Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We have had an explosion of new life on our little farm, all in ones and twos.

I am trying to get well, and stay well; but I am, unfortunately, the little engine that could in most of the things I put my mind to, which is not always good.  I therefore have gotten a little well and tried to go gun ho back into life and have set myself back. Poppie is trying to help me help myself back to good health so yesterday grounded me to the house until I am truly well. However last night after having to spend the hole day in, no milking, no baby visiting or no anything else, he calls me out to the goat barn. His Lilly had had two beautiful little girls. Black with white blazes, too cute and beautiful foils to all of the little white baby we have. I was not allowed, mind you, to stay outside long, before Poppie hurried me into my jail again. I do love that Poppie takes such good care of all of us.

Yesterday was M's real birthday and she was ecstatic to have new babies born on her special day. They did come out before the black babies were born and daughter took some photos of Mokie, the kids and babies, as I was not allowed to go to watch them see the babies.

We have now had two sets of bucklings, one of which died with his mamma, a set that we have sold one from, he will be here until weaned. We have had two sets of doelings, and one single doeling. We have one doe left to kid but it should be in the first part of May. God has blessed our little farm with good healthy, well bred babies, human and goat, but then I may be just a little prejudice..... Have a nice day, I hope to be furlowed but not thinking I will be today maybe...... Tomorrow.

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