We ended up with a nice looking booth at the MADE Fair. Carolynn, the chairman of the MADE Fair and Twin's boss lent me another clothes wrack. That was very nice, and helped my clothes have more room and a nicer look. We had alot of traffic especially right after church. I sold several items, and some soaps, got good feedback on my upcycled items and the soaps. I gave out several business cards what may bring in a few more sales. I do know that sales at craft shows, like sales on the Internet are a great deal based on the networks you establish with you clientele in the longer term. I do well in the area I live in, at this point, the clients know and trust me. I have had a love hate relationship with the Zootown area for years. I am at this point glad I did the MADE Fair and may try to get into the December one and hope the Christmas sales will be better. I do know that I have to list and further cultivate my Internet sales on Etsy, Ebay and further develop my blog pages. The feedback was terrific even if the sales were slow. I spoke to other vendors and some had great sales and some didn't make their booth rent so hit and miss with them as well, I did make the booth rent so that was a relief. Mokie and I bought both families burgers at Burger King on the way home. My lovely, Poppie, had made dinner and feed the girls so that was nice, and now we have cold bugers to heat up.
This morning, Mokie, Cubbie, Booboo, Yogie and I are going to a fiber goat and alpaca farm about 35 miles away. We are taking Herbalist with us, she is the one looking at the Alpacas, we are just hoping to get a fiber goat. We are debating on a cashmere, an angora or a Cashgora. The owner of the fiber goats stopped by at the MADE Fair to meet us yesterday. She seemed like a nice lady, she again was another crazy goat lady, knew and had purchased goats from my friend, Barbara the crazy goat lady from Florence. Goat world is sort of small in our area after all. She told me that Angora were the most fragile of the three when it came to birthing baby goats. The Cashmere's have the softest fiber but shortest fiber of the three, the angoras have the longest a little more course, the Cashgoras are nice combo of the two and births baby more like the Cashmere, which is more hardy than the angoras. She advise she has manly white ones left, I actually like white goats the best, the Boers are mainly white. I told her my friend Barbara has AI ( which is the ability to artificially inseminate) for angoras so breeding the goat would not be a problem. I could also breed with the Boers and still have a nice coat in the babies as Boers have nice thick coats. I think in the end I will get the biggest of the three breeds as the goat will have to mix with my herd, and the fiber is going to be nice either way, but the goat will need to be big enough to adapt to the other goats and not be hurt.
We are leaving at 9ish, I think we will take the girls, they need an out as much as I do, and they would love to see the baby alpacas. The lady has dogs that are a little mean but she promised to confine the worst of the lot. I think the joy the girls would have will out way the possibility of the dogs behavior. I also think they will want to help pick the goat.
I am going to take it easy the rest of the afternoon, I do have to clean up my studio and move things around to get ready for the spinning and roving equipment from Herbalist but that should be fun for me and the ladies. I am going to let them paint on one of the walls in the studio, I am going to move a book shelf up on to their studio table so there will be room for a mural. Booboo is very artist as is Yogie to a lesser degree. I think the studio is ready for some tender loving care after all the bum animals and baby birds this spring. I also have a carving order to finish up.
Coffee to drink, truck to unpack and a road trip, so a nice day to come..... tomorrow.
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