Mokie's two does each had babies in the morning between 8 and 9. Son helped pull one and I pulled the one that the first time momma had, Ducky, was a trooper. They were both great big bucklings, Son has decided he is going to keep one as a buck, they are both half dairy and half Boer so will give us nice options for breeding. Mokie and I really like one but Son might like the other one, hope we get to keep the black Boer marked one, he is also from Mokies favorite doe. The little doeling I had the day before is runting out due to the other twin being alot bigger and the momma hasn't really gotten in a lot of milk. We may have another goat nursing on her but not sure. Either way the little one I was going to call Paisley is now Cubbies, and she called her Pansy after the baby goats grandma that died, which was a coincidence as she is not old enough to really think that way but Mokie was proud that she had thought to call her Pansy. She took to the bottle after awhile, we milked some of the colostrum from Ducky, she had plenty to share. We used one of Bubbie's diapers on her, Bug thought to put the diaper on back wards, it fit better and it is easier to put on while the goat stands. I gave her a couple diaper covers as well, they might work well for goat diapers. Cubbie has to learn to take care of her goat. She has agreed to have her bed moved into her own room so the goat can sleep with her, we will see if that works, her mom said she couldn't have her goat in her room. I got a set of twins around noon, one doeling and one buckling, I was happy with that as I wanted more meat or bucklings to sell this year. One is Linus and one is Lucy, the twin of Pansy's will be Peanuts, so we will have the whole gang. The girls weren't quite sure who the Peanuts characters were but liked the names, later they were on a commercial and I showed them who they were, they sort of knew who they were once I showed them, sad when a kids can't remember Peanuts.
Lady picked up the coconut oil I needed, she was a lifesaver. I have all the soap makings packed up, and ready to go, well most of it, still a few odds and ends to tuck in. My mom called to tell me the total of ladies coming to learn is now 9. One wants to learn to make liquid, I told her that the liquid would have to be another day as it was a hot process soap and took all day to make. I am going to teach them to make cold cold process, cold process and triple milled or french milled. That should be enough to do for one morning. My mom has planned lunch so we had to make arrangements for Poppie to be able to pick up the girls, Sister is going to pick up Drama Queens girls, my girls are going to go to the afternoon program. Yogie won't go to AWANA's and Booboo is going to go with her to after school programs with her. Sad but they get to make their choices for God as they see fit, and they need to be comfortable doing it. They are neither one old enough to understand persecution for the Lord but it did come into their lives. Off to drink coffee and get myself in gear.... tomorrow.
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