Mokie is looking to buy a female Angora or cashmere, goat probably an angora as they are more compatible with the Boers for breeding. She found a couple of nice withers on craigslist but not females. We can't wait to include one or more into our herd. We are going to get spinning fever and want to be a head of the curve. D'Spice and D'Sugar are fitting into my herd real well, so still have one set of babies to deliver this year. I will have a little buckling and a couple little does, all dairy to sell this year, and maybe a couple more depending upon what D'Sugar drops on the ground. I call them that as their names were Sugar and Spice but as their momma was Herbalists full blood La mancha, named Daisy, I added the D' to their names, Poppie loved them so much when we got the opportunity to get them I jumped on it. They are wonderful new additions to our herd. We are hoping to get a creep feeder built for our newborn goats this year, it will accelerate the growth of the withers and little does as their mommas won't be able to eat all their food. I caught Poppie hand feeding extra rations to Glenda and Gladys, they need it but he was so sweet, he stood and let them eat out of a can and waved off the bigger does. It was so smart of Poppie, they are both skittish and have not really become friendly to us yet, they put up with us but when Poppie had the can of grain they came up and ate out of his hand and got pets as he did it. Poppie is now going to work with them atleast 3 times a week and they will love the extra food, and Poppie will love the bonding they won't actually know about.
Herbalist and Professor are going to a rabbit show for the weekend, so will have goats to milk out there. Mokie will get to keep the milk for her bummers, that way they will get the good stuff and not the beef tallow that the feed companies think is suitable alternative food for a baby goat, they call it kid replacement formula milk, eeeww. I asked Herbalist if I could barrow her spinning wheel before she went as I am coming along quite well on my spindle spinning. She sent it and all the extras out for me, I am so excited, she also sent out an extra flyer, bobbin and maiden bar. I was so excited to have it as it is just what Poppie needs to make me an electric spinning wheel, I had no idea she had it and that she would send it out. Now Poppie can experiment with it and we can see if his design will work. Poppie was also surprise to see how simple the spinning wheel itself will be to make. He is going to make me a spinning wheel. I have a lot of really nice maple, walnut and purple heart hardwood on hand and he will be able to lathe me a wonderful, made by him, wheel for me. I think it will make it such a special piece to have when he finishes it. I know all of them will be special but the one that will look like furniture will be especially so, though maybe no the most used, but will be an heirloom to pass down to my daughter that is my spinner. Mokie might just be the one with that in her but if not I am sure at least one will, if not Poppie might have to make one for each of them.
Mokie was so excited to see it come to the house. She couldn't have been more excited, almost as much as me. We had a wonderful day yesterday, a new spinning wheel to play with. Nice weather and kids in the sunshine. God couldn't have blessed us, the day was one of those we will remember and know how good life it for us in our neighborhood and world. She is working today, so I will get ahead of her on the learning, that way I can teach her. She is so hoping to find someone to apprentice to learn to shear goats, sheep, llamas and alpacas. We have Cinnamon as our victim, I mean learning apparatus. Late last night the Crazy Goat lady, I sold Shamrock to, called to update us on his babies. One of the two Mokie and I are to get had to be put down. They had just determined that one of them was actually born with deformed eyes and couldn't see at all. The vet said it is a rare birth defect. She is going to let us get an alternative doeling. She will still be one of Rosies granddaughters. Life is good here on our little acres, we are truly blessed by the Lord with a nice quiet neighborhood with some really good neighbors and family to love.... tomorrow.
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