The rain came down for hours in the night, in some areas they had snow. The record breaking span of no rain is over, yay. A nice cleansing rain will help with the fire fighting effort. I hope we have a long Indian summer, we have firewood to get and a yard to put straight. Some goat harvesting to do and fall to enjoy before the nasty cold of winter sets in. Poppie is on the mend but since he usually drops about 20lbs when he is sick he is as weak as a kitten, funny thing though he has finally figured it out, on his own, so it trying to eat and drink enough to get his strength back. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
The Ladies went to Church last night and shared their parables with the congregation. They were all well and truly proud of their self imposed memorization and reciting of the parable of the sower. Their Miss Texas wasn't there so they are hoping to share the reciting of their parables again on Sunday for her. The Preacher was so impressed he wants to pay for their bibles and have their names put on them, I had told them last night that that was what the girls were to receive from me for all of their hard work. I ordered their bibles yesterday and they should be here soon. They were proud to tell him that they couldn't wait to highlight all the verses they learned and were to learn and not ruin their bibles with the to thin pages. Either way they are excited to have the living word of God to share with others.
I have to finish cleaning the house today and I think have the girls, Bubbles and Cubbie, this morning. It is picture day for the Ladies so they are in primping and preening. Booboo is trying to figure out how to hide the chopped hair she has from her cutting episode. I bought them nice 3 inch bands so they both look nice, somehow very 60ish. No ratting or bouffants but that Twiggy look is definitely peaking back at me when I look at them. Well as I have nothing more to say I shall go, I know that is an surprise, somehow I always have something to say don't I? It does get me in trouble on occasion but then you don't have to wonder what I am thinking do you? Remember to Love the Lord in your daily life, accepting him in to your life can bring changes you can not imagine, and to think it starts with something so little, the acceptance of his gift... tomorrow.
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