The Ladies returned late in the evening, they had a good time at their grandparents. They had a good time with Only. Yogie came home in her pj shirt and Poppie gave her a bad time; she said she had gotten her shirt wet helping do dishes, so that was a good thing that they helped grandma out. They seem refreshed from getting away. Poppie and I had a lazy day of knitting and tv watching for the most part. We feed the animals and noticed that Little Ham was off her feed, and piglets are never off their feed that is their whole purpose in life, eating. We shooed the goats out of the small stall and put her in there with some food and hay to keep her warm so we could watch her. Poppie checked on her throughout the day and she seemed to be active and talking and maybe trying the food. If she is not better today we will giver her a shot of antibiotic. She is my piglet so that shouldn't make any difference for the market pigs as we are not selling her. I don't like to treat the piglets we sell. I like them to be antibiotic free. One other piglet is smaller than the rest but she has always been, Little Ham is usually one of the bigger piglets and she seems to have dropped some weight so I am a little concerned. We will watch her and see how it goes. We have 11 piglets right now. One as a new breeder, one as our butchering pig, i.e. Little Ham, she will be about a year when we butcher her so a bacon pig. We have 5 market pigs that already have homes, One that still needs to be traded for the peahen. Three we are going to see about selling to the local butcher, Poppie talked to him awhile back. He ask Poppie to come back after the holidays and butchering season had passed so Poppie needs to go talk to him again.
I finished up several sets of Upluks, I have the Ladies pairs ready to do the knitting on they will be the biggest pairs I have made to date. I got tired of trying to figure out sizing so finally was able to locate a sizing chart on line. The funny thing is that even when you cut them from the same pattern they sew up a little different so when I make them I will start with a size but due to sewing and material differences I will have to re size them by the chart to sell them. It amazes me that the changes as they go up are not really consistent. Sometimes a 1/4 inch and sometimes only a 1/16 how does that make a lick of sense. I will just go by the chart and that will have to do.
Poppie is so great lately, I, as you know have been watching the morning sermons on Sundays, it is interesting because I can watch so many different preachers and different sermons, usually about 4 hours worth. The ladies join me sometimes but don't usually stay if the sermon is heavy. The Lord has blessed me with Poppie joining me that last two Sundays, we are even recording a few of them to rewatch to get more out of them as we review them. How glorious and blessed I am that the Lord is specking so to Poppie. Poppie has always believed but has never been called by the Lord, well that is not true, he was in his early thirties for awhile. The Lord knows he loves and believes in him but has resentments from his childhood and that has been a stumbling block for him. I am so excited to see Poppie choosing to join me and truly seeking the Lord to the point that he watches even if I have to go do something else. The Lord finds us where we are and in his time frame. Amen... tomorrow.
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