Poppie is getting ready to go out to visit the Professor's and fix a couple of lights for him. It was long week for Poppie but they got the wood out of the woods so that is a blessing. I have a little laundry and mopping, hopefully the girls will be able to get their rooms clean and we can scrub the carpets before winter sets in.
NO sickies today yay, we didn't go to the pumpkin decorating, the kids were disappointed, for a minute, they don't stay sad long with so many things to do but I didn't want other kids to get sick with any residue sick. I didn't want anyone else to have to share in the joy of it.
We got three new piggies to raise up, either for our pantry in the future or to sell but it is nice to have the little guys in the pen. One is a dark red male, on a silver and pink male, and the last a black spotty white and pink female. The girls will surely have them named sometime today. We have one sow that is, or we think bred and one that will be in the next week or so, for piglets in the spring. I am getting the Berkshires next month sometime. They should be close to the size of the three we got so we will put them together. I managed to get a breeding pair so that will be exciting when they get all growed up. My dad says that they will have shorter noses than I am used to having. We really can't wait until they come. Okay, so I get excited about silly things sometime, or maybe it is just simple things. Poppie is going to help Son move his big boar, Brut, who weighs about 1200 lbs and his sow that weigh about 400 or 500 lbs. They are going to put them in their house and slide the house over with the backhoe to its new spot. They will have a much bigger pen. Once the move is made, Swiss Miss Chops is going to go over to be bred so a busy evening planned.
The ladies spent the night with their cousins. They should be home later this morning, not to much later, as we have a whole list of things to do, earlier stated. We are going to make bread tomorrow and foccacias for Sunday potluck. I am not sure if we are going to make things for Saturday so that the girls can do the Helpline craft show or not. Mokie may want to sell soap, or not, so we are going to talk about it today to make a decision. I will be volunteering with Lady at the Bountiful Baskets so won't be able to help them. Mokie hasn't had a Saturday off in a while, with her family, so we will see how it ends up. Maybe we will go get wood and I will join them after the baskets, some many possibilities to ponder. Maybe we could go mushroom hunting before the snow sets in.... okay I will stop that isn't helping.
I hope that you have a good day and the Lord brings blessings into your life. So many people in this day and age don't seek out the Lord and think that he is old news or something that their grandparents believed in but the Lord is alive and well and wants to be in your life. He is patient and awaiting your seeking him out, today just might be the dad to seek..... tomorrow.
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