Monday, July 11, 2011

Booboo was sick all night, She is sure its the Pop.

We got a call from Herbalist to come out and pick out our goat, her yearling had two beautiful babies this morning and her other yearling had had two the day before. I was a little puzzled as I didn't think she owed me a goat, but she was sure she did, not being one to look a gift goat in the mouth we went out to see her babies.  They were all beautiful. We picked out a lovely girl that was cream color and should become a dark cream soda color when she is grown.  The girls and I helped her name this years crop, this is a T year at her house.  We thought of Tazzy, Tally, Tomalie, Tansy, Tiannna, and Thelma after my grandmother.  I helped her dig out a pig trough that she was giving to Son so we loaded it to bring home.  She had the girls go with her to the house to get some money she owed Son for a wooden trough he had made her.  They came back with a 20 she had given them for "helping her name goats" and said they could buy them some lunch.  She really adores childern and has 12 biological and adopted childer. We said our good byes, after Poppie had made arrangements with Professor to go do some Kabota work for them later in the week. 

We drove over the back road, where Kelly had been killed in our community, we didn't go up the road where is occured just on the main road past it.  The girls aren't aware of her passing, as they didn't know her, so weren't affected by the ride. I was not affected like I thought I would be, I was glad we didn't go to the specific place, but I felt more of the calm I usually felt there so was glad I couldn't feel the trauma and violence of the event in the land. We spoted some good wood to go collect, which is closer to the house so wouldn't take a trailer to get it.  We saw lovely wild floweres, felt the call of Gods magnificent forests.

We had promised the girls that if we got out of the woods before 3 they could get burgers at the restruant where we get pig slop left overs for our sow.  We made it so we let them go in and purchase the burgers all by themselves. We stayed in the car and the girls proudly went in and made their purchases successfully.  We went home and found Mokie in our house. Several of her little goats have been sickly lately and we think it was a combination of heat from no shade in their pen, with the new heatwave after a cold spring, and a goat that was bulling them.   The bully is going to go to New Mamma, as she is too small to go back in with any of our bigger goats but won't be nice to the weanlings.  New Mamma's goat will do well with her so that was a good fix.  We gave the one baby kefir and goats milk hoping to give her a boast. We put them in one of my pens that is shaded all day.  The littlest one died, the other two should be on the mend. We put the fiber babies with them as companions.  I think we will bring over the two little withers today. One of them may be sold so I will get the other one as a goat for slaughter in the spring. Mokie was upset, she had been working alot and hadn't seen the goats for a couple days.  I told her that with a goat you have to pay attention daily, they go down hill fast when they do get sick.  She was upset at her loss but will have learned a valubale lesson when all is said and done. Sometimes the painful lessons teach us the most.

After dinner and the goats were cared for, milking done and we were settling down for the evening, Booboo got sick, she was sick or sleeping all evening.  She continued threw the night.  She is sure it was the pop she had had as a treat, it was the first she had since being sick in May.  I am really actually getting worried about her, Poppie is sick too so maybe just another bug, but she has never gotten sick like she has this spring.  Last time she got dehydrated and had to go to the hosptial.  Poppie is going to go get her pepto and we are keeping her full of fluids. I hope this passes quickly if not maybe I should have her looked at by a specialist as she has been a little of since she was sick the first time.... tomorrow.

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