Poppie spent the afternoon making rabbit feeders and waterers. We hadn't had time to order feeders and waterers so Poppie upcycled some. I am so proud of his ingenuity. He dug through my kitchen garbage and fished out some vegetable cans. He got out his tin snips, washed the cans and removed all the paper, then went to snipping. He fashioned the cutest litte tabs to secure the feeders and the waters to the cages so the rabbits wouldn't spill the food and water out. He soon had them all cut out to his liking and then went out to the cages and secured them in. He filled them up and the rabbits looked at them as if to say what are those? and why are those in my new cool cage? The first one, who was braver than the others stepped forward to check them out. She saw her food and went to eating. The others soon joined in and all are happy with their new feeders. We will see how they work out before I decide if I need to order some, but they seem to be doing the job just great. We have decide we may make nesting boxes that are in the bottoms of the cages sort of a hole in the ground so to speak. That way we don't take up space in their cages, we can close them off when they are not nesting and they will be permanent and not something we have to take in and out. Poppie is now figuring out how to make my idea a reality, that is how most of our ideas come about or we bounce ideas back and forth and come up with a shared idea, either way Poppie ends up building them. He is good at fabricating something out of nothing, or what most people would see as nothing, king of upcycling in ways.
My cold is getting a little bit better but I coughed and pulled a muscle so am sore, now it is much harder to cough as I don't want it to hurt, more than normal that is, if I crouch forward and take the pressure off the muscles it doesn't hurt as bad. The less I cough the better. I am done whining now. Bubbie went back to the doctor, she is still early in the process, her lungs are a little worse, she is taking nubulizer treatments every six hours. She still may end up in the hospital, she is happy, alert and eating just her little lungs are clogged up and she has a terrible cough. She is much like the rest of us but it is only dangerous in the very young. She won't be two months until the 9th so it is very dangerous for her. Prayers for our baby are needed.
Booboo is still not going to school this morning, her cough is a little better, her tummy is still giving her fits but that is more her normal than being sick. We are going to have to go back in to see what is going on with her. I am hoping it doesn't turn out to be precursors to colitis, ulcerated colitis or chrohns. It seems to be almost hereditary in the family on some levels. My sister, nephew, and both older daughters have one or the other of these. It still seems to be set off mostly by chemicals in the diet. We are careful not to have any obvious ones in our diet, so when she is set off we have to dig to figure out where the upset came from. We sometimes find a chemical sources we didn't know of before or they were away from the house and had something we didn't provide. Maybe the NyQuil could have set her off, that might just be the culprit this time. She has taken the pepto and is starting to get better. Have a great day and remember to praise the Lord for you blessings and trials, they all make you a better person and who you are... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Cottontail, PinkyPie, Marshmallow and Whitey, come to Nannyland.
Professor called us when he was in Dillon to make arrangements for us to pick up the rabbits when they arrived home. We ended up getting all new bunnies, he will be keeping his older stock, he picked up ours and 6 additional rabbits for himself. They were born in October, the male, and in November, all three females. They all have wonderful pedigrees, not that that was important to me but it was to the Professor. He wanted us to have good stock. I will keep track of their breeding and makes sure not to take away from the work he went to to make sure we have good rabbits. I will be able to breed any second generation rabbits, we decide to keep, with his males, so that is good. None of my rabbits are related so that is good. They are all beautiful white bunnies, that is the best kind to have for meat rabbits. I am reading up on the ins and outs of raising rabbits. We are close to deciding to not raise chickens, I can't seem to make them lay eggs consistently all year, they do wonderful in the spring, summer and then in the fall they molt and stop laying until spring. It's not a real problem but the cost of keeping them with out getting eggs to off set the cost of the feed is hard to justify. We never actually break even on the food when they are laying so when they aren't it is costly. I am thinking we are going to focus on putting the same money in the goats and rabbits. We can justify the cost with the meat we will get. Both are low fat and low cholesterol, very healthy meat. We get to decide what is in our diets, oh and the pigs as well. They are not as healthy but we still get to know what we are eating.
The girls got to name their bunnies, officially they all have tattoos in their ears so they will not be mixed up. Booboo chose Marshmallow, and Yogie wanted PinkyPie. I named mine Cottontail, I just love that story from my childhood, and Whitey a no brainer nickname from my childhood. We are really excited about having them. We will get to have them a little while before they are old enough to breed. From what I read a good female rabbit, on average, can produce 36 good fryers a year. Professor went out of his way to make sure that these bunnies had above average litters, I think it will be fun to have them. We may sell a few bunnies but we are going to focus on the meat. Son raised bunnies as a kid and he particularly likes the burger made from them, I am thinking I may be able to to time butchering right with the withers and have mixed burgers and summer sausages. It will be fun to experiment. I am glad to start a new learning experience with the Ladies but still give them new friends to love. All the bunnies are very friendly and love to be handled, that was one advantage over the older ones that Professor had. He thought in the long run that the girls would like to hold and cuddle the rabbits which the older ones didn't like. Poppie is taking the bunnies off of my kitchen table, where they spent the night, and putting them in her new digs. He finished their cages up after the Professor called him from Dillon. Have a great day, take time to enjoy you life if you don't who will..... tomorrow.
The girls got to name their bunnies, officially they all have tattoos in their ears so they will not be mixed up. Booboo chose Marshmallow, and Yogie wanted PinkyPie. I named mine Cottontail, I just love that story from my childhood, and Whitey a no brainer nickname from my childhood. We are really excited about having them. We will get to have them a little while before they are old enough to breed. From what I read a good female rabbit, on average, can produce 36 good fryers a year. Professor went out of his way to make sure that these bunnies had above average litters, I think it will be fun to have them. We may sell a few bunnies but we are going to focus on the meat. Son raised bunnies as a kid and he particularly likes the burger made from them, I am thinking I may be able to to time butchering right with the withers and have mixed burgers and summer sausages. It will be fun to experiment. I am glad to start a new learning experience with the Ladies but still give them new friends to love. All the bunnies are very friendly and love to be handled, that was one advantage over the older ones that Professor had. He thought in the long run that the girls would like to hold and cuddle the rabbits which the older ones didn't like. Poppie is taking the bunnies off of my kitchen table, where they spent the night, and putting them in her new digs. He finished their cages up after the Professor called him from Dillon. Have a great day, take time to enjoy you life if you don't who will..... tomorrow.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Lazy morning, Professor called last night, Faith, have you taken the leap?
We slept in this morning, the girls started trickling in about 8, both played computer learning games. Poppie says I am to stay in bed, I am trying but not sure I will make it all day. Yogie is making 10 grain cooked cereal for us, well not Poppie he doesn't eat nuts and twigs. I am hoping Yogie will read her book to me later that will help me stay in bed. Booboo may as well, that would be nice.
The Professor called Poppie last night after we were abed. He was in Idaho on his way home from his sisters funeral. She was his younger sister and she lost her battle with cancer. I has been hard on him. Poppie wondered why, Professor had called him and I told him I think he just needed to talk to his friend. They have become quite close over the last few months. Poppie I don't think knew he was needed by the Professor until then. I something find it funny how Poppie is not good at reading that kind of thing because so many people find Poppie to have compassion and are drawn to him. I am truly blessed by God that he gave me Poppie to share my life.
The Professor is bringing the originally rabbits that the girls were to have so that is good, Poppie hadn't gotten the cage down and maybe that was God's plan that the girls would have the other rabbits. Professor was worried the one of the does might be mean so he in the end wanted them to have the younger new rabbits. It was so nice of him to have his thoughts on them in his hour of sorrow. I pray that his pain lessens and he keeps the memory of his dear sister close to his heart.
I often wonder if we follow our faith where God wants us to go with it. Does your faith have the strength to do what God asks you to do? Do we follow it where he leads us? Did you ever take a leap that you didn't understand but knew that that path was where God wanted you to go? Does your faith have the strength to know that God will always provide even if you can't see the end result? God always knows where he wants you to go and always knows the end result you just have to know, by faith, that God is the authority in your life and he will never let you fall. Have you ever taken a leap of faith? I have, I know that God is king of my life and knows where I am to end up, it was one of the best things I ever did in my life, no, the best.... tomorrow.
The Professor called Poppie last night after we were abed. He was in Idaho on his way home from his sisters funeral. She was his younger sister and she lost her battle with cancer. I has been hard on him. Poppie wondered why, Professor had called him and I told him I think he just needed to talk to his friend. They have become quite close over the last few months. Poppie I don't think knew he was needed by the Professor until then. I something find it funny how Poppie is not good at reading that kind of thing because so many people find Poppie to have compassion and are drawn to him. I am truly blessed by God that he gave me Poppie to share my life.
The Professor is bringing the originally rabbits that the girls were to have so that is good, Poppie hadn't gotten the cage down and maybe that was God's plan that the girls would have the other rabbits. Professor was worried the one of the does might be mean so he in the end wanted them to have the younger new rabbits. It was so nice of him to have his thoughts on them in his hour of sorrow. I pray that his pain lessens and he keeps the memory of his dear sister close to his heart.
I often wonder if we follow our faith where God wants us to go with it. Does your faith have the strength to do what God asks you to do? Do we follow it where he leads us? Did you ever take a leap that you didn't understand but knew that that path was where God wanted you to go? Does your faith have the strength to know that God will always provide even if you can't see the end result? God always knows where he wants you to go and always knows the end result you just have to know, by faith, that God is the authority in your life and he will never let you fall. Have you ever taken a leap of faith? I have, I know that God is king of my life and knows where I am to end up, it was one of the best things I ever did in my life, no, the best.... tomorrow.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Butterfly and Flower spent the night, Herbalist dropped in, busy night.
Poppie treated us to burgers, Poppie always has the Swiss mushroom, the girls cheese burgers and I get the havinara burger. The owner of the restaurant always makes mine and makes it really hot. She takes pride it making it hot enough for me, her husband sadly never makes it hot enough so she makes it and rubs it in. Kind of a contest so to speak. The girls invited Butterfly and Flower over to play on the computers then went up to their house for awhile, in the end they all came down and had a slumber party. All had a great time.
Herbalist and her son stopped by, she loved all my Upluk designs. I had originally got some of my ideas from the slipper socks she makes, I just couldn't see why they couldn't be knitted on rather than knitted then slip stitched to the bottom. Lady Hero heard my struggles on how to make soles for exterior use and gave me a great idea. Why can't I get old shoes from the thrift store and upcycle them for my purposes. I thought that was a wonderful idea. I do so love when my friends contribute to my ideas. I have a pair of Yogie's shoes, that Mishka chewed up this week, well one shoe, but the others was pretty much useless with out it's mate, so win win I have soles to try out Lady Hero's idea. yay. Well, the shoe was gone anyway so no point in crying and it gave me something to play with. I did find ones to buy on line as well, but if I can upcycle that is so much better. I will be trying to make the first pair today, I will post photos when I am done..
I am still sick, Poppie is mad at me and says that I went outside and made myself sicker, I am not sure being out of the house 4 days ago counts as going outside and making myself sicker. I have finished my bottle of NyQuil, so need another. Bubbie had to go to the hospital yesterday and was diagnosed with RSV and has to have a nebulizer, I hope and pray she gets through this quickly, they caught it early and the treatments of the nebulizer helps alot.
Girls surfing the net and waiting for my computer so it can be two to a computer so have a great day and remember to enjoy you life it is the only one you get on this earth..... tomorrow.
Herbalist and her son stopped by, she loved all my Upluk designs. I had originally got some of my ideas from the slipper socks she makes, I just couldn't see why they couldn't be knitted on rather than knitted then slip stitched to the bottom. Lady Hero heard my struggles on how to make soles for exterior use and gave me a great idea. Why can't I get old shoes from the thrift store and upcycle them for my purposes. I thought that was a wonderful idea. I do so love when my friends contribute to my ideas. I have a pair of Yogie's shoes, that Mishka chewed up this week, well one shoe, but the others was pretty much useless with out it's mate, so win win I have soles to try out Lady Hero's idea. yay. Well, the shoe was gone anyway so no point in crying and it gave me something to play with. I did find ones to buy on line as well, but if I can upcycle that is so much better. I will be trying to make the first pair today, I will post photos when I am done..
I am still sick, Poppie is mad at me and says that I went outside and made myself sicker, I am not sure being out of the house 4 days ago counts as going outside and making myself sicker. I have finished my bottle of NyQuil, so need another. Bubbie had to go to the hospital yesterday and was diagnosed with RSV and has to have a nebulizer, I hope and pray she gets through this quickly, they caught it early and the treatments of the nebulizer helps alot.
Girls surfing the net and waiting for my computer so it can be two to a computer so have a great day and remember to enjoy you life it is the only one you get on this earth..... tomorrow.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I love little town, should helping people really require a pee test? How sad.
I have had the fortune to have spent almost my entire life in small town America, I don't really count Winslow as a small town or I would say I spent my whole life in a small town. I know that some would say that the 10,000 people that lived there is the late 60's made it still a small town but it was culture shock for me, not a small town and come on people, it was the late 60's and on route 66. It was not a small town, ok, I digressed. Anyway, I have been blessed to live in small towns for a life time.
Small towns have a charm that big cities lack, well I would have to say that was a guess as I have no really knowledge of living in a city, but I have visited them and not wanted to take up root in one. I know that in a small town, I have never had to fear the night, I have never felt the need to not allow my children to walk to the store, or into the store alone. I can't always buy everything I need but what I can has been on someones mind as a necessity I might need and they provided it. We have a grocery, a pharmacy, a feed store, a lumber store, and a hardware. We have restaurants, Churches, Schools, and bars. We have lovely little shops where a hard working independent entrepreneur has set up their wares for us to see and enjoy. We have a farmers market, where the lady that established it loves our community and works hard to make sure all the vendors have a great day and get to share their wares, she allows lots of items from the community, please not yard sale stuff. I love my little town.
I live where not one person would step over my body on their way to doing something more important. I live where almost everyone knows me, knows my business and has gossiped about it. I am not talking about the malicious mean gossips but the ones that talked about me because they cared, oh, I know their are the mean cruel ones gossiping as well but do I really care, I can't do anything about that so why try. I know that those same people who care about me would come to my aide if I needed them. I can walk to town and 6 people stop and ask me if I need a ride. I would and could get a ride with anyone of them but I am walking for my health. If I ran out of gas or had a flat, I would not have to worry someone who cares about me would come along and help me out. I have never had to call a tow truck some one always sees my need and helps me get my vehicle home. I love to volunteer in my community and have at numerous of our many establishments, the help line, the thrift store, the office of Public services, and all took me in and were just glad that I was there. I can still walk down the street in my town, smile and say hi to all I meet and they will happily reply in kind. I know my kids one and all had a great place to live and grow up.
I do know that life in a small town may not be like living in a big city or large town and don't really care to find out the difference. I do know that human nature in a big town is probably similar to the over all human nature of a small town; it is just that more things happen in a big city that need addressed and the family atmosphere some how gets lost as people are required to be more cautious and protect themselves, their kids and they things. One of the things about human nature that I do know, first hand, is that alot of the people on "welfare" or food stamps or need the food bank never thought that they would be in that position. More than once in years past, when we had to be on unemployment, we had to go to the food stamp office for help. I have also actually volunteered there. I do know one thing about 80 to 90 percent of the people that find themselves asking for help are embarrassed, they never thought they would be in that position, they are only there because they can't feed their kids and have no where else to turn. I can't imagine being in such despair and need then having some one accuse me of being on drugs. I can't imagine the complete humiliation of someone handing me a cup to pee in. I know that alot
Small towns have a charm that big cities lack, well I would have to say that was a guess as I have no really knowledge of living in a city, but I have visited them and not wanted to take up root in one. I know that in a small town, I have never had to fear the night, I have never felt the need to not allow my children to walk to the store, or into the store alone. I can't always buy everything I need but what I can has been on someones mind as a necessity I might need and they provided it. We have a grocery, a pharmacy, a feed store, a lumber store, and a hardware. We have restaurants, Churches, Schools, and bars. We have lovely little shops where a hard working independent entrepreneur has set up their wares for us to see and enjoy. We have a farmers market, where the lady that established it loves our community and works hard to make sure all the vendors have a great day and get to share their wares, she allows lots of items from the community, please not yard sale stuff. I love my little town.
I live where not one person would step over my body on their way to doing something more important. I live where almost everyone knows me, knows my business and has gossiped about it. I am not talking about the malicious mean gossips but the ones that talked about me because they cared, oh, I know their are the mean cruel ones gossiping as well but do I really care, I can't do anything about that so why try. I know that those same people who care about me would come to my aide if I needed them. I can walk to town and 6 people stop and ask me if I need a ride. I would and could get a ride with anyone of them but I am walking for my health. If I ran out of gas or had a flat, I would not have to worry someone who cares about me would come along and help me out. I have never had to call a tow truck some one always sees my need and helps me get my vehicle home. I love to volunteer in my community and have at numerous of our many establishments, the help line, the thrift store, the office of Public services, and all took me in and were just glad that I was there. I can still walk down the street in my town, smile and say hi to all I meet and they will happily reply in kind. I know my kids one and all had a great place to live and grow up.
I do know that life in a small town may not be like living in a big city or large town and don't really care to find out the difference. I do know that human nature in a big town is probably similar to the over all human nature of a small town; it is just that more things happen in a big city that need addressed and the family atmosphere some how gets lost as people are required to be more cautious and protect themselves, their kids and they things. One of the things about human nature that I do know, first hand, is that alot of the people on "welfare" or food stamps or need the food bank never thought that they would be in that position. More than once in years past, when we had to be on unemployment, we had to go to the food stamp office for help. I have also actually volunteered there. I do know one thing about 80 to 90 percent of the people that find themselves asking for help are embarrassed, they never thought they would be in that position, they are only there because they can't feed their kids and have no where else to turn. I can't imagine being in such despair and need then having some one accuse me of being on drugs. I can't imagine the complete humiliation of someone handing me a cup to pee in. I know that alot
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thank heavens for NyQuil, Poppie treated, I am still hibernating.
I manage to finish up two sets of Upluks yesterday. spent the day on the couch with Mokies brood running amok and didn't really care that they were making a mess. I did have to have Bubbie under my wing as Mokie surfed the net. Bubbie seems to have a little cough of her own. We commiserated together, ok, enough whining, though I plan to start out the day with NyQuil as well as ending it with it. Poppie treated me and bought me a bottle, he and Yogie made dinner, ok, I had to plan it but they made it. Yogie is stepping up a lot lately and trying her wings at making lunches for the kids and wanting to make dinner. Lovely child.
Today is AWANA's the girls are excited, snow kept them from it last week. I know that the commander will do right by them and they will have the Love of God at their sides. I will also have a long day to nap and hibernate, ok, so I am not that good at napping but sitting on the couch and knitting may count, oh, and NyQuil helps make the napping more of a possibility. The girls will be gone until 6 ish.
Poppie has to go help Herbalist today, Professor's dear sister has passed away and he had to go to Utah on an emergency visit to be with his family. He will be back on Monday. Poppie will go out and help her out this morning, her son is visiting her as well so she will be in good hands. Poppie is hoping to get the rabbit hutches done tomorrow and maybe pick up the rabbits after the Professor is back.
I surfed the net last night and found cuttible soling that I am going to order for the outside Upluk Mukluks I want to make, I can also order pre-cut soles, a little more expensive, as well. I am thinking if I end up going with the pre-cut soles and maybe the cuttible soles as well, that all of the outdoor ones may be special order only as the expense would make them hard to just make generically. We will see maybe they will be something that people like enough to just make, who knows. Can't wait to make them up. I do so love a project in it''s development. I really like the Upluks series and thing it will be one of my keep crafts, not just a one year craft.
Coffee and NyQuil, what a way to start the day..... tomorrow.
Today is AWANA's the girls are excited, snow kept them from it last week. I know that the commander will do right by them and they will have the Love of God at their sides. I will also have a long day to nap and hibernate, ok, so I am not that good at napping but sitting on the couch and knitting may count, oh, and NyQuil helps make the napping more of a possibility. The girls will be gone until 6 ish.
Poppie has to go help Herbalist today, Professor's dear sister has passed away and he had to go to Utah on an emergency visit to be with his family. He will be back on Monday. Poppie will go out and help her out this morning, her son is visiting her as well so she will be in good hands. Poppie is hoping to get the rabbit hutches done tomorrow and maybe pick up the rabbits after the Professor is back.
I surfed the net last night and found cuttible soling that I am going to order for the outside Upluk Mukluks I want to make, I can also order pre-cut soles, a little more expensive, as well. I am thinking if I end up going with the pre-cut soles and maybe the cuttible soles as well, that all of the outdoor ones may be special order only as the expense would make them hard to just make generically. We will see maybe they will be something that people like enough to just make, who knows. Can't wait to make them up. I do so love a project in it''s development. I really like the Upluks series and thing it will be one of my keep crafts, not just a one year craft.
Coffee and NyQuil, what a way to start the day..... tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I got to go to CAKLS, I hate the regifted cold I am getting. Good feedback.
I got to go to CAKLS, I know I miss it when I can't go but going made me miss is so much more. I got to talk with my friends that I hadn't seen for awhile. IrishGirl and I got to catch up. I got to share Bubbie with the ladies, she anointed Shorts, threw up all over her. We all agreed it would not be the last time a baby threw up on her. She snuggled Bubbie and Bubbie just cuddled in and loved it. Two more friends asked to have a cuddle, so Bubbie got taken down the hall to visit with an old friend, I guess for Bubbie it would have been a new introduction. I got to share my Upluk Mukluks, and got good feed back on them, my preliminary price was with in what they thought reasonable, or a little less so that was good.
I had bad cramps all night so didn't sleep really well, or at all, I will be slow and tired all day. I am getting the girls cold and cough, not happy about that, just get rid of one bout and the next arrives, I do hate the revolving door of sickness that little kids bring. I am hoping to get Poppie to pick me up something for it today. Yogie was home yesterday but will be going back to school today, Booboo is still coughing about the same as me so may still be home today.
I am going to hibernate as much as possible today, knit on Upluks, and maybe make up a pair of bigger Upluk Mukluks. I surfed the net while I couldn't sleep and may have come up with sole material for making pairs that could go out side so that is a fun concept to explore. I have some antler work to do but probably not today, I did get the rattlesnake fixed and one coat of spray on it, needs one more coat then I can ship it. I donated it for a silent auction for a lady with ovarian cancer, so sad, I think the lady is very young. I am starting to get ready for the Libraries Spring fling, second annual, have to figure out what to donate to the silent auction there. The ladies are great and do so much for the kids in our community every year. Have a great day and remember to give back to your community if you were ever benefited by it, or not, really?, just give it does so much for the soul. ...... tomorrow.
I had bad cramps all night so didn't sleep really well, or at all, I will be slow and tired all day. I am getting the girls cold and cough, not happy about that, just get rid of one bout and the next arrives, I do hate the revolving door of sickness that little kids bring. I am hoping to get Poppie to pick me up something for it today. Yogie was home yesterday but will be going back to school today, Booboo is still coughing about the same as me so may still be home today.
I am going to hibernate as much as possible today, knit on Upluks, and maybe make up a pair of bigger Upluk Mukluks. I surfed the net while I couldn't sleep and may have come up with sole material for making pairs that could go out side so that is a fun concept to explore. I have some antler work to do but probably not today, I did get the rattlesnake fixed and one coat of spray on it, needs one more coat then I can ship it. I donated it for a silent auction for a lady with ovarian cancer, so sad, I think the lady is very young. I am starting to get ready for the Libraries Spring fling, second annual, have to figure out what to donate to the silent auction there. The ladies are great and do so much for the kids in our community every year. Have a great day and remember to give back to your community if you were ever benefited by it, or not, really?, just give it does so much for the soul. ...... tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Kids today, unplanned, Mokie has a busy day ahead, still no rabbits.
I will have a busy day today, will have the kids this morning as Mokie has her postpartum appointment today, and then I was supposed to have the day to myself, not. Mokie told the store she works at she would do fill in but did not want to work a schedule when she quit working to have Bubbie, today she gets released to go back and they are already calling, begging her to work, so she has to work from 2 to 6 today. Booboo is still sick, so I will have Boy, Cubbie, Cartoons, Booboo and then in the afternoon Bubbie. I guess my plans are all changed but I am hoping to talk Poppie into letting me take Bubbie and go to CAKLS. We will see.
I finished up my proto types of my slipper Upluk Mukluks, got the buttons on them, one set has antiques buttons and one set I made buttons out of tie dyed deer leather, I think they are both very nice. I have decided I have quite a few sets of children's Upluks, around 25 pairs so am going to make up some adult pairs and see how they come out, may make a set of the Upluk Mukluks too. I have order a bunch or vintage and antique buttons to finish them out. They take a lot more sewing and I fur lined them so they are a lot different than the knitted one, no, no knitting on these ones, but some are kind of hard on my machine, I have to get a more professional machine one of these days.
Cold day forecast today so it will be nice to get something done in the house, with all the kids will have to wait for Poppie to be able to help me. I hope he gets the rabbit hutches done today maybe. I have to order feeders and waters. Yogie is getting a sore throat so it won't be long before she is on the home list, actually have to check her now, she maybe home as well, we'll see. Coffee has arrived so my day awaits and is calling.....tomorrow.
I finished up my proto types of my slipper Upluk Mukluks, got the buttons on them, one set has antiques buttons and one set I made buttons out of tie dyed deer leather, I think they are both very nice. I have decided I have quite a few sets of children's Upluks, around 25 pairs so am going to make up some adult pairs and see how they come out, may make a set of the Upluk Mukluks too. I have order a bunch or vintage and antique buttons to finish them out. They take a lot more sewing and I fur lined them so they are a lot different than the knitted one, no, no knitting on these ones, but some are kind of hard on my machine, I have to get a more professional machine one of these days.
Cold day forecast today so it will be nice to get something done in the house, with all the kids will have to wait for Poppie to be able to help me. I hope he gets the rabbit hutches done today maybe. I have to order feeders and waters. Yogie is getting a sore throat so it won't be long before she is on the home list, actually have to check her now, she maybe home as well, we'll see. Coffee has arrived so my day awaits and is calling.....tomorrow.
Monday, January 23, 2012
No rabbits yet, school and appointments this morning, a clean new page.
Snow coming down this morning, making this mornings clean new page pretty and white. Poppie made great strides on the rabbit hutches. He still has to make the top but it is coming along nicely and looking great. We made plans on how to restructure the shop on it process to becoming the barn. We plan to add another sow pen, goats pens, no Caesar will not be housed in the barn, we will move the wood pile area and add a hay area. That will leave the current little barn available for becoming a peacock house and bird area. We are going to make the little adjacent rooms into a grain room, a stanchion room and a room for a milk frig, a freezer, a meat cutting area and a cheese making area. I know that sounds like a lot of work and big dreams but the skeleton is already there so it won't be a hard to accomplish as it actually sounds. Poppie showed me where he wants to make the new shop, it is just outside of the barn area and it will be the hardest to accomplish as it is just dreams and a wish, we will have to get all the wood, metal and nail, and some day a cement floor for it. We will actually begin on all of this right way it is nice to have a project and a goal, keeps us in line.
Booboo is sick so will be home today, Yogie is having Monday morning slowies, Poppie is growling at her to get up. I have a couple of appointment this morning, one with Poppie and one without, I always hate the have to go to serious ones but one of them is fun so that will be good. Mokie will have Booboo while we are gone. I hope that the meeting brings a good answer for the kids involved. The Lord will guide the process I am sure, so that leads to hope and knowing that the outcome will be the best for all.
I have to fix a rattlesnake tongue and get a sculpture in the mail this morning or tomorrow. I am happy with the way my Upluks are progressing and evolving. I also have to get my self back to carving have a whole pile that are waiting for me to finish up, I also am thinking some of my regular clients, on the net, will pick them up pretty quick so that is good. I have some pen and inking ones to do as well but they take less work and I don't have to stand in the cold studio to do them. The studio is not heated separately, as we haven't hooked up the stove, so I have to open up the laundry room and it cools the house down, so I usually just get into my outside chore clothes and carve that way. I do enjoy it once I get out there and do it, it's just that I am a procrastinator.
Well, Yogie is still not up so here I go, the Lord keep you in his arms in all your endeavors today... tomorrow.
Booboo is sick so will be home today, Yogie is having Monday morning slowies, Poppie is growling at her to get up. I have a couple of appointment this morning, one with Poppie and one without, I always hate the have to go to serious ones but one of them is fun so that will be good. Mokie will have Booboo while we are gone. I hope that the meeting brings a good answer for the kids involved. The Lord will guide the process I am sure, so that leads to hope and knowing that the outcome will be the best for all.
I have to fix a rattlesnake tongue and get a sculpture in the mail this morning or tomorrow. I am happy with the way my Upluks are progressing and evolving. I also have to get my self back to carving have a whole pile that are waiting for me to finish up, I also am thinking some of my regular clients, on the net, will pick them up pretty quick so that is good. I have some pen and inking ones to do as well but they take less work and I don't have to stand in the cold studio to do them. The studio is not heated separately, as we haven't hooked up the stove, so I have to open up the laundry room and it cools the house down, so I usually just get into my outside chore clothes and carve that way. I do enjoy it once I get out there and do it, it's just that I am a procrastinator.
Well, Yogie is still not up so here I go, the Lord keep you in his arms in all your endeavors today... tomorrow.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Snow sliding on the mega pile, snowmen and rabbit cages. What a nice day.
The Professor called me late in the week to tell me due to the snow and the travel situation he would not be able to make the connection to go get the rabbits he was going to pick up for himself and the girls. He did have a different thought on getting them though. He had just been to the Couer D'alene rabbit show last week and was going to let us get his male that took first at the show and three females, all New Zealands. I thought that would be a win win, so Poppie has cages to make sooner than we thought. Poppie got some boards and rabbit wire from Thor and as soon as the animal chores were done he got to building. We decided to put the cages in the big barn, formerly known as Poppies shop. They will be on both sides of the door to the chick coop. Poppie is going to build a smaller shop out front of the barn and restructure the rest of the barn. Poppie worked most of the day and has still got more work to do, but the rabbits will have a home to come home to. If he gets it done early in the day the girls will get to go get their rabbits, if not Poppie will go get them tomorrow.
Teenager had added to the snow pile at the end of the drive on Friday night when he plowed us out. It is a real mega pile now, nice and hard, the kids are loving it. They slide down it on their bums and they slid down it on their sleds. They will eventually dig out parts and make forts I am sure but for now the sliding is the most important part. Boy and Yogie spent the most time on it and eventually had a big fight, they were each holding their own until Mokie tried to help. She tries to be fair but always ends up on Boy's side, she and Yogie fight a bit anyway as a rule so that doesn't help. I told her she needed to stay out of it as she makes their disagreement uneven. Yogie finally yelled at her in great distress, tears streaming down her face "you always take his side, he tattles and I get in trouble." That was a shock and a big achievement for Yogie, she rarely stands up for herself. Mokie finally backed off and let them work it out alone. Yogie ended up going home with Boy to play. Mokie helped them all make the cutest snow people, one sitting in the car Son made for the kids to play on. Booboo was sick but snuck out to play and Mokie made her put on Boy's coat, She had snuck out without her coat, in her jammies, I was not happy with her when I found out. Mokie told me "I made her at least put on a coat", I was happy she had. All the kids were playing and having a good old time, I got drafted to watch Bubbie while the kids, Mokie included, enjoyed the play in the snow. Who says, the age difference in the sibling makes a difference in their fighting with one another, working it out and playing together, never spent much time watching them or mine are just not normal. Mine fight like any regular sibling, love one another and are building a bond that can't be broken in the future or in a time of need. God's plan I think, it's called family..... tomorrow.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Nothing like the Power of God, the power of pray and the faith of a child.
I had a great day, as a whole yesterday, I prayed for my enemy and the enemy didn't get it. I know God heard my prayer though, and that is really all that matters, human failure to see is not my problem, we as sinners don't have the insight or purity of God. I find that just the act of praying can be and is so soul cleansing, plus we get to give our problems to the Lord. A voice crying out from the darkness is always heard by God. He doesn't care what others think, knows the heart of the man praying, he can't be fooled and you can't make up a good story that he will believe, he sees into your soul and knows if it true or not. I am so glad that God judges me, and not mankind, as man is such a flawed being.
I think that all God asks of us really, when it boils down to the simplest components, is that we give our lives to his authority, when you give it all to the Lord he is in control. God is driving my life and therefore it matters not what others think of me, what is said about me or done to me, God has me in his arms there I am safe and whole. God prepares me a place with him in eternity, the trials and tribulations of this earth are of no real concern, when God holds you as his own no one can do you any real harm. I have been trying to show my girls the way of the Lord, Awana's has helped them so much to understand that other people also are under God's authority. They have been blessed in so many ways by attending the group. God's will for them to continue down that path, or not, will prevail and no one can take away what God gives us, only God. I see their faith blossoming into a strength they will carry the whole of their lives, God speaks to them from his word and God will continue to do that even if Awana's is no longer the path they can walk. I really would like to hear from any member of Awana's as a voice of the group, the Commander and one other member were to come talk to us on Wednesday but they didn't come or call. I am not sure why and hope it was a misunderstanding, but if not, being blown off is not very reassuring that that is where the girls really need to be. Poppie will try to recontact the Commander but if he won't talk to Poppie about the girls safety, maybe he isn't interested in it and Awana's is not the place for them. God will lead us regardless, we just have to be patient and see where his love takes us. I know that my girls will be heartbroken for the loss, if it comes to that, but they will learn that God's authority works for their good and they will see by faith the path he is leading them to. I have always tried to help them to find their faith, this is just a step in the process, as faith is an ongoing life long process.
I bow to the authority of the Lord my God, he is all we need in this life and no one person can take that away, destroy it or even really affect it. God blesses us for weathering trials and tribulations, I know we are blessed in our lives on a daily basis and that the world is not my home. I continue to see this daily in the joy of my children and grandchildren, God has a plan for us all and for some that is a home with him on high, the struggles of this earth are of no consequence and really matter not at all. Do the small insignificant tests and trials of daily existence matter in the scope of life eternal?, no, so they don't matter today and I am stepping over and going on, I have wasted too many minutes, hours, days and months on a person who matters not at all in God's plan for me. I have prayed for the soul of this person as that is what God asks us to do for our neighbors and enemies, only God can transform the truly sick and afflicted so I leave her to the Lord's will.
God will take us to the Church we need to find him in, as my goal for my girls this year is a Church for them, and us, in our Community. I have multiple options in different communities but I am hoping and praying I can help my girls, and family, find a Church in our community that is God's will for us, I truly believe that God wants us to be in a Church in our community. I know God will take us there, or not, his will will prevail in that regard. I thought we had found it but maybe not as that door keeps being slammed in our faces maybe it is time to look to the next option. Any suggestions?.... tomorrow.
I think that all God asks of us really, when it boils down to the simplest components, is that we give our lives to his authority, when you give it all to the Lord he is in control. God is driving my life and therefore it matters not what others think of me, what is said about me or done to me, God has me in his arms there I am safe and whole. God prepares me a place with him in eternity, the trials and tribulations of this earth are of no real concern, when God holds you as his own no one can do you any real harm. I have been trying to show my girls the way of the Lord, Awana's has helped them so much to understand that other people also are under God's authority. They have been blessed in so many ways by attending the group. God's will for them to continue down that path, or not, will prevail and no one can take away what God gives us, only God. I see their faith blossoming into a strength they will carry the whole of their lives, God speaks to them from his word and God will continue to do that even if Awana's is no longer the path they can walk. I really would like to hear from any member of Awana's as a voice of the group, the Commander and one other member were to come talk to us on Wednesday but they didn't come or call. I am not sure why and hope it was a misunderstanding, but if not, being blown off is not very reassuring that that is where the girls really need to be. Poppie will try to recontact the Commander but if he won't talk to Poppie about the girls safety, maybe he isn't interested in it and Awana's is not the place for them. God will lead us regardless, we just have to be patient and see where his love takes us. I know that my girls will be heartbroken for the loss, if it comes to that, but they will learn that God's authority works for their good and they will see by faith the path he is leading them to. I have always tried to help them to find their faith, this is just a step in the process, as faith is an ongoing life long process.
I bow to the authority of the Lord my God, he is all we need in this life and no one person can take that away, destroy it or even really affect it. God blesses us for weathering trials and tribulations, I know we are blessed in our lives on a daily basis and that the world is not my home. I continue to see this daily in the joy of my children and grandchildren, God has a plan for us all and for some that is a home with him on high, the struggles of this earth are of no consequence and really matter not at all. Do the small insignificant tests and trials of daily existence matter in the scope of life eternal?, no, so they don't matter today and I am stepping over and going on, I have wasted too many minutes, hours, days and months on a person who matters not at all in God's plan for me. I have prayed for the soul of this person as that is what God asks us to do for our neighbors and enemies, only God can transform the truly sick and afflicted so I leave her to the Lord's will.
God will take us to the Church we need to find him in, as my goal for my girls this year is a Church for them, and us, in our Community. I have multiple options in different communities but I am hoping and praying I can help my girls, and family, find a Church in our community that is God's will for us, I truly believe that God wants us to be in a Church in our community. I know God will take us there, or not, his will will prevail in that regard. I thought we had found it but maybe not as that door keeps being slammed in our faces maybe it is time to look to the next option. Any suggestions?.... tomorrow.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Snow, Snow and more Snow, roads scary and dangerous, a new morning with more to come?
The snow, as I said was about a foot deep yesterday, over night we got about another 6 inches. Teenager came and plowed the drive again last night but it is thick with snow again this morning. Our road was a mess yesterday. Poppie was going down the driveway when the neighbor woman was going down the hill, Poppie went up and picked up Flower and Butterfly and went down the hill, he caught up with the woman about a half a mile down the road, she was apparently scared of the road as she was going about 15 miles an hour, several vehicle pulled in behind Poppie and they all followed her to town and up to the school. Poppie dropped off the kids, went to the store and came home. Poppie went to town around 10 to get slop for the pigs, when he returned home he followed the neighbor woman, who was still doing 15 miles an hour, as they came to the bottom of the hill he could see by the tracks on the hill that she had tried to make the hill and not made it. She slowed and looked up the hill, possible looking to see if some kind neighbor had plowed it, but went past it when she saw that it had not been, Poppie drove up the hill and came home. The neighbor did not come up, but about a half an hour later her husband came past, he had been at work about 13 miles away so he must have been called home to help her get up the hill. He used his 4 wheeler to plow for about an hour or so after that, King had his 4 wheeler and plow out as well, his was more effective as it is 4 wheel drive. I would hope that this would be a blessing to the neighbor woman and show her why none of the rest of the neighbor sled on the hill, or hills, I hope she will think how much worse her experience could have been if some one's sled with little kids on it were coming at her when she was trying to make it up the hill. I hope that she understand the danger she and the kids would be in if while she was trying valiantly to drive up the hill, her front wheel drive car is not making it and she is facing the fact that her car is then going sideways and she is going to be whipped around or have to intentionally have to whip around and go down the hill, sometimes out of control, and how much more dangerous children sliding down the road would make that. That in a nutshell is why none of us neighbor that have lived here 12, 30 or 35 years do not, and have never sledded on the hill, the danger to the children sliding and the people in the cars is so great that common sense, love of our neighbors and simple kindness dictates that we don't. I pray that her problems yesterday are an epiphany and serve to help her heart change for the good of all or at least God shows her that her children are really in danger on that hill when cars can't even control themselves enough to drive up it without kids on it.
I am thinking today will be a groundhog day of yesterday, so to speak, it will definitely be a treacherous road, and hill again today. All the schools in Zootown are closed per the news, a lot in the Bitterroot and Lake county as well, some are running a couple hours late, and ours is opening and running as normal. Booboo had an ear ache yesterday and had to come home around 1ish. She is feeling better, her Yogie is babying her. I love when they are in a best friend mode, it's the adversary mode that drives me crazy, but I understand we learn our ability to solve problems on our own by how we handle our relationships with our sibling. Still drives Poppie crazy and I have to keep him from interfering with their process. Work in the form of lovely white snowflakes is still coming down in a steady flow, I can't wait to see what the day brings I am sure it will be an adventure in the snow.... tomorrow.
I am thinking today will be a groundhog day of yesterday, so to speak, it will definitely be a treacherous road, and hill again today. All the schools in Zootown are closed per the news, a lot in the Bitterroot and Lake county as well, some are running a couple hours late, and ours is opening and running as normal. Booboo had an ear ache yesterday and had to come home around 1ish. She is feeling better, her Yogie is babying her. I love when they are in a best friend mode, it's the adversary mode that drives me crazy, but I understand we learn our ability to solve problems on our own by how we handle our relationships with our sibling. Still drives Poppie crazy and I have to keep him from interfering with their process. Work in the form of lovely white snowflakes is still coming down in a steady flow, I can't wait to see what the day brings I am sure it will be an adventure in the snow.... tomorrow.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Cubbie is home safe, Snow a foot deep in the yard. Winter is upon us finally.
Cubbie had a successful surgery, she is home now and Mokie has been told she will be following Yogie through the orthodontist process. They are double cousins after all, both have always been very similar in build and look. They both have small mouths, I also have a small mouth, as my wisdom teeth have never finished erupting. A dentist told me once to never let anyone tell me I had a big mouth, somehow none of my friends or family ever believed him. Shorts facebooked me that a lot of women have the same problem, not sure if she was joking or not, but she is going to ask the Lord about it when she gets to her reward.
We have had snow coming down all night, we have about a foot of snow on the ground. The news is telling us a lot of the local school are running about two hours behind or are closed. I can't ever remember in twenty four years of sending kids to school in this system of the school not being open for snow. One year we did have no school due to the electric being out for two days but not because of school. The roads in town were plowed once yesterday and then it seemed that they gave up, no more plowing and it was a mess in town, our road was much nicer. The good neighbors sent Teenager over with their backhoe and he plowed the driveway, Drama Queen had plowed first thing yesterday morning, on the main road of our hill, she had to go all the way to the end of the county road as it had not been done. It always looks so warm and fussy when we have the clean crisp snow of a first good snow. We have a possibility of freezing rain I do hope it passes us, as it will make our hill a nightmare, nothing is worse than rain on our road once it has snowed, it is truly dangerous.
The girls have Awana's I know they will be in the Lords arms while they are there, he will guild them into the way he wants them to live their lives. I pray for the people there to make sure they are safe, physically and mentally, and have the Lords blessing and directions in their hearts. I hope they get to continue going as the girls so love their participation in Awana's and God's will will be done in their lives.... tomorrow.
We have had snow coming down all night, we have about a foot of snow on the ground. The news is telling us a lot of the local school are running about two hours behind or are closed. I can't ever remember in twenty four years of sending kids to school in this system of the school not being open for snow. One year we did have no school due to the electric being out for two days but not because of school. The roads in town were plowed once yesterday and then it seemed that they gave up, no more plowing and it was a mess in town, our road was much nicer. The good neighbors sent Teenager over with their backhoe and he plowed the driveway, Drama Queen had plowed first thing yesterday morning, on the main road of our hill, she had to go all the way to the end of the county road as it had not been done. It always looks so warm and fussy when we have the clean crisp snow of a first good snow. We have a possibility of freezing rain I do hope it passes us, as it will make our hill a nightmare, nothing is worse than rain on our road once it has snowed, it is truly dangerous.
The girls have Awana's I know they will be in the Lords arms while they are there, he will guild them into the way he wants them to live their lives. I pray for the people there to make sure they are safe, physically and mentally, and have the Lords blessing and directions in their hearts. I hope they get to continue going as the girls so love their participation in Awana's and God's will will be done in their lives.... tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Cubbie has surgery today, Snow is finally making an appearance in our area.
This morning bright and early Mokie and Son will be taking Cubbie to Zootown for surgery on her teeth. I know in my heart, as does Mokie, that these surgeries usually go well and all will be fine but the reality is that it is surgery and there is always a chance of something going wrong when you have to go under general anesthesia. I pray that God's will is for a good out come and all goes well with our little Cubbie. She is a special little soul, warts and all. She adds a little bit of spice that I can not say I could live with out. She is naughtiest little minx in one moment and has your heart in her hand in the next. She is one of the most loving little people I know, she wears her heart on her sleeve and is open and loving with a spark of mischief hiding and waiting to jump out at any moment. Lord, I pray that you keep Cubbie save and bring her through to her Momma and Daddy's arms with no complication and problems. In Jesus name amen.
We are finally getting a bunch of snow falling on us, well not actually here, we have a little about 2 inches, but the mountains are to get up to 2 feet. We really need it, as our snow pack it very low, from what I understand as low as 80 percent of normal. The Arctic cold is supposed to move into our area as the day progresses. Though there is a chance of freezing rain later and some toward the end of the week, the most dangerous of winter weather I think. It is definitely the most dangerous in regards to our road and hill. I hope no children are allowed out sliding on the road but then stupid is as stupid does. It is really very dangerous and irresponsible for any parent to let kids slid on our road especial when there are much nicer places just off of the road to sled. I think letting your children sled on the road just to say I can is criminal, especial if one of them gets hit by a car, sadly the driver has blind corners, three of them on our hill to navigate. We are hearing that we could get 6 to 8 inches of snow throughout the day. I pray Mokie and Son are safe on the roads. Lord keep all safe in your arms, Cubbie, Mokie, Son and the kids who trust the parent that endangers them as they slid down the road.... tomorrow.
We are finally getting a bunch of snow falling on us, well not actually here, we have a little about 2 inches, but the mountains are to get up to 2 feet. We really need it, as our snow pack it very low, from what I understand as low as 80 percent of normal. The Arctic cold is supposed to move into our area as the day progresses. Though there is a chance of freezing rain later and some toward the end of the week, the most dangerous of winter weather I think. It is definitely the most dangerous in regards to our road and hill. I hope no children are allowed out sliding on the road but then stupid is as stupid does. It is really very dangerous and irresponsible for any parent to let kids slid on our road especial when there are much nicer places just off of the road to sled. I think letting your children sled on the road just to say I can is criminal, especial if one of them gets hit by a car, sadly the driver has blind corners, three of them on our hill to navigate. We are hearing that we could get 6 to 8 inches of snow throughout the day. I pray Mokie and Son are safe on the roads. Lord keep all safe in your arms, Cubbie, Mokie, Son and the kids who trust the parent that endangers them as they slid down the road.... tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Cubbie has had enough of that baby I think. Mokie needs to spend at day with just her.
I had a mostly uneventful day yesterday had lots of time to work on my Mukluk Upluk, I have been trying to wrap my mind around how to make one style that is more in the tradition of a real Mukluks, the fur on the inside for function and warmth and not on the outside for style and fashion. I worked most of the day off and on, some times in my mind and sometime on the machine that does not want to sew leather and fur, ok, so it is only a fabric machine and it did pretty good. Poppie couldn't understand how I didn't actually break any needles. I did find that one of my sprays, that I use as grip product, is much better than the other. Amazingly enough it is not the one I had read about on the Internet but the one my son had suggested that was not suggested anywhere I had read about grip products, very cool, win win. It is much more grippy than the other product, I am going to use it on all of the bigger than size three infant Upluks, I am also revamping the ones I had already made with cut out of hearts, stars, circles or ? on the bottoms. I am hand appliqueing them on as a retro fit. I am going to still make the ones with suede bottoms as the suede seems to be as gripping as anything I have come up with.
I was knitting the final rows of an Upluk and talking to Mokie when Boy came screaming out of the bedroom. Cubbie was following him and wailing. There was blood streaming down Boy's face. I took him to the bathroom to see where the blood was coming from. He had a small deep slice on the rim of his brow on his left eye. He said Cubbie threw Nannie's white antique bowl at him. Cubbie had thrown a little ramekin at him, not sure why he thinks the ramekin is old, as it isn't. Cubbie was wailing, but did not deny her part in the trauma. She was more worried about getting in trouble and Boy's blood than any denial at the moment. Her mom spanked her for being naughty while I cleaned him up and but Herbal balm on it to stop the bleeding. Mokie took him to the ER to have it glued. I was left with Cubbie. She cried a little and then cuddled with Booboo. I finished my last row on the Upluk, then called her to come set with me. I talked to her about how naughty throwing thing were and that she was not allowed to throw things or hurt other people, if she had problems with some one she needed to ask for help but violence was never the answer. She cuddled up with me until Boy and Mokie returned. She told Boy she was sorry and gave him a kiss. I talked with Mokie and told her maybe she needed to spend some special time with Cubbie as she was clearly acting out in revolt to her sisters arrival, who she love very much so is probably unaware of why she is acting out herself. I told her to give Bubbie to Son and just have some girlie time, well time not sure Cubbie or Mokie do girlie time, but it was important for Cubbie to have some special time. I think today I may see if Cubbie wants to come make cookies or do something with Nannie, maybe we can read, vacuum, or just set and talk...... tomorrow.
I was knitting the final rows of an Upluk and talking to Mokie when Boy came screaming out of the bedroom. Cubbie was following him and wailing. There was blood streaming down Boy's face. I took him to the bathroom to see where the blood was coming from. He had a small deep slice on the rim of his brow on his left eye. He said Cubbie threw Nannie's white antique bowl at him. Cubbie had thrown a little ramekin at him, not sure why he thinks the ramekin is old, as it isn't. Cubbie was wailing, but did not deny her part in the trauma. She was more worried about getting in trouble and Boy's blood than any denial at the moment. Her mom spanked her for being naughty while I cleaned him up and but Herbal balm on it to stop the bleeding. Mokie took him to the ER to have it glued. I was left with Cubbie. She cried a little and then cuddled with Booboo. I finished my last row on the Upluk, then called her to come set with me. I talked to her about how naughty throwing thing were and that she was not allowed to throw things or hurt other people, if she had problems with some one she needed to ask for help but violence was never the answer. She cuddled up with me until Boy and Mokie returned. She told Boy she was sorry and gave him a kiss. I talked with Mokie and told her maybe she needed to spend some special time with Cubbie as she was clearly acting out in revolt to her sisters arrival, who she love very much so is probably unaware of why she is acting out herself. I told her to give Bubbie to Son and just have some girlie time, well time not sure Cubbie or Mokie do girlie time, but it was important for Cubbie to have some special time. I think today I may see if Cubbie wants to come make cookies or do something with Nannie, maybe we can read, vacuum, or just set and talk...... tomorrow.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Do we even know who we are? Do we know our spouses? Does God know us?
I read an articles the other day, so ok, with me the other day could be months ago as my mind rolls things around and spits it out in to my contemplative mind. Anyway, I read this article, it was about people in general having different selves they showed others. The author of the article contended that we had three selves, the self we show the public in general, the self we show our friends and the then there is the self we show our most intimate family. Could that really be true? I wondered and thought, I do think that people in general have a public persona, we have a certain way we maintain ourselves to the general public, or our neighbors as God sees our neighbors, humanity in general. So the people we see, and we don't know well, is that their public character or persona? Interesting, so do we really know anyone on that level well, probably not so much. That would mean that in general most people we meet or pass daily are characters of themselves? I do believe that in general we know little about our fellow man so maybe that is something to think about. Secondly we have a self we share with our closest friends and extended family. This is a self that is more open and sharing than our public self. I do know that when I think about it that I do share things more closely with these people in my life but is that enough to say I am a different self? Does my philosophy change? am I really a different self? Are my morals and ethics different? Is my belief in God different? I can't say that it is on any level, I just think that I am a little more open and sharing with these people. Do I hide less of me from these people? Does that make it a more open self I show or a different self? The third self is supposedly the self I share with my spouse and children. I do know that they know me at my worst, my best and they still love me but am I really a truly different personality with them. I don't think so. I think that they know the most I can share with other people. They are subject to the most real me and the unguarded me. I am thinking the more I think on this subject that the author of the article is either a little to compartmentalizing or missed the point. I don't think we have different selves but we share our self with others on a level equal to the love and trust that we have in that person. If it was really that we were three selves, he missed a fourth that he didn't even count. There was no self in his philosophy that was shared with God. I, myself, find that the most open and honest I ever am is when I am praying to the Lord. I share things with him that I share with no one. I in the end have decided I don't agree with the author of the article, and maybe that is why it kept picking at me enough for me to remember the essence of it so long. I think that God intended us to share ourselves in direct correlation with the people we love. We are to love God, self, spouse, family, friends, our neighbor and our enemies. I would say that I give and share my self with others in just that order so therefore in that order people would have the most accurate knowledge of my self not in the end many selves.
I know, I really need a hobby, well maybe not, I have alot of those. I do so love to watch people and maybe I over thought the article but maybe it was just a tutorial in people and self watching. I do so love to have a question to contemplate and debate. Are we really who we think we are? Are we really who people think we are? Does it matter who others think we are? Doesn't it matter more that God knows who we are? Is what God knows about us and what we think of ourselves the same view? Are we anymore honest with ourselves about our selves than we are with others? I guess I have more thinking and contemplating to do, maybe it is a life long endeavor to know ourselves as God knows us.... tomorrow.
I know, I really need a hobby, well maybe not, I have alot of those. I do so love to watch people and maybe I over thought the article but maybe it was just a tutorial in people and self watching. I do so love to have a question to contemplate and debate. Are we really who we think we are? Are we really who people think we are? Does it matter who others think we are? Doesn't it matter more that God knows who we are? Is what God knows about us and what we think of ourselves the same view? Are we anymore honest with ourselves about our selves than we are with others? I guess I have more thinking and contemplating to do, maybe it is a life long endeavor to know ourselves as God knows us.... tomorrow.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Son give the cashmere a name. I got to share special time with my Ladies, something of lasting importance maybe.
I don't know if Poppie's naming Raisin Bread spurred Son to act, or it if just came to him, but he has named the cashmere goat, he named him Cinnamon, I thought Cinnamon Toast would be more appropriate, but no it is just Cinnamon. He really does look like a bit of cinnamon colored fluff, so a good name from either perspective. We had a busy day, sort of, I suppose. We watched Soul Surfer in the morning a very uplifting movie, with moments of such faith and family love. Cubbie has been telling me about her shark movie for weeks and when I told her I had recorded it overnight, so she could watch it at my house, she immediately demanded I watch it with her. It is so funny that something can capture a little child's attention, I am thinking most 3 year olds aren't sitting through it once, little own watching it over and over, and sharing with with others. She does like the shark aspect but I can't imagine that is her whole fascination for the movie, since is is such a little part of the movie. We had managed to do the chores before Cubbie's need for seeing the movie changed our plans. Raisin Bread does seem to be fitting it well, we wormed pigs and gave the different animals their new mineral blocks. We meant Cubbie and Mom by their pen where they were still deciding on Cinnamon's name, the great naming came later in the day. Yogie spent the night with Boy, and Booboo had a friend over so there was lots of giggling to come. But that was all to come in the late afternoon and really an aside to our day.
Poppie went out to do the chores for his friend before Booboos friend came, he wore his yak traks and took his cell so he got to go by himself. I was in the middle of teaching the Ladies to knit. I was amazed, they both took to it like ducks to water. Booboo who struggles, with her crocheting and her sewing, longtail cast the first try. She got the concept right out of the gate. She has always been the best little puzzler I was ever around, even as a really little child she was remarkable at it, she could look at a piece and put it where it went, she still looks at the world in that perspective I would say. I think very similar to what I call working out a design or art piece in my head before I can do it or put it on paper. I digress... She struggles a little more with getting the concept that you had to drop the back part of the stitch so ended up with extra stitches that were pieces of another stitch but she soon got that as well. Yogie got the longtail right away, she is the better crocheter. She whipped right through that row, I showed her about the part of the stitch that needed to be dropped and she whipped right through that first row, they were both done by then, not sure that it was that I was making them learn as I would teach an adult, so they had wrapped yarn around their finger to learn tension and it made their hands sore, or if it made their little brains tired, either way great beginnings for my little knitters. I am thinking that since they both find knitting easier, as I do, well not easier just more of a balanced productive art, they will perfect the knitting before they go back to the crocheting. Later Mokie came over and was playing with my knitting needles, doing a cast on, I told her I couldn't stand it she was going to learn longtail, if the girls could do it I couldn't stand to watch her do simple casting on. I showed her and away she went on it, so maybe she will learn to like knitting after all, she is my master crocheter. Goofy loves to crochet as well.
I do love the time I can share with my daughters and teach them their crafts. I as an adult am often asked if I can knit, crochet, embroidery, sew, cook, etc.... I for years as an older child was often aghast that they couldn't. I still find it interesting that so many people can't, in my family it was part of growing up like learning to do the laundry, darning or washing the dishes. How is it that mothers don't teach these arts to their children, boys in our families learn along side the girls. I wonder when those families lost their arts, I know a hundred years ago all families were more like mine so where did the art go? Was life more important? What was more important in their families? Was it more important to teach? I hope it was something good, as the loss of the fiber arts is sad, oh, I am glad of the reawakening that some people are having but still sad at the family arts that are no longer with us. I am proud to say it is alive and well in my family and that includes my greater extended family. I guess when I think about it, even in my family it is a matter of what you choose to do with your time. Is work more important in your family, sometimes yes, and a tired mom can't always afford to share her special time on fiber art. Is it travel? Is it recreation? Or the time it takes to be book educated would cut into fiber art time, or your house being clean enough to eat off the floor would put a crimp into the cutting of sewing or the time to make an intricately crocheted table cloth, so maybe it is about choices. Maybe...... tomorrow
Poppie went out to do the chores for his friend before Booboos friend came, he wore his yak traks and took his cell so he got to go by himself. I was in the middle of teaching the Ladies to knit. I was amazed, they both took to it like ducks to water. Booboo who struggles, with her crocheting and her sewing, longtail cast the first try. She got the concept right out of the gate. She has always been the best little puzzler I was ever around, even as a really little child she was remarkable at it, she could look at a piece and put it where it went, she still looks at the world in that perspective I would say. I think very similar to what I call working out a design or art piece in my head before I can do it or put it on paper. I digress... She struggles a little more with getting the concept that you had to drop the back part of the stitch so ended up with extra stitches that were pieces of another stitch but she soon got that as well. Yogie got the longtail right away, she is the better crocheter. She whipped right through that row, I showed her about the part of the stitch that needed to be dropped and she whipped right through that first row, they were both done by then, not sure that it was that I was making them learn as I would teach an adult, so they had wrapped yarn around their finger to learn tension and it made their hands sore, or if it made their little brains tired, either way great beginnings for my little knitters. I am thinking that since they both find knitting easier, as I do, well not easier just more of a balanced productive art, they will perfect the knitting before they go back to the crocheting. Later Mokie came over and was playing with my knitting needles, doing a cast on, I told her I couldn't stand it she was going to learn longtail, if the girls could do it I couldn't stand to watch her do simple casting on. I showed her and away she went on it, so maybe she will learn to like knitting after all, she is my master crocheter. Goofy loves to crochet as well.
I do love the time I can share with my daughters and teach them their crafts. I as an adult am often asked if I can knit, crochet, embroidery, sew, cook, etc.... I for years as an older child was often aghast that they couldn't. I still find it interesting that so many people can't, in my family it was part of growing up like learning to do the laundry, darning or washing the dishes. How is it that mothers don't teach these arts to their children, boys in our families learn along side the girls. I wonder when those families lost their arts, I know a hundred years ago all families were more like mine so where did the art go? Was life more important? What was more important in their families? Was it more important to teach? I hope it was something good, as the loss of the fiber arts is sad, oh, I am glad of the reawakening that some people are having but still sad at the family arts that are no longer with us. I am proud to say it is alive and well in my family and that includes my greater extended family. I guess when I think about it, even in my family it is a matter of what you choose to do with your time. Is work more important in your family, sometimes yes, and a tired mom can't always afford to share her special time on fiber art. Is it travel? Is it recreation? Or the time it takes to be book educated would cut into fiber art time, or your house being clean enough to eat off the floor would put a crimp into the cutting of sewing or the time to make an intricately crocheted table cloth, so maybe it is about choices. Maybe...... tomorrow
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Princess gets a home, Raisin Bread comes to Nannyland and Mokie's first fiber goat.
Poppie and I got up early to start our day. Poppie got Princess out of his pen and loaded him in to the big dog kennel. He was supposed to let me help him load the kennel in to Thor's truck, that he borrowed, but you know Poppie he loaded the kennel himself, with much pain to himself, that is why he is in such bad shape and needs a babysitter, i.e., part of the reason I am an at home Momma and Nannie.... I digress. We took the kids to school put diesel in the truck, as it is a one ton it will take considerable more than our dear truck that is still on the fritz. We drove into Zootown and made good time. We pulled into the parking lot at about 9:15 looking for a truck, we saw a red one with a wooden crate in it so proceeded to it. There was no one around it, and the crate was actually a dog hunters box. We continued on and in the shadow of the red truck sat this little station wagon car, there were a couple of ladies getting out of it and one was waving at us. I presumed my new crazy goat lady in the flesh. She had a great big smile on her face and look totally happy to see us. I got out of the pickup, we made a short introduction and with very little words I pulled the kennel to the back of the truck so she could see Princess. She opened the back of her car and there were the two little goats, they were not very little, actually great big full sized goats that dwarfed Princess. The ladies got the two out of the back of the station wagon and I got Princess out of the kennel, I walked him over and we loaded him in to the back of her car. She had put hay or straw on the floor of the hatch and there was a roll of chicken wire keeping the hatch compartment separate from the back seat. We put the la mancha in the kennel and put the cashmere in the back of the truck. I turned to talk to the ladies but the crazy goat lady had to run as she needed to pee. They got in the vehicle, she said she wanted to keep in touch via email and they were gone as quick as they had come; sort of a wam bam thank you ma'am moment. I watched them drive away in to the sunset, so to speak, and they were gone by 9:30. I didn't get a real sense of her but as it all happened so quick I am think my new crazy goat lady does ever think by the seat of her pants. She later emailed me that at Murdock's she made a deal for a couple more pygmy goats so that sort of confirmed it for me. I am going to call her Seat Of Her Pants, enough said.
Poppie had a great visit at the Dr. He had gained about 10 pounds and that is good as Poppie could stand to weigh up to 35 lbs more per his Dr. He came out of the Dr's office and found me standing by the cashmere. I had tied him to one of the tie downs but thought maybe he could jump out. The two goats were way to big to put them both in the kennel. I finally tied the other lead to his collar as well and tied it across the pick up to secure him so he could not jump out. He had a nice warm coat so he wasn't going to get cold. He had a large set of horns and licked his own pee so I thought "well maybe he is a buck" I went around and check no jewels and the la mancha hadn't any either. The la mancha didn't have big horns so was most likely a wither from just after birth. The cashmere was a different story, my guess is that he was a breeding animal that the breeder culled but didn't want to give away his genes so had him castrated by a vet before he was let go from their herd. He has a great personality. He loves being petted. I stood by the truck and kept him calm until Poppie returned. While I was stand there a couple of gentleman came by, other people had stopped unremittingly but only to ask what he was, the one man knew what he was said the musky smell reminded him of the little goat farm he was raised on. He said they raised chickens, turkeys, piglets and market pigs, goats and a few cows. I told him we had the same less the cows. We both had made cheese and used the milk, he hadn't made soap. I told him the two goats were not where the musk came from. I told him that I had traded a little Nigerian buck for the two withers and that a couple ladies in a little station wagon had loaded him, uncrated, into the hatch area and off they went. I advised him they were going to Conner, which is about 90 miles from Zootown. He was as shocked as I was, though he thought the little station wagon may not survive the trip as the smell of Princess once he peed on things would not come out easily and may linger for quite some time. We were both amazed at Seat Of Her Pants, but I can sympathize with some one wanting a goat herd so bad they would haul them in anything. I brought one of my first goats, Mr. Stinky, who could have been Princess twin, home in the back seat of Poppie beloved truck, thank goodness that in my stupidity I only took him a couple of miles and he didn't have time to pee on anything or ruin Poppies truck. I can say that I am glad I didn't have to clean out the little station wagon when they got home. We live and learn, for sure.
We stopped by Murdocks got some bunny food, a couple of mineral blocks one for the chickens and one for the goats and some pig wormer. We stopped at McDonald's had burgers and were home by noon. Mokie was awaiting our arrival, she herded her little band of kids across the yard as we came in the drive. She walked over dropped Bubbie in my arms and proceed to meet the cashmere goat. She loves him as much as Poppie and I did. We put the la mancha in the goat pen, he is bigger than we thought. The goat all had to us their pecking order on him but he will fit in fine with my goats until he and the other withers have their final day. Poppie told the girls later, when they were trying to think of a name for him, he though he should be Raisin Bread. Poppie has never named a goat or even put forth a name before, so it surprised us one and all. Poppie said "well, he is white and black and kinda looks like raisin bread to me." We thought that that was a good name for him and a great closure to a wonderful day, one Poppie doesn't want to take again anytime soon, but a wonderful day none the less.... tomorrow.
Poppie had a great visit at the Dr. He had gained about 10 pounds and that is good as Poppie could stand to weigh up to 35 lbs more per his Dr. He came out of the Dr's office and found me standing by the cashmere. I had tied him to one of the tie downs but thought maybe he could jump out. The two goats were way to big to put them both in the kennel. I finally tied the other lead to his collar as well and tied it across the pick up to secure him so he could not jump out. He had a nice warm coat so he wasn't going to get cold. He had a large set of horns and licked his own pee so I thought "well maybe he is a buck" I went around and check no jewels and the la mancha hadn't any either. The la mancha didn't have big horns so was most likely a wither from just after birth. The cashmere was a different story, my guess is that he was a breeding animal that the breeder culled but didn't want to give away his genes so had him castrated by a vet before he was let go from their herd. He has a great personality. He loves being petted. I stood by the truck and kept him calm until Poppie returned. While I was stand there a couple of gentleman came by, other people had stopped unremittingly but only to ask what he was, the one man knew what he was said the musky smell reminded him of the little goat farm he was raised on. He said they raised chickens, turkeys, piglets and market pigs, goats and a few cows. I told him we had the same less the cows. We both had made cheese and used the milk, he hadn't made soap. I told him the two goats were not where the musk came from. I told him that I had traded a little Nigerian buck for the two withers and that a couple ladies in a little station wagon had loaded him, uncrated, into the hatch area and off they went. I advised him they were going to Conner, which is about 90 miles from Zootown. He was as shocked as I was, though he thought the little station wagon may not survive the trip as the smell of Princess once he peed on things would not come out easily and may linger for quite some time. We were both amazed at Seat Of Her Pants, but I can sympathize with some one wanting a goat herd so bad they would haul them in anything. I brought one of my first goats, Mr. Stinky, who could have been Princess twin, home in the back seat of Poppie beloved truck, thank goodness that in my stupidity I only took him a couple of miles and he didn't have time to pee on anything or ruin Poppies truck. I can say that I am glad I didn't have to clean out the little station wagon when they got home. We live and learn, for sure.
We stopped by Murdocks got some bunny food, a couple of mineral blocks one for the chickens and one for the goats and some pig wormer. We stopped at McDonald's had burgers and were home by noon. Mokie was awaiting our arrival, she herded her little band of kids across the yard as we came in the drive. She walked over dropped Bubbie in my arms and proceed to meet the cashmere goat. She loves him as much as Poppie and I did. We put the la mancha in the goat pen, he is bigger than we thought. The goat all had to us their pecking order on him but he will fit in fine with my goats until he and the other withers have their final day. Poppie told the girls later, when they were trying to think of a name for him, he though he should be Raisin Bread. Poppie has never named a goat or even put forth a name before, so it surprised us one and all. Poppie said "well, he is white and black and kinda looks like raisin bread to me." We thought that that was a good name for him and a great closure to a wonderful day, one Poppie doesn't want to take again anytime soon, but a wonderful day none the less.... tomorrow.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Princess gets a ride to his new owner, Dr visit, a day away with Poppie.
Poppie and I are off to the Zoo this morning. Poppie has his quarterly Dr visit and we will be taking Princess to drop him off to his new owner. She is my new Crazy Goat Lady, she will be coming a farther distance than we are to make the exchange. I hope she likes him and gives him a good home, from all our communications she will and is excited to get him. I will be picking up two bucklings, that may or may not be. She was told they were buckling when she got them but she isn't sure they are. One a la mancha and one a cashmere. Mokie can't wait to get the cashmere, she is excited to maybe specialize in fiber goats. My Boers and dairy's are too big for the fibers and Mokie has decided she wants to raise them. She is going to try and get some one to teach her to shear goats, sheep and alpaca as a further part of raising them. I will enjoy having the fiber to work with. I am still hoping to learn to spin I just have to find the time to accomplish it. I am hoping to find some and get some of the equipment to process it this year. I think the it is a longer term goal than an immediate one. I have friends I can tap to help me it is just finding the time.
Poppie hates to have to go to the Zoo even if it is only once in awhile. It really causes him pain to go that far in a vehicle. Most people who know Poppie have no idea that he endures as much pain as he does on a daily basis. He hides it well and as he has worked hard not to limp or to show any of his pain they have to real idea of his difficulties. He has a lot of pride and is a very private man. I think we will be home in the early afternoon as we have very little shopping to do, some latex spray for Upluks, maybe a rabbit feed in preparation for the rabbits. Maybe I will take Poppie to lunch and then home. Poppie is going to make up the rabbit hutches in the next week or so. We had thought of buying the cages and then putting them in a hutch frame but I think Poppie is now leaning toward making a more traditionally hutch. He has the wire he will need available and so may just make them. We would have to pick up some 4x2's.
I must get on with it as we will be dropping the Ladies off at school and on our way. Coffee.... tomorrow.
Poppie hates to have to go to the Zoo even if it is only once in awhile. It really causes him pain to go that far in a vehicle. Most people who know Poppie have no idea that he endures as much pain as he does on a daily basis. He hides it well and as he has worked hard not to limp or to show any of his pain they have to real idea of his difficulties. He has a lot of pride and is a very private man. I think we will be home in the early afternoon as we have very little shopping to do, some latex spray for Upluks, maybe a rabbit feed in preparation for the rabbits. Maybe I will take Poppie to lunch and then home. Poppie is going to make up the rabbit hutches in the next week or so. We had thought of buying the cages and then putting them in a hutch frame but I think Poppie is now leaning toward making a more traditionally hutch. He has the wire he will need available and so may just make them. We would have to pick up some 4x2's.
I must get on with it as we will be dropping the Ladies off at school and on our way. Coffee.... tomorrow.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Do our tradtions makes us who we are and are our traditions society's will or God's will?
I shared a link yesterday on facebook, it included one of my pet peeves the acronym OMG, the acronym has always made me mad because I thought it took the name of the Lord in vain, but after studying I have found that it doesn't take the name of the Lord it vain but it is profanity. So the people who use it are not taking the name of the Lord in vain they are guilty of the sin of profanity. I read many sites, and my friend Twin gave me a link to a site she found helpful on the subject, http://www.reclaimingthemind.org/blog/2007/06/what-does-it-really-mean-to-take-the-lords-name-in-vein/
I read it and it was interesting but I don't think I found the answers I was looking for in the authors words. I began to look to see what taking the Lords name if vain was, and not just take it as the truth that it was because good Christians thought it was.. I began to look and I found a much more gritty site, but to my amazement a site that may be worth spend alot more time reading. It is a site that seems to call me to at least read about the whole of the Christian life so I have down loaded the study materials and will see what the man has to say about the bible, or many what the Lord has to say about the bible. The site and what it had to say about taking the Lord's name in vain, very interesting... http://www.theswordbearer.org/spD035_cussing.html
I think that any subject can have lots of points of view, and what we think we know may not be the end all be all of any subject. I don't think we ever get to old to learn, and if we do it is a sign that God may be calling us home soon. I learned in art class that if I draw something from my mind it is not as accurate as looking at what I want to draw and drawing what I actually see. I think that we take our family traditions, the morality from society and the ethics that we are made to follow and think we know about our God. Do we actually study and read what the Lord has to say to us? or do wet take the opinion of our parents, our preacher or our church and let those voices cloud what the Lord is saying to us. I think maybe we need to look to the Lord's word and let it speak to us, draw the picture that the Lord is showing you and not the picture our mind has been given to draw. What does the bible say, what does it actually say, is it what you thought or were lead to believe? I am not sure, so I am going to take a long look at this bible study, it was a little frightening at first but all of his words were backed up by reference from the bible for me to read on my own. The bible does say we are to be frightened of the power of God so I am going to read and see for myself why God sent me to this bible study, maybe God is speaking to me and it started from a simple shared link... tomorrow.
I read it and it was interesting but I don't think I found the answers I was looking for in the authors words. I began to look to see what taking the Lords name if vain was, and not just take it as the truth that it was because good Christians thought it was.. I began to look and I found a much more gritty site, but to my amazement a site that may be worth spend alot more time reading. It is a site that seems to call me to at least read about the whole of the Christian life so I have down loaded the study materials and will see what the man has to say about the bible, or many what the Lord has to say about the bible. The site and what it had to say about taking the Lord's name in vain, very interesting... http://www.theswordbearer.org/spD035_cussing.html
I think that any subject can have lots of points of view, and what we think we know may not be the end all be all of any subject. I don't think we ever get to old to learn, and if we do it is a sign that God may be calling us home soon. I learned in art class that if I draw something from my mind it is not as accurate as looking at what I want to draw and drawing what I actually see. I think that we take our family traditions, the morality from society and the ethics that we are made to follow and think we know about our God. Do we actually study and read what the Lord has to say to us? or do wet take the opinion of our parents, our preacher or our church and let those voices cloud what the Lord is saying to us. I think maybe we need to look to the Lord's word and let it speak to us, draw the picture that the Lord is showing you and not the picture our mind has been given to draw. What does the bible say, what does it actually say, is it what you thought or were lead to believe? I am not sure, so I am going to take a long look at this bible study, it was a little frightening at first but all of his words were backed up by reference from the bible for me to read on my own. The bible does say we are to be frightened of the power of God so I am going to read and see for myself why God sent me to this bible study, maybe God is speaking to me and it started from a simple shared link... tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kids all will be going to school today, yay, I have lots of work to do....
The hill that we live one was so bad yesterday that almost all the kids on it did not attend school. There were a few brave souls who drove down the hill and had to walk back up but most just gave the kids an icy road day off of school. The ones that went down either slid sideways, left stud tracks or like the garbage truck had to chain up and left chain marks all the way up and back down. The kids all played and fought, I had a house full Mokie brought all hers, including Curious and Cartoons, and then mine. The afternoon was nice out and they played in the yard. Poppie and King, graveled the hill road, Drama Queen walked down and helped them at the end, it was good for her. Her Dr is making her walk about 2 miles a day and she is getting much healthier. King is walking with her sometimes, she has a treadmill and they are changing their diets. All good things for their family. Today is King's 52 birthday, he is a number of years older than Drama Queen, mine and Poppie age while she is 12 years younger than me and I am the youngest to turn 52 this year, 10 more months.
I have made Upluks all week, love their evolution and can't wait to see where they go in the end. I have a numb finger from the knitting. I am trying to make my hand hold the needle a little different to help get the feeling back in it. I am hoping to make up some that are all sewn to make them easier to make but a little different. The one set of Mules I made is very cute but I have to have the right thickness of wool, which is a rare kind so they will be oddities. I am thinking I can use some of the real thick woven wool to do it, but since the only woven wool I have that thick is an old coat I have in my closet I am refraining from cutting it up. I do have the will power, I think..... I have new wool coming so that will give my mind new input and options. I am hoping to list some today. I did find that the ones I have made with the deer suede/hide on the bottom are not slick so I am going to do up more with that on the bottom. I am hoping to get the Super Grip soon to try as well, decided that since I will be in Zootown on Friday will stop in at Lowes or Home depot instead of ordering, but may have to order anyway.
Ham is doing better, she and Muriah are happy as little pigs in a poke, literally, not sure I would ever really get to see that but I did. They are all rolled up in the hay and when you open the door they peak out and grunt at you for interrupting their world. They are doing well and may just have to stay in their own digs away from the other piglets. The other piglets don't seem to miss them and are eating their way to pig heaven in more ways than one. I know I am bad..
I hope to finish Booboo's Upluks today, finished Yogie's yesterday but she is waiting for her sister to have her pair to use hers. They are the biggest pairs I have made. The knitting is actually the same amount of stitches they are just in a bigger scale so that is nice for setting price, little or big they have the same amount of time, just a bit of difference in the materials. I think that I will enjoy my morning alone. I rarely want to be alone, and can't imagine that Mokie and the kids won't trudge over at some point but I am going to enjoy whatever time I have alone this morning, Upluks, handles, carving, cleaning, all options so I won't have anytime to do nothing, but then again I could do that tooooo... tomorrow.
I have made Upluks all week, love their evolution and can't wait to see where they go in the end. I have a numb finger from the knitting. I am trying to make my hand hold the needle a little different to help get the feeling back in it. I am hoping to make up some that are all sewn to make them easier to make but a little different. The one set of Mules I made is very cute but I have to have the right thickness of wool, which is a rare kind so they will be oddities. I am thinking I can use some of the real thick woven wool to do it, but since the only woven wool I have that thick is an old coat I have in my closet I am refraining from cutting it up. I do have the will power, I think..... I have new wool coming so that will give my mind new input and options. I am hoping to list some today. I did find that the ones I have made with the deer suede/hide on the bottom are not slick so I am going to do up more with that on the bottom. I am hoping to get the Super Grip soon to try as well, decided that since I will be in Zootown on Friday will stop in at Lowes or Home depot instead of ordering, but may have to order anyway.
Ham is doing better, she and Muriah are happy as little pigs in a poke, literally, not sure I would ever really get to see that but I did. They are all rolled up in the hay and when you open the door they peak out and grunt at you for interrupting their world. They are doing well and may just have to stay in their own digs away from the other piglets. The other piglets don't seem to miss them and are eating their way to pig heaven in more ways than one. I know I am bad..
I hope to finish Booboo's Upluks today, finished Yogie's yesterday but she is waiting for her sister to have her pair to use hers. They are the biggest pairs I have made. The knitting is actually the same amount of stitches they are just in a bigger scale so that is nice for setting price, little or big they have the same amount of time, just a bit of difference in the materials. I think that I will enjoy my morning alone. I rarely want to be alone, and can't imagine that Mokie and the kids won't trudge over at some point but I am going to enjoy whatever time I have alone this morning, Upluks, handles, carving, cleaning, all options so I won't have anytime to do nothing, but then again I could do that tooooo... tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Rain pouring down on our roof over night, I know we need winter but this is a blessing for Poppie.
I awoke to the pouring rain, it is such a blessing, we need the moisture I know, and we need more snow in the mountains, so I hope it is snowing up there. I know that Poppie is having a better winter than when it is cold, he is in such pain when it is cold so I hope the cold stays away. I keep hearing the it will come and hang on like it did last year but so far so good. My Mishka was out doing her rounds in the night with Lady Jay, they usually go out about 3ish and make the rounds, one of my neighbor has advised me a few days ago that they had seen a cougar in their area so we have been a little worried that it may wonder over our way. So far we have not seen him, but then the dogs could be doing their jobs and that is why they bark at night.
I have been blessed this last year so many times that I can not count the times, the Lord always provides what we need in this life. Blessing can come in many forms and we should never question the forms that a blessing can take. The blessing can be as simple as clicking yes on a facebook request to be your friend. This past year a friend of mine told me she was suggesting me as a friend for one of her friends and she gave me a heads up so I would accept. The friend she gave me has been a true blessing in my life. I get to see from afar the goodness she does in her life. I get to see her interaction with her family and friends, share recipes and see her compassion. She added me to her prayer list and taught be the importance of a prayer list and I hope to maintain one myself if only a little one, but it will grow. God's blessing can be the sad or bad things that happen in our lives. The blessing is that we overcome and go on. It can be that a little girl grew and became aware that God was more important than her fear. It can be a blessing of seeing that in the face of the loss of your family you can do better and you can reexamine your goals for you family, I have watch my son face this this year. The blessing is that no matter what in the end family is the most important thing in our lives next to the Lord, and who is our family? I again can not count the blessings I have been give this last year, truly I don't even know what some of them are, how blessed we are. I think that in the end faith, Saving faith, may be that we are called to believe and never question that the Lord directs our life and we only have to know that God is our Lord and he is in control... tomorrow.
I have been blessed this last year so many times that I can not count the times, the Lord always provides what we need in this life. Blessing can come in many forms and we should never question the forms that a blessing can take. The blessing can be as simple as clicking yes on a facebook request to be your friend. This past year a friend of mine told me she was suggesting me as a friend for one of her friends and she gave me a heads up so I would accept. The friend she gave me has been a true blessing in my life. I get to see from afar the goodness she does in her life. I get to see her interaction with her family and friends, share recipes and see her compassion. She added me to her prayer list and taught be the importance of a prayer list and I hope to maintain one myself if only a little one, but it will grow. God's blessing can be the sad or bad things that happen in our lives. The blessing is that we overcome and go on. It can be that a little girl grew and became aware that God was more important than her fear. It can be a blessing of seeing that in the face of the loss of your family you can do better and you can reexamine your goals for you family, I have watch my son face this this year. The blessing is that no matter what in the end family is the most important thing in our lives next to the Lord, and who is our family? I again can not count the blessings I have been give this last year, truly I don't even know what some of them are, how blessed we are. I think that in the end faith, Saving faith, may be that we are called to believe and never question that the Lord directs our life and we only have to know that God is our Lord and he is in control... tomorrow.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Mishka is growing like the giant she is, Ham gets a friend for company, nice weekend.
I can't believe how fast my puppy is growing she was big when she came home but as she will be three months on Wednesday and I still am amazed at how big she is. She is bigger than alot of full grown big dogs, not just small dog but big dogs. She is the softest cuddliest most gentle dog I have ever owned. My Sadie Sue is so jealous of her, she loves my Sadie Sue sort of a Mutt and Jeff duo, but when she has had enough of her she just puts her paw down on her and holds her there. No growling or meanness just as if to say, I am done with you. Mishka is on good terms with our old dog Lady Jay (the 4th) who doesn't like Sadie Sue much and has just come to terms with her at all. Sadie is now 10 months so it was a long progress for Lady Jay to accept her antics. Lady Jay seemed to know from the first moment that she and Mishka would be friends, she has never once growled at her or been really upset with her. They go outside in the night together and make their rounds of the place. We are going to move the parking area farther back in the driveway and put up a new fence to keep them in the yard and pastures. We are going to go from one of the big goat pens across the driveway to the garden, then fence the garden separately so the goat and dogs can come and go in the yard. It will give them all more room and keep them more confined. We will have to put in three gates, two vehicle ones and one people one but it will be a blessing in the end.
I put photos of my Upluks on facebook and got a wave of great feedback on them. I did get a question I had never even thought of, mostly because I am a barefooter and don't ware slippers or sock in the house. I got the question of how I was going to approach the traction issue. I love my friends and their feedback. I got on the Internet and have come up with three really good options. Super Grip, Regia ABS or Plasti Grip, the options of puffy paint or caulk were contemplated but the general consensuses was that the puffy paint wouldn't last through any wear and the the caulk was messy and may need to be reapplied so I am think that the spray on or the paint on products is my choice. I think that I am going to try, at least with the little pairs to put on stencils of the product, I think that will work well with either spray or paint on. I am going to order some this morning. I may order a couple different kinds, two I know wash well unsure on the third product. I love a new craft project with problems to solve, I think that is why I keep creating different things got to keep my mind from rotting. I do enjoy making the Upluks, I can just watch TV or listen to the girls read as I make them. I also don't chew my nails if I have something to occupy my hands, win win..
Poppie and I check out Little Ham when we were feeding the animals. She seems to be doing much better, not sure if it was that she was just a little under the weather, they are alot like people and get sick like we do, or if she was under the weather because she is being runted out. We decided that we would grab the other small piglet, and just house them separately either permanently or until they fatten up and are more able to compete. We never house them alone as they get lonely and they have no incentive to eat as their in no competition for food. So the two little ladies are as happy as clams in their new digs. The new Crazy Goat Lady advised me that she had gotten a couple bucks, that aren't as as it turns out, and since they don't eat them wondered if I would like them when we make the exchange for Princess. One is a la mancha and one is a Cashmere, I was excited to get them, Mokie was looking for a cashmere so that is great and on the off chance that they are still bucklings and they just aren't acting like bucks, she had been told they were, which would be potentially very useful for our herds for breeding this fall if they are, a little different input for the does. Also a win win, so we will see on the 13th what they are...... tomorrow.
I put photos of my Upluks on facebook and got a wave of great feedback on them. I did get a question I had never even thought of, mostly because I am a barefooter and don't ware slippers or sock in the house. I got the question of how I was going to approach the traction issue. I love my friends and their feedback. I got on the Internet and have come up with three really good options. Super Grip, Regia ABS or Plasti Grip, the options of puffy paint or caulk were contemplated but the general consensuses was that the puffy paint wouldn't last through any wear and the the caulk was messy and may need to be reapplied so I am think that the spray on or the paint on products is my choice. I think that I am going to try, at least with the little pairs to put on stencils of the product, I think that will work well with either spray or paint on. I am going to order some this morning. I may order a couple different kinds, two I know wash well unsure on the third product. I love a new craft project with problems to solve, I think that is why I keep creating different things got to keep my mind from rotting. I do enjoy making the Upluks, I can just watch TV or listen to the girls read as I make them. I also don't chew my nails if I have something to occupy my hands, win win..
Poppie and I check out Little Ham when we were feeding the animals. She seems to be doing much better, not sure if it was that she was just a little under the weather, they are alot like people and get sick like we do, or if she was under the weather because she is being runted out. We decided that we would grab the other small piglet, and just house them separately either permanently or until they fatten up and are more able to compete. We never house them alone as they get lonely and they have no incentive to eat as their in no competition for food. So the two little ladies are as happy as clams in their new digs. The new Crazy Goat Lady advised me that she had gotten a couple bucks, that aren't as as it turns out, and since they don't eat them wondered if I would like them when we make the exchange for Princess. One is a la mancha and one is a Cashmere, I was excited to get them, Mokie was looking for a cashmere so that is great and on the off chance that they are still bucklings and they just aren't acting like bucks, she had been told they were, which would be potentially very useful for our herds for breeding this fall if they are, a little different input for the does. Also a win win, so we will see on the 13th what they are...... tomorrow.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Is your faith intellectual faith or saving faith? Do you live for the Lord, and have a personal relationship with him?
I often talk to myself without ceasing. I learned a long time ago I was not actually talking to myself but I am having an on going talk or sometimes an ongoing debate with the Lord. I told Yogie along time ago she had the right to talk to herself. I told her that sometimes the most intelligent person she talked to was in herself. I have not actually told her that it would be the Lord she was talking to I am going to let her discover that on her own. I think when you discover it, it is the Lord letting you know that he is in you, and that he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world...
I watch Dr. Charles Stanley, he is one of my favorite TV Evangelists, I know he has a congregation and is a regular preacher but as I will only ever see him on the TV that is his place in my live. He is teaching a series of sermons on Faith. The one I watched, and recorded, this morning was very good as are most of the ones he preaches. It got me to thinking and talking to the Lord. I just want to clarify, as some one once said about my blog that is was accusatory and that I came close to calling people names in it, that when I speak out and say "do you do this or that?" the person I am most likely admonishing is myself. I treat my blog much like the conversations I have with myself, they are actually just the written versions of my conversations. I am not trying to teach anyone my great wisdom, as I have none, I am just talking to myself, and the Lord; I am allowing you a peak into my ramblings along the way. If you feel that I am calling you a name maybe you need to have a conversation on that with the Lord yourself, we forget that most of what we think that people think about us is in our mind about 95 percent of it is our issues. Only 5 percent of that we think people think of us is actually other peoples thoughts. So if my blog is making you uncomfortable please don't read it or please ask the Lord "why is it making me so uncomfortable?" and maybe you need to pray on it with him. I really don't care to make my thoughts, on any level, the great wisdom it probably isn't but if for even one person it is a path to look to God then I am truly blessed by the Lord. I digressed, but for a good cause. Anyway on to the point, is your faith intellectual or Saving?
Do you even know what the difference is? The preacher said that intellectual faith is something almost all people have, it is the faith that Jesus lived, was the son of God and died and arose. Most all have heard it and believe it if only in a passing sense. That is not the faith that the bible talks about that makes us a saved person and someone who will have everlasting life with the Lord. Saving Faith is different. I am not sure I had ever heard it put quite the way he spoke it and I had to look into myself and asked do I have Saving Faith? Do I know when I got it? Is my faith only the intellectual faith that so many on earth are born with? Is my faith only the kind that I can say I have always had it or I have believed in Jesus all my life? Is that all I have? I prayed and listened. Is my faith the kind that changed my life? Do I, with all my conviction, believe that Jesus suffered and died for me? Do I know in my heart that I wanted to follow him as my Lord? Do I follow him? Am I obedient, have I yielded my life to him, and know that he is the Lord of all on this earth, that one day all will bow on one knee and acknowledge him as scripture says? Is the Lord my only path to heaven and everlasting life? Was the Lord crucified for me? Is the Lord my only way to receive the holy spirit and to be forgiven by the Lord God? Does God test me? Does God speak to me through the bible? Does God have a plan for me? I found after much prayer, that, yes, I have saving faith; because I know he is my Lord, I have repented and he has forgiven my sins and he died for me so that I can have everlasting life. He has given me the gift of the Holy Spirit, the grace of God and everlasting life. Is Saving faith only given to those in a church on a pew? No. Are all of those on pews living in Saving faith? No. Saving faith is a personal relationship with the Lord. Saving faith is having an intimate personal relationship with the Lord. Does intellectual faith and good works save you? No. It is the grace of God given to you when you have Saving faith through the Lord Jesus.... tomorrow.
I watch Dr. Charles Stanley, he is one of my favorite TV Evangelists, I know he has a congregation and is a regular preacher but as I will only ever see him on the TV that is his place in my live. He is teaching a series of sermons on Faith. The one I watched, and recorded, this morning was very good as are most of the ones he preaches. It got me to thinking and talking to the Lord. I just want to clarify, as some one once said about my blog that is was accusatory and that I came close to calling people names in it, that when I speak out and say "do you do this or that?" the person I am most likely admonishing is myself. I treat my blog much like the conversations I have with myself, they are actually just the written versions of my conversations. I am not trying to teach anyone my great wisdom, as I have none, I am just talking to myself, and the Lord; I am allowing you a peak into my ramblings along the way. If you feel that I am calling you a name maybe you need to have a conversation on that with the Lord yourself, we forget that most of what we think that people think about us is in our mind about 95 percent of it is our issues. Only 5 percent of that we think people think of us is actually other peoples thoughts. So if my blog is making you uncomfortable please don't read it or please ask the Lord "why is it making me so uncomfortable?" and maybe you need to pray on it with him. I really don't care to make my thoughts, on any level, the great wisdom it probably isn't but if for even one person it is a path to look to God then I am truly blessed by the Lord. I digressed, but for a good cause. Anyway on to the point, is your faith intellectual or Saving?
Do you even know what the difference is? The preacher said that intellectual faith is something almost all people have, it is the faith that Jesus lived, was the son of God and died and arose. Most all have heard it and believe it if only in a passing sense. That is not the faith that the bible talks about that makes us a saved person and someone who will have everlasting life with the Lord. Saving Faith is different. I am not sure I had ever heard it put quite the way he spoke it and I had to look into myself and asked do I have Saving Faith? Do I know when I got it? Is my faith only the intellectual faith that so many on earth are born with? Is my faith only the kind that I can say I have always had it or I have believed in Jesus all my life? Is that all I have? I prayed and listened. Is my faith the kind that changed my life? Do I, with all my conviction, believe that Jesus suffered and died for me? Do I know in my heart that I wanted to follow him as my Lord? Do I follow him? Am I obedient, have I yielded my life to him, and know that he is the Lord of all on this earth, that one day all will bow on one knee and acknowledge him as scripture says? Is the Lord my only path to heaven and everlasting life? Was the Lord crucified for me? Is the Lord my only way to receive the holy spirit and to be forgiven by the Lord God? Does God test me? Does God speak to me through the bible? Does God have a plan for me? I found after much prayer, that, yes, I have saving faith; because I know he is my Lord, I have repented and he has forgiven my sins and he died for me so that I can have everlasting life. He has given me the gift of the Holy Spirit, the grace of God and everlasting life. Is Saving faith only given to those in a church on a pew? No. Are all of those on pews living in Saving faith? No. Saving faith is a personal relationship with the Lord. Saving faith is having an intimate personal relationship with the Lord. Does intellectual faith and good works save you? No. It is the grace of God given to you when you have Saving faith through the Lord Jesus.... tomorrow.
The Ladies return, Little Ham needs a special room, piggies getting bigger.
The Ladies returned late in the evening, they had a good time at their grandparents. They had a good time with Only. Yogie came home in her pj shirt and Poppie gave her a bad time; she said she had gotten her shirt wet helping do dishes, so that was a good thing that they helped grandma out. They seem refreshed from getting away. Poppie and I had a lazy day of knitting and tv watching for the most part. We feed the animals and noticed that Little Ham was off her feed, and piglets are never off their feed that is their whole purpose in life, eating. We shooed the goats out of the small stall and put her in there with some food and hay to keep her warm so we could watch her. Poppie checked on her throughout the day and she seemed to be active and talking and maybe trying the food. If she is not better today we will giver her a shot of antibiotic. She is my piglet so that shouldn't make any difference for the market pigs as we are not selling her. I don't like to treat the piglets we sell. I like them to be antibiotic free. One other piglet is smaller than the rest but she has always been, Little Ham is usually one of the bigger piglets and she seems to have dropped some weight so I am a little concerned. We will watch her and see how it goes. We have 11 piglets right now. One as a new breeder, one as our butchering pig, i.e. Little Ham, she will be about a year when we butcher her so a bacon pig. We have 5 market pigs that already have homes, One that still needs to be traded for the peahen. Three we are going to see about selling to the local butcher, Poppie talked to him awhile back. He ask Poppie to come back after the holidays and butchering season had passed so Poppie needs to go talk to him again.
I finished up several sets of Upluks, I have the Ladies pairs ready to do the knitting on they will be the biggest pairs I have made to date. I got tired of trying to figure out sizing so finally was able to locate a sizing chart on line. The funny thing is that even when you cut them from the same pattern they sew up a little different so when I make them I will start with a size but due to sewing and material differences I will have to re size them by the chart to sell them. It amazes me that the changes as they go up are not really consistent. Sometimes a 1/4 inch and sometimes only a 1/16 how does that make a lick of sense. I will just go by the chart and that will have to do.
Poppie is so great lately, I, as you know have been watching the morning sermons on Sundays, it is interesting because I can watch so many different preachers and different sermons, usually about 4 hours worth. The ladies join me sometimes but don't usually stay if the sermon is heavy. The Lord has blessed me with Poppie joining me that last two Sundays, we are even recording a few of them to rewatch to get more out of them as we review them. How glorious and blessed I am that the Lord is specking so to Poppie. Poppie has always believed but has never been called by the Lord, well that is not true, he was in his early thirties for awhile. The Lord knows he loves and believes in him but has resentments from his childhood and that has been a stumbling block for him. I am so excited to see Poppie choosing to join me and truly seeking the Lord to the point that he watches even if I have to go do something else. The Lord finds us where we are and in his time frame. Amen... tomorrow.
I finished up several sets of Upluks, I have the Ladies pairs ready to do the knitting on they will be the biggest pairs I have made to date. I got tired of trying to figure out sizing so finally was able to locate a sizing chart on line. The funny thing is that even when you cut them from the same pattern they sew up a little different so when I make them I will start with a size but due to sewing and material differences I will have to re size them by the chart to sell them. It amazes me that the changes as they go up are not really consistent. Sometimes a 1/4 inch and sometimes only a 1/16 how does that make a lick of sense. I will just go by the chart and that will have to do.
Poppie is so great lately, I, as you know have been watching the morning sermons on Sundays, it is interesting because I can watch so many different preachers and different sermons, usually about 4 hours worth. The ladies join me sometimes but don't usually stay if the sermon is heavy. The Lord has blessed me with Poppie joining me that last two Sundays, we are even recording a few of them to rewatch to get more out of them as we review them. How glorious and blessed I am that the Lord is specking so to Poppie. Poppie has always believed but has never been called by the Lord, well that is not true, he was in his early thirties for awhile. The Lord knows he loves and believes in him but has resentments from his childhood and that has been a stumbling block for him. I am so excited to see Poppie choosing to join me and truly seeking the Lord to the point that he watches even if I have to go do something else. The Lord finds us where we are and in his time frame. Amen... tomorrow.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A new crazy goat lady, so much fun, the ladies are away at Grandpa's.
I advertised Princess on craigslist and a new crazy goat lady answered my add. I will wait to give her a name until I meet her, the name usually come to me as a first thought so haven't really got one about her yet. I am always so excited to meet a new Crazy. I can't say I have ever meant a goat person of the lady persuasion that wasn't a Crazy goat lady at heart, comes with the territory I suppose. Really if you love goats you become obsessed and the crazy part just come naturally, you talk about them to every one, and they soon think of you as a crazy goat lady so it is just easier to accept your disease and go on. I kind of associate it with a new grandparent with a photo album, the first 50 pictures of their little loves are wonderful it is just the 500th that is a little over the top, so you avoid your friend when they have their album tucked up under their arm. I am actually kind of glad the little screen on their cell phones are so small that with out my glass I can't see them, ok, now you know why I only wear my glasses part of the time, strategy. I know that was bad, bad Nannie. I love my grandkids to death but ever see me with a photo album?
The ladies are at Grandpa's and should be home later this afternoon. It was good for them to get away. They need time with the grandparents, as long as they are not over shadowed by Only. It is good for them to have a relationship with her but she is nearly three and no longer a baby but Grandma doesn't see that, I actually had to make it a rule that the girls couldn't carry her as she weigh two thirds of Yogies weight and it was to hard on Yogie to carry her for Grandma. Grandma was put out and doesn't agree that the baby could be over half of Yogie's weight. I may be crazy but at 54 pounds and 38 lbs I think the math I took makes that alot more than half. I know Grandma loves them all but it is clearly Only that is her favorite. Only is more of a baby in Grandma's eyes than Bubbie, so it is obviously an issue. Grandpa has gotten the unspoken message that they can go for a visit when he is there as he is much more fair with his love. He tries and that is all the matters.
I am working on Upluks, made a couple variations closer to a woven upright but not quite there. I am going to list some on ETSY later and put some photos on Facebook, Lady liked the order by was in agreement with me that the one pair may be big and duckie so will probably end up making a replacement pair but that will be fun as each new pair is better than the last, the good thing about a developing pattern or design. I think that is what keeps me carving and not always continuing my new annual projects, I think the annual craft eventually hold no new challenge and I evolve past them. I don't mind revisiting a past craft as an order or teaching someone else to make it but it no longer holds mystery to me and I go on.
I have coffee to drink, an Upluk that needs a mate and animals that will be asking to be feed soon... tomorrow.
The ladies are at Grandpa's and should be home later this afternoon. It was good for them to get away. They need time with the grandparents, as long as they are not over shadowed by Only. It is good for them to have a relationship with her but she is nearly three and no longer a baby but Grandma doesn't see that, I actually had to make it a rule that the girls couldn't carry her as she weigh two thirds of Yogies weight and it was to hard on Yogie to carry her for Grandma. Grandma was put out and doesn't agree that the baby could be over half of Yogie's weight. I may be crazy but at 54 pounds and 38 lbs I think the math I took makes that alot more than half. I know Grandma loves them all but it is clearly Only that is her favorite. Only is more of a baby in Grandma's eyes than Bubbie, so it is obviously an issue. Grandpa has gotten the unspoken message that they can go for a visit when he is there as he is much more fair with his love. He tries and that is all the matters.
I am working on Upluks, made a couple variations closer to a woven upright but not quite there. I am going to list some on ETSY later and put some photos on Facebook, Lady liked the order by was in agreement with me that the one pair may be big and duckie so will probably end up making a replacement pair but that will be fun as each new pair is better than the last, the good thing about a developing pattern or design. I think that is what keeps me carving and not always continuing my new annual projects, I think the annual craft eventually hold no new challenge and I evolve past them. I don't mind revisiting a past craft as an order or teaching someone else to make it but it no longer holds mystery to me and I go on.
I have coffee to drink, an Upluk that needs a mate and animals that will be asking to be feed soon... tomorrow.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Sex workers, lifes lessons, Cubbie has a nice sleep and God is greater than evil.
We arrived bright and early at the dentists office. They sedated Cubbie strapped her down and she was in a good place, cooperating with the nice ladies. They actually got to ex ray her and found she had a tooth that had been hit in the front and needs removed as well as a couple that need capped. Much more work than they could do in the office and they didn't want to traumatize her by doing some work and then having to do it under general anesthesia later. So they had to let her come out of the sedation over the next two hours. Bubbie and I were in the waiting room watching "A bugs Life". Several nice ladies had to look at Bubbie, all that see her can't believe how alert she is for a newborn. It is more a norm in our family than something that is unusual, so it is always kind of funny when they comment about it. All in all a nice visit at the dentist. Cubbie kept falling over in the recovery room and she was say "I slipped" the dental tech would laugh and say "no, you more than slipped" Cubbie was very pleasant and giggly. She later threw up on me at the grocery store, thank goodness I could backup and all she had in her was apple juice. She was much better after throwing up and she was soon hunger so she had chicken, and a few donut holes. She finally got back to herself just before we started home, so it was good we were on the way home. We didn't actually get home until 1:30ish because of the wait but made good time anyway.
Booboo and I had an interest conversation on Wednesday night. I was watching a crime show on the murders of the woman on long island in my room. Booboo came in and was sort of watching so I asked her if the show was bothering her. She said "no and that she would like to watch it with me" I was hesitant at first as it was a very grim, brutally honest accounting of the serial murders of woman in the long island area over the last 15 years. I told her she could watch but if she had questions she should ask me about them and that if it was too scary we would stop watching. She said "it wasn't too scary" so she stayed to watch with me. I have said before that Booboo is very politically and socially aware so this didn't surprise me. Yogie didn't want to watch on any level and left to watch tv with dad. We were watching the program and she would ask about what dismembered meant or why the bad guy left bodies on the beach. I answered as best I could as we went along. She then ask me what "Sex workers" were. I told her that alot of sex workers in New York, were girls that ran away from home and meant up with the wrong people or were young woman than didn't have anyway to take care of themselves so they eventually had to sell the last thing of value they had. That when they sold their last thing of value that bad men were talking advantage of them. She looked at me a minute and said, "I don't think that it is good that bad men take advantage of girls in new york and they shouldn't kill them either." Ok, so I left out a bit but she is 8, and the answer was the truth and she didn't need or want to know about the sex, she just wanted to know why a bad man was killing young woman and I really didn't have that answer, Does anyone? She is such an amazing little lady and such a sensible soul. I can't imagine having the wisdom she has at such a young age.
The ladies went to Awana's last night, Yogie had been so scared to go. One of her friends at school helped her be brave enough to go. The evil breathed on her, touched her and spoke to her, she was scared but came to the decision that God was greater than the evil and that no one had the right to take God away from her. I was so proud of her. Her sister supported her and witnessed her struggle but was there for her in the end. God is great and will help her overcome the evil that stalks her. She told me "Mom, I think it is sad when adults are worse bully's than the kids" I think maybe that said it all. She too is a remarkable young lady. I think she is stronger for facing her fears and the adult truly is lesser for having scared her on purpose. God is going to have my little ones souls and they will dwell with the Lord though Satan's minion tries to intervene. God has a plan to protect us and I am happy to watch it reveal it's self to us... tomorrow.
Booboo and I had an interest conversation on Wednesday night. I was watching a crime show on the murders of the woman on long island in my room. Booboo came in and was sort of watching so I asked her if the show was bothering her. She said "no and that she would like to watch it with me" I was hesitant at first as it was a very grim, brutally honest accounting of the serial murders of woman in the long island area over the last 15 years. I told her she could watch but if she had questions she should ask me about them and that if it was too scary we would stop watching. She said "it wasn't too scary" so she stayed to watch with me. I have said before that Booboo is very politically and socially aware so this didn't surprise me. Yogie didn't want to watch on any level and left to watch tv with dad. We were watching the program and she would ask about what dismembered meant or why the bad guy left bodies on the beach. I answered as best I could as we went along. She then ask me what "Sex workers" were. I told her that alot of sex workers in New York, were girls that ran away from home and meant up with the wrong people or were young woman than didn't have anyway to take care of themselves so they eventually had to sell the last thing of value they had. That when they sold their last thing of value that bad men were talking advantage of them. She looked at me a minute and said, "I don't think that it is good that bad men take advantage of girls in new york and they shouldn't kill them either." Ok, so I left out a bit but she is 8, and the answer was the truth and she didn't need or want to know about the sex, she just wanted to know why a bad man was killing young woman and I really didn't have that answer, Does anyone? She is such an amazing little lady and such a sensible soul. I can't imagine having the wisdom she has at such a young age.
The ladies went to Awana's last night, Yogie had been so scared to go. One of her friends at school helped her be brave enough to go. The evil breathed on her, touched her and spoke to her, she was scared but came to the decision that God was greater than the evil and that no one had the right to take God away from her. I was so proud of her. Her sister supported her and witnessed her struggle but was there for her in the end. God is great and will help her overcome the evil that stalks her. She told me "Mom, I think it is sad when adults are worse bully's than the kids" I think maybe that said it all. She too is a remarkable young lady. I think she is stronger for facing her fears and the adult truly is lesser for having scared her on purpose. God is going to have my little ones souls and they will dwell with the Lord though Satan's minion tries to intervene. God has a plan to protect us and I am happy to watch it reveal it's self to us... tomorrow.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
A ladies day out of sorts, Cubbie and Bubbie going. Shopping at the Zoo.
Just about to leave we have to have Cubbie to a dental appointment at 8:10. Bubbie is going, Boy is going to school then staying with Poppie the rest of the morning. I hope we are home around noonish. We are going to do a little grocery shopping, no, no other shopping does anyone really have any shopping money left in January, gotta buy food, no can't do with out it.
It will be a quick trip in and then maybe a nice afternoon with Poppie. I hope to get my floor scrubbed, the holidays, 9 dogs and 4 cats are not ideal habitat for any ones carpets and I am not the best at daily vacuuming. I have finished up the order of Upluks. I think they all turned out cute, they are a little roomy on Cubbie. I hope that they are ok. I think a bit bigger is always a plus, one can't enjoy a pair a bit small after all. I got my new yarn yesterday and it was a great surprise, it all looked blue in the photos but in reality it is a lot of natural colors so that is wonderful. Cubbie after trying on upluks for size, picked out a nice pink, the only non natural color in the bunch, and said "Nannie, this is pink like my Dora" I think she wants a pair for Cubbie to keep.
Off to see about a cup a coffee Mokie and the wee girls will be here any minute and I have to get dressed to go.... tomorrow.
It will be a quick trip in and then maybe a nice afternoon with Poppie. I hope to get my floor scrubbed, the holidays, 9 dogs and 4 cats are not ideal habitat for any ones carpets and I am not the best at daily vacuuming. I have finished up the order of Upluks. I think they all turned out cute, they are a little roomy on Cubbie. I hope that they are ok. I think a bit bigger is always a plus, one can't enjoy a pair a bit small after all. I got my new yarn yesterday and it was a great surprise, it all looked blue in the photos but in reality it is a lot of natural colors so that is wonderful. Cubbie after trying on upluks for size, picked out a nice pink, the only non natural color in the bunch, and said "Nannie, this is pink like my Dora" I think she wants a pair for Cubbie to keep.
Off to see about a cup a coffee Mokie and the wee girls will be here any minute and I have to get dressed to go.... tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I am glad school is back on but it is not because of my girls, I need a break.
Today the girls go back to school, I do need a break from kids but not the Ladies. I am sorry to say that I need a break from grandkids, pseudo grandkids and not having Poppie's truck. The winter just seems to keep coming and we don't even have any snow. I am for all purposes stranded on my property. I can or could use the jeep to go somewhere but I have never driven it and don't really want to drive down our icy hill on my maiden voyage. It also cost a lot to drive as it was and is not made for short day trips. It was made to get you to your destination if it can be gotten there by 4 wheel drive. So is dependable but at a cost. I sort of feel like a woman from the pioneering times. I have my kids, my animals and my hubs to spend time with. Work to do, day in and day out, lots of obligations but no time to get to go to a social. The wind hasn't started to blow so I haven't yet gotten the melancholy of the pioneer women on the prairies, but sometimes I think I just might; but then I wonder when I would have the time and who would give me five minutes to actually have it.
I am a little saddened that the girls and I didn't have any really alone time over the break. They are as tired at the comings and going of all the others as I am sometimes. It is not that we don't love all the kids that come and go but sometimes we would have liked a break for just ourselves. It will actually be better with school going we will just have to make time in the evenings. I think snow would have helped, there wasn't all that much for the kids to do so they just felt the need to spend time in the house with Nannie. I am glad it was such a nice day yesterday, I put them all to work helping with the last of the wood splitting. Boy brought his sled, he, Eldest, M, Booboo and Buga filled it up and then they pulled it across the dry ground to the wood pile. I helped them stack wood. Poppie let them run the controls on the wood splitter, each in their own turn. All had fun and we chopped a row of wood, we always stop when Poppie has had more than enough on his back. Bug and Daughter later finished cutting and wrapping their pig. They just have a little grinding to do and I have to brine the hams and hocks for Poppie to smoke. That process will take a couple weeks to a month depending upon how I do it.
Just one more, set of Upluks to make for the order, may make a second options just encase. I am still working on a variation for a woven wool set with embroidered uppers; but my mind hasn't quite figured out how to make one seam so my mind works as I knit. A little pen and inking to do this morning, and I have to finish a book picture frame for an order, I will be able to carve again next week as I will be giving back my pseudo grandkid duties to Mokie. I am glad she is taking their care back, she got her month of being with her baby but it did remind me why I don't hire out myself to watch kids regularly. I have too many coming and going now so the stress of daily doing more is overwhelming. I am done whining now.
Good news some one responded to my add about Princess he may be on to a new home and the person might want some diary babies in the spring. God is so good to us here on our little plot..... tomorrow.
I am a little saddened that the girls and I didn't have any really alone time over the break. They are as tired at the comings and going of all the others as I am sometimes. It is not that we don't love all the kids that come and go but sometimes we would have liked a break for just ourselves. It will actually be better with school going we will just have to make time in the evenings. I think snow would have helped, there wasn't all that much for the kids to do so they just felt the need to spend time in the house with Nannie. I am glad it was such a nice day yesterday, I put them all to work helping with the last of the wood splitting. Boy brought his sled, he, Eldest, M, Booboo and Buga filled it up and then they pulled it across the dry ground to the wood pile. I helped them stack wood. Poppie let them run the controls on the wood splitter, each in their own turn. All had fun and we chopped a row of wood, we always stop when Poppie has had more than enough on his back. Bug and Daughter later finished cutting and wrapping their pig. They just have a little grinding to do and I have to brine the hams and hocks for Poppie to smoke. That process will take a couple weeks to a month depending upon how I do it.
Just one more, set of Upluks to make for the order, may make a second options just encase. I am still working on a variation for a woven wool set with embroidered uppers; but my mind hasn't quite figured out how to make one seam so my mind works as I knit. A little pen and inking to do this morning, and I have to finish a book picture frame for an order, I will be able to carve again next week as I will be giving back my pseudo grandkid duties to Mokie. I am glad she is taking their care back, she got her month of being with her baby but it did remind me why I don't hire out myself to watch kids regularly. I have too many coming and going now so the stress of daily doing more is overwhelming. I am done whining now.
Good news some one responded to my add about Princess he may be on to a new home and the person might want some diary babies in the spring. God is so good to us here on our little plot..... tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
One last day with the Ladies, knitting to finish up, life wants us back on track.
We had a real nice drive, saw lots of snow geese or swans, I can never actually remember which they are on the Flathead river where we drove. I am almost sure they were snow geese but looked likes swans to me. The girls were fascinated with the lovely white flocks setting on the blue green muddy water. We stopped and they got their subways but we waited until after we picked up all the grain to eat them. We sat in a pull out along the river to enjoy the beauty of the world God has given us. Yogie was soon doing the pee pee dance so we had to drive a little further down to a the boat dock pullout so got to enjoy two different lovely views. The amount of grain has gone up a little so lets hope it holds at this price for a little while or the 5000 lbs of grain we got lasts a little while. It was great to get out and just be at peace, no place to be, no one to hold or settle an argument for. The ladies were as at peace as Poppie and I were. We returned home and packed 700 lbs of grain, fed the piggies, sow, goats, and various birds. We were then ready for coffee, then Brother came down and off loaded the 1000 lb bags, three to our barn and one to Son's. A nice day all in all I finished off the evening working on an order of Upluks. Two pairs down and two pairs to go. they look big to me but I did do a preliminary fit on Cubbie for one of the pairs, her foot is the same length, but unsure if it is the same width, she actually has really thin feet so they are wide on her but slipper should be roomy and comfy so may be just about right. Off to bed by 9ish.
Today I am going to finish up a couple orders of pen and ink antler handles, two more Upluks to knit, I may get to go to CAKLS so will be doing the happy dance if I actually get to go. Bug and Daughter are supposed to come up and finish cutting their pig. They did one quarter the other day, but have more to finish up, I am tired of the bandsaw in my kitchen. Shinny lent it to us to make the process go quicker, very nice of him. I actually didn't do really much of it, I showed them what to do, pig is not the same process as cutting a deer. Much easier but they had to have directions as they had never done it before. More of the meat is specifically cut than they do their deer. I will help them brine or probably have to do it, and Poppie is going to smoke the meat. Bug wants it very smokey so it will probably take at couple weeks. It will be nice to try the wet brine this time, last time we did dry brine and the meat is alot different depending upon which process you use.
It is unseasonally warm here so the kids have gotten out their bikes and have been riding up and down the drive. They are really lamenting that they don't have any snow to sled on. Today I am going to let them cut out their dolly's. Yogie anyway, she is more than ready, Booboo thinks she may need more practice before she is ready to sew her dolly up. She is making progress and will eventually get it and be a more precise sewer, her sister may just be a fly by the seat of her pants sewer, a good think and a bad thing. The creations she will make. They will be as different in their approaches as I have ever seen them be, but that is good. They balance one another and will have a different prospective to share. ...... tomorrow.
Today I am going to finish up a couple orders of pen and ink antler handles, two more Upluks to knit, I may get to go to CAKLS so will be doing the happy dance if I actually get to go. Bug and Daughter are supposed to come up and finish cutting their pig. They did one quarter the other day, but have more to finish up, I am tired of the bandsaw in my kitchen. Shinny lent it to us to make the process go quicker, very nice of him. I actually didn't do really much of it, I showed them what to do, pig is not the same process as cutting a deer. Much easier but they had to have directions as they had never done it before. More of the meat is specifically cut than they do their deer. I will help them brine or probably have to do it, and Poppie is going to smoke the meat. Bug wants it very smokey so it will probably take at couple weeks. It will be nice to try the wet brine this time, last time we did dry brine and the meat is alot different depending upon which process you use.
It is unseasonally warm here so the kids have gotten out their bikes and have been riding up and down the drive. They are really lamenting that they don't have any snow to sled on. Today I am going to let them cut out their dolly's. Yogie anyway, she is more than ready, Booboo thinks she may need more practice before she is ready to sew her dolly up. She is making progress and will eventually get it and be a more precise sewer, her sister may just be a fly by the seat of her pants sewer, a good think and a bad thing. The creations she will make. They will be as different in their approaches as I have ever seen them be, but that is good. They balance one another and will have a different prospective to share. ...... tomorrow.
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