Last evening we were sitting and talking in the yard, the kids were playing on the small hill with their bikes. Cubbie was coming down the small hill she was being her daredevil self and riding on her brothers bike, it has a hand brake. Booboo and Boy were standing in the road and she didn't feel save going around them so she used that brake. The front wheel stopped instantly and planted that bike where it was, the bike went head over tea kettle taking our little Cubbie with it. She skidded across the hard dirt surface. She came to a stop on her little face all bleeding and a mouth full of dirt and blood. She came up crying in pain. All the adults began running at once. Booboo felt it was her fault and spent the night crying and feeling guilty. Yogie scooped her up and started trying to console her. Son reached her first of the adult. He said it was not as bad as it looked but then he is a boy. Mokie thought differently. She mopped the dirt out of her little daughters mouth, a cap was missing off of her front tooth, the blood and the dirt had become a mouth full of mud, and the tears were trails of clean in a field of dirt. The whole right side of her face was immediately swollen, a fat lip was appearing. Mokie took her in the house washed her up was off to the ER for the second time that day, Bubble had cut her self playing earlier in the day, no stitches needed. Mokie was sure that Cubbie would need stitches on her floor head. The DR checked her out, wanted to do exrays but the tech advised him the Cubbie would not set for the 7 shots they would need and her crying would make them hard to get, plus her mother could not be in the room. They decided a scan would be better. The nice CNA demonstrated to Cubbie how it would be on the table and it would go into the circle, Cubbie did good but was in a lot of pain. NO concussion, no broken bones, no stitches needed, but pain would be more today and it was, she was given pain pills to help with the pain. In the end the sunglasses she was wearing, which are destroyed, helped her eyes not be damaged. Cubbie had to go to the dentist to have her teeth checked and her cap redone. She did throw up on the way in but only because she is not hungry because of the pain pills and the pain pill make her tummy sick because she won't eat. The Lord truly was taking care of her, she learned a lesson, well sort of, she did get on her bike and ride it to the car. She does need to learn to use the hand brake. Last week she was standing on her bike riding it down the drive, she isn't allow to ride with out her helmet. She did take a spill last week rolled into three summer saults before she regained her feet. She is a rough and tumble tomboy, I hope she makes it to 6. NO fainting voilet in that girl. She will never stand on the sidelines and let someone else do it for her, she is always in the thick of the fray. oh, the joy of little girls....
I pray you had a blessed day. I went to Friends of the Library meeting, took Bubbles with, she didn't get to go to the dentist in Zootown, Cubbie needed mom to herself, went to Sense of balance for spearmint. Picked up the Boy at school. I had a blessed day, my grands are all alive and will live to see another day, hopefully with a little more smarts to go along with the wonder lust. I pray that your day is a blessing in your life, and the Lord is your life. ..... tomorrow.
I pray you had a blessed day. I went to Friends of the Library meeting, took Bubbles with, she didn't get to go to the dentist in Zootown, Cubbie needed mom to herself, went to Sense of balance for spearmint. Picked up the Boy at school. I had a blessed day, my grands are all alive and will live to see another day, hopefully with a little more smarts to go along with the wonder lust. I pray that your day is a blessing in your life, and the Lord is your life. ..... tomorrow.
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