We slept in this morning, the girls started trickling in about 8, both played computer learning games. Poppie says I am to stay in bed, I am trying but not sure I will make it all day. Yogie is making 10 grain cooked cereal for us, well not Poppie he doesn't eat nuts and twigs. I am hoping Yogie will read her book to me later that will help me stay in bed. Booboo may as well, that would be nice.
The Professor called Poppie last night after we were abed. He was in Idaho on his way home from his sisters funeral. She was his younger sister and she lost her battle with cancer. I has been hard on him. Poppie wondered why, Professor had called him and I told him I think he just needed to talk to his friend. They have become quite close over the last few months. Poppie I don't think knew he was needed by the Professor until then. I something find it funny how Poppie is not good at reading that kind of thing because so many people find Poppie to have compassion and are drawn to him. I am truly blessed by God that he gave me Poppie to share my life.
The Professor is bringing the originally rabbits that the girls were to have so that is good, Poppie hadn't gotten the cage down and maybe that was God's plan that the girls would have the other rabbits. Professor was worried the one of the does might be mean so he in the end wanted them to have the younger new rabbits. It was so nice of him to have his thoughts on them in his hour of sorrow. I pray that his pain lessens and he keeps the memory of his dear sister close to his heart.
I often wonder if we follow our faith where God wants us to go with it. Does your faith have the strength to do what God asks you to do? Do we follow it where he leads us? Did you ever take a leap that you didn't understand but knew that that path was where God wanted you to go? Does your faith have the strength to know that God will always provide even if you can't see the end result? God always knows where he wants you to go and always knows the end result you just have to know, by faith, that God is the authority in your life and he will never let you fall. Have you ever taken a leap of faith? I have, I know that God is king of my life and knows where I am to end up, it was one of the best things I ever did in my life, no, the best.... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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