Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Something was missing, Tuesday again a feat in juggling.....

Sunday was a nice day at Church but it had something missing.  Our Preacher and Pianist were still ministering to the needs of their sick child.  Yes, a child is still your child at any age.  They stayed on until tomorrow with their loved ones that need them.  It did leave us with a missing part of our fabric torn from among us.  We could feel the loss of their presence.  Our ElderStatesWoman's son in law came to our rescue and spoke for the Preacher.  He normally has a jailhouse ministry and was a good speaker, with a different form than the Preacher, but he did an excellent job of bringing the Word to us this week.  We did have a bit of the blind leading the blind and some of the members stepped on one another to lead us but all in all things were done and we had a nice Mother's day potluck and got to worship and praise the Lord and that is what it was all about anyway.  We were truly blessed by being in his presence.

Today I am going to Belle's for Bible study and planning our new combined Etsy presence.  We had decided that the way to proceed with our plans to eventually have a small brick and mortar existence is to first have an online one.  We have decided to turn my Etsy store into our Etsy store as our first platform.  We have changed the name, and now have to fine tune the rest. So, I will try and get some of that done this morning. I should be able to make CAKLS, the Ladies have piano and there will be no Church later due to the absence of Preacher and Pianist.  It will be nice to have them return.

I got my tins for my lotions, still thinking if I will call them balms or salves or just stay with lotions, I am working out my thoughts on that in my mind.  They really are the same thing, but a balm implies medicine in my mind, and maybe others minds, and I am not sure I want to imply the medical aspect, and have to deal with the implications,  when lotions makes no implied promises; but if the implication is not there will it sell to the people that might want and need it, a conundrum.  Whoop, whoop, the second time in a week I got to use that fun word, in really conversation, such a fun word that gets so few opportunities to be used... okay, I digressed.

Off to work out the logistics of my day. I pray for you.  I pray for all the ones in my life and by being here you have stepped into my life. One of the things God asks of us all is to minister to the ones who our lives touch.  I pray for you salvation, it is the most important thing you will ever do in your life, nothing else even comes close and so many of us get caught up in our lives and never settle our salvation thinking there will be time later, sadly for some later never never comes.  Please don't put off you salvation.  You have a lifetime to live your life, either in Christ or not, you can serve him or not but today could be the day to make that choice and live the rest of your life in Christ and for Christ. How glorious that would be, you could be blessed by the Lord all the days of your earthly life, today you  could actually begin your eternal life, those who have salvation never really face the true death that being outside of Christ brings..... tomorrow. 

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