Friday, March 11, 2011

Working day at our little farm.

I had an evenful week, this week, one of our does gave birth to two lovey little twins, they are in the header photo of my blog. They were just two cute to resist. They are both little bucklings, the beautiful girl with them is my Yogie. The other childeren were all present for photos but that one seemed to fit the bill the best for just a nice generic photo of kids and kids. The momma goat had decided the have those two lovely just as we were leaving to go to the orthodontist for Yogie. We had a sixty mile drive and had to leave. She had had the babies and just had the placenta to deliver. Well we don't know just why but she had not delivered it by evening when we returned. Over night she didn't deliver so, I  had checked on line and it was time to call the Vet. He didn't seemed worried at all really and told us to call back the next day and return to Zoo town to get the shot. I made arrangements with a couple of my dear friends to pick it up. Lady, said she could do it if the Vet could leave it in a mailbox or something as she had her late night, her weekly day to visit her dear granddaughter. I had already made seperate arrangements with my other friend, Going, she is always going somewhere so it seems to fit, she would be glad to do it before she went to her night classes. The only problem turned out to be that the Vet didn't call back until 8 in the evning, though we called him several times. I missed both the connecttions. The Vet called yesterday, so one of my nieces, Fishbait, said she could do it, Fishbait is my nephews name for her not mine, I think I would call her Red, So Red, picked up the shot and took it to her home, halfway here. Mokie, Son, Boy and Cubbie went and got the shot. Since it was late in the evning, when we got it we will do it this morning,

The only problem at this point, is that she may have delivered the placenta at night and eaten it so, we really don't know. We have been giving her penicillin shots, milking her out and making sure the babie nurse, all, should have helped her deliver it. She could have eaten it at this point, she did eat the other birthing items, she wouldn't let us take them away. I know that if it is still there she will get sick and if not I hope the shot won't hurt her, at this point all we can do is give it to her and wait. So, with all this going on Lambchops developed a limp on tuesday, I thought one of the kids had hurt him, as Cubbie had knocked the gate on him, but that didn't seem to be the answer, yes, I went to the internet. Well he had joint illness, the belly button cord had not beem properly disinvected when he was born and he had gotten joint illness. We gave him penicillin and he is doing better, thanks goodness no vet needed. He is getting much better, may only need one more shot. He is just about back to his oldself, if a week old soul can have an oldself.  Don't really know.

So wish us luck and have a good day, I will start with the goat, do some carving, shipping and get ready to go to the wrestling match tomorrow for Eldest..... so is the life of this Nannie..... tomorrow.

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