Friday, March 30, 2012

The rain is pouring down, but we had such a nice Spring break week.

The rain has poured down most of the night. The ping ping ping on my bathroom vent was almost melodious.  The air is cool and feels thick, if air can be thick.  The day makes you want to stay in and is not calling us to go out side to enjoy it.  We may just get to lay laminate.  We were supposed to all week but the days were so nice that we just couldn't turn our backs on its siren wails.  We spent the week raking pine needles, picking up scrap boards and things we burned.  We made a creep feeder for the little goats.  The mommas invaded it so we tweaked it.  We hope they won't still be able to sneak in but if so  we will tweak it again.  The girls played in the driveway and on the road with their bikes.  Boy learned to master the bike that Preacher brought and then he was on to his bigger bike.  The Little tried to ride a bike with some success but she didn't really stick with it long term.  Bubbie liked being in the walker in the sunshine.  Cubbie did cubbie things, and needed a wash more than once, explored and "found" lost treasures.  Poppie was please with the progress we made in the yard.  We have ignored our poor house and no laminating got done; but it was such a long winter we deserved the fun and enjoyment of spending a whole week in the sunshine doing alot of nothing, in the eyes of most, but accomplished so much.  We grew as a family just spending time together, cleaned the yard and revitalised ourselves for whatever is to come.

Hopefully we can get the floor in today.  We are going to have to put the furniture in the kitchen, and in the bedrooms.  We won't be able to put any of it on the porch it is really raining hard.  We may not get it done but the dead line to get it done is only in our heads, there is really no need to hurry it will be there waiting for us when the right day actually comes.  Poppie had to go save Herbalists son last night he had been out hunting mushroom and was just coming back to town when he lost his transmission or maybe just the clutch.  He coasted to the grocery store and called Poppie for help.  They towed the truck up here and Poppie took him home.  Poppie will try and determine what is actually wrong today.  It has an aluminum tranny so it shouldn't be hard for Poppie to check to let him know which it is, tranny or clutch.  Life is a meandering road we never actually know what is around the next bend or curve, adds a little spice doesn't it?....... tomorrow.

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