I first came into contact with evolution as a child in the fifth grade. Our teacher was an elderly woman that could no longer stomach teaching boys so her husband and her divided the class into a boys class and a girls class. They got the classes together for some classes including music, I remember singing. I'm no kin to the Monkey. It went like the; I'm no kin to the monkey no, no, no, The monkeys no kin to me, I don't know much about his ancestry but mine didn't swing from a tree. No, Mine didn't swing from a tree. A lovely little ditty that I am sure wouldn't be allowed in the classroom in this too politically correct age. I kind of liked it and it got my mind to thinking for the first time about why any one would think we were related to monkeys. Clearly we came from Adam and Eve, didn't you read your bible. I had, and knew where I came from.
My biology teacher in high school, Mr. Briggs, was probably my next introduction and my main teachings on evolution. He was a good biology teachers and the President of the local LDS church. He gave us both sides of the argument, I think that one should not be allowed with out the other in schools, seems so sad that today in the "politically correct" world only one side is allowed in school, I know the teachers would screw up the God side, but in an ideal world the kids would get to hear both arguments, just saying. He taught me in the end science says how and God says why. I, being me, didn't find that the end of the argument, so have often contemplated evolution, read Darwin and continued to ask why there is not a "missing link" or why one had never been found, and I have come to a conclusion. Warning, I am sometimes nuts and this is mine and mine alone's opinion of human kind. We are not mammals and were never part of evolutions, God put us on earth just like the bible says he did. Here is how he did it, and why, I think we are not part of evolution or mammalian society.
Evolution has been going on for billions of years, God never told a lie, he states in the bible the process in the exact order that the scientist say it happened. The variance comes in with the appearance of man. The bible says that there was nothing suitable for Adam as a mate. (Genesis 2:20) Well if there was nothing suitable that would mean there was something, but not suitable, I would imagine that would be the apes, similar but not suitable. I believe that God made Adam and then Eve in his own image, different and apart from the evolution of earth. A couple of items come to mind. Mammals have bones in the males penises. Ever hear of a bone in a man's penis? I know that one of the major items of being a mammal is that they give milk, as do humans, but have you ever seen any other mammal that keeps it's breast all the time. No, udders return to non-nursing size when not needed, even apes do not have continuous breast, when they are not needed they return to non-nursing size. I have yet to see a woman's breast flat and then grow to nurse and recede to pre-nursing status. I know that these are both small things but unique only to man, enough to be "not suitable" to Adam. I think that God made evolution, and allowed it to be mans term for how he created each and ever animal, I think that his creations do evolve to suit the environments they live in as the world evolves and changes, God's design. I also no that there has never been a link between man and apes that explains how one became the other. I don't think that one ever did become the other, both unique creations from God. No, I am not a mammal, I am the descendant of God's creation in his own image, I am the daughter of Adam and Eve, made in Gods image, not a mammal..... tomorrow.
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