... tomorrow.
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