Sister came down and we talk a long time about Mom, she and family came to Sisters on Monday, stayed about 15 minutes, and left. Sister's daughter brought her new baby out special to meet mom, dad and the girls. Mom basically blowed her off and they left. Sister and I love our mom but it is sure hard to deal with her issues sometimes. She wouldn't even stop to see me and my family. I still have no idea what it is that I am supposed to have done this time to make her mad. Can you cause that much trouble when you haven't spoken of, spoken to or spoken about some one. The bottom line is that mom can't love more than one kid at a time and she is "in love' with Drama Queen's money just now. I really wished some time I had the mom that people see looking in from the outside. You don't know how many people tell me how lucky I am to have her. And in some ways I am, but they don't know the reality of our lives, we as a family put the best face forward and no one has a clue of the reality of my mom. I know that I have tried to be the mom people believe my mom to be and in many ways I have succeeded but it is hard work. Anything worth having is hard work. I do know that I have an adult relationships with my adult kids, I don't try to run their lives, I don't consider them the enemy if they don't agree with me on every issue. I taught them to have thoughts of their own, I taught them to stand up and be good people. I taught them to take responsibility for their success and their failure. They have to do with it what they will, as adults, but they have knowledge. All things I had to learn the hard way as my mother never taught me any of those things because she doesn't know how to do any of them and hides from them. Oh to have the mother people think I have. I always say thank you for saying so when they tell me how lovely she is, they have the right to their perception no matter how miss guided it may be, is that wrong?

Sister and Brother went for a ride in the Jaunty car this evening and invited the girls to go along. The Jaunty Car is 1920's dodge that Brother restored. It is a convertible and looks like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, in a way, but they call it the Jaunty car after the car in the Gnome Mobile. The kids have always loved it and they take great delight when they are invited to go in it. They went for a long ride on the back roads the trip was about 30 miles long. They had a great time.
Mokie and Son went to help Professor and Herbalist get hay so Cubbie and Boy are at their grandparents for the evening. It is the first time they have gotten to go stay with them so I hope it goes well. The grandparents ask alotfoccocia's and maybe small pizza's. also new, tomorrow. We do enjoy our baking time together so time to get started..... tomorrow.
Yeah... I agree... I think that Booboo does seam a little off. Even though she was not puking or anything on our drive. She didn't really seam herself. Very calm/quiet... low energy... which in itself goes along with most intestinal issues. But she very much enjoyed the wind in her face, and did not want a jacket on. She seamed to want to feel the coolness of the air. Sis