I got Cleo into the birthing barn, Poppie, calls it the goat hospital. She was restless and wondered out so I monitored her. I saw that she was getting close so put her back into the barn and made her stay. It was nearly time, Daughter and Bug showed up. Daughter came to the barn with me to help. It amazed me that she wanted to be there. Mokie joined us there. Yogie and Buga were there as well. Cleo seemed to be making progress but before long it became apparent something wasn't quite right. Mokie called Son, we are both good a pulling babies, but if it is complicated we both defer to Son. Son came and watch a few minutes then went in to pull the baby. The babies legs started to come, but he could not find the head. He checked again and it was the bottom of the baby. She was pulled out breach, she was not moving, Son roughed her a little and she cried out. We were so glad, she was our first little doe this season and Mokies, as she had been waiting for a little Boer to get to add to her herd. Her sister joined her with in seconds, so she had two to choose from. One a classic little Boer and the other a little oddly marked sweetie. Mokie loved the odd marked one, the one that had come breach. Her sorrow for her little Olive not gone, but hope in the future, renewed in her little doe. Buga, 3, had been present, as was Yogie, Yogie took it in stride. Buga couldn't wait to tell everyone that goats have babies by blowing bubbles out their bottoms, she did just that, eveyone now knows the truth of goats birth. I guess that is what happened in the eyes of a three year old.
Son, Mokie and I, after the week with Dahliala, couldn't leave until the placenta came, it took almost two hours but it was worth the wait to make sure our Cleo was safe. We did get to enjoy all the newborn antics of the two little does as well. A very rewarding and renewing time. Yogie got the other kids to come see the new babies. All got to see the little ones. The after birth finally came and our vigil was done. New babies, does, and a safe and healthy momma. Two more mommas due this week, two later in the season and our spring birthings will be complete. Death comes to us all in the end, and birth is inevitable both a joy and a sorrow in different situations. We had a complete day with hope for the future. ..... tomorrow.
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