I checked my goat several times yesterday, two of mine were due to have babies and two of Mokies due the same day. Copper and Caramel were running and jumping, Cubbie had one in a feeder laying with her, he just laid by her content to sleep on her shoulder. Curious and Cartoons ran after babies they never did catch one but they gave it a good try. Second had let one out of the pen so she jerked it up and dropped it hard on the ground she got in trouble for that. I thought Jewels looked odd and would have hers first, Lilly didn't look as uncomfortable. We let the kids play in the pen for quite a while then we went over to check on Mokie's two does. Snowpine and Ducky seemed to be a little aggressive toward one another but no real signs of progress. We took the kids in the house, I feed them sandwiches and Mokie took the older two to school. Poppie held Bubbie on his lap, she sat up proudly and looked all around at her world. When she sets on Poppie lap she gets to see so much more of the world, Poppie has long arms to wrap around her and she tucks into a nice little seat, a hole by his side, when Nannie and Mommie hold her she gets caught up in the "pillows" and doesn't get a good view of the world, plus her little seat is not nearly as roomy. She watched Cubbie run around the room, We had been sitting there a little while and there was no sound coming from the table, Cubbie had finished her sandwich and come to entertain Bubbie, but not Curious or Cartoons. I went to check on them and there they were sitting in the same chair fast asleep, Cartoons head on Curious's shoulder, I snapped a few photos I later sent to their mom's. Curious's older brother said he thought that they should save the picture for future teasing use. The pictures and the site of them was truly cute.
I got to go to CAKLS I had a great time catching up with all of my friends. I got to share adult time and catch up on all the news of each of my friends lives. I made arrangements for Lady to pick me up some coconut oil, Got to banter with Short's hubbie. I got to share coffee, didn't eat the pie but brought Poppie a piece, I got to be out in the world with a wonderful caring bunch of ladies, one of my favorite things. I came home dropped Mokie's car off at her house, talked to her for a minute, I heard a baby goat screaming at my house so told her I had to go check on them. Cubbie came along with me. Cubbie went through the gate and was first to pass the birthing house, she said "Nannie a baby" I thought she meant one of the older ones but when I looked in the house there lay a crying brown and white baby, he was crying his head off, no momma, I picked him up and went to find momma. She was near the feeder with a little brown headed white doeling. I told Cubbie to go get her momma, off she ran. I tried to get the little male to nurse, he was a happy participant in that idea. He couldn't stand on his back feet so I needed to give him some selenium. The doeling was a lot littler but happily standing and nursing. Mokie, Bubbie and Cubbie soon came over. She said "dad just feed them and didn't see them?" When Poppie came with the girls, he said they weren't here when I left, Mokie and I think that she had had the baby in the birthing house but when he brought the hay past she had followed him out and given birth to the second one by the feeder and that is how they got separated. The little brown one had faded into the dirt color and Poppoe hadn't seen him. Jewels is a second year momma, first set of twins. She is a good momma if not an attentive or overly protective momma. The little doeling looks alot like her little Pokaspot that she had last year. Pokaspot was killed by the cougar at the neighbors house last year. The buckling looks alot like Pansy brown buckling that was later named, Howard, I think. We haven't named them yet. I will name them with P names as I had named Jewels before we started the first letter thing and Pansy was Jewels momma so they will get P names. I like Paisley for the doeling, not sure yet on the buckling. I had a great day all toll yesterday. Today I have listings to do, laundry, and have to get stuff together to go teach ladies to make soap at my mom's tomorrow. Oh, and I am thinking Mokie may have babies this morning. her ducky was starting to show signs of pushing last night...... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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Congratulations on the new kids. I hope the little guys legs are OK
ReplyDeleteThey already are the selenium gel is such a miracle to have on hand. I hate the shots and the whole epi-pen thing so love the selenium gel. Had four more today.