Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wealth is a funny thing, I never thought I didn't have it but find others might disagree.

I am not sure that children ever think of wealth, life just is for them.  I know as a child I usually had what I needed or never really thought about it if I didn't. I would think that is true for most children across the board.  I understood from a young age that you couldn't have everything.  Sometimes if you wanted something you had to work hard for it and sometimes it was just something you didn't need after all. I know sometimes we didn't have clothes but the nice people at church or family members gave us hand me downs.  I was like a kid on Christmas when they arrived and proud of the clothes, I got, the kids at school not so much, but I liked them.  Sometime we got hungry but some one usually helped us out or we ate less and got by.  I never thought of that as being poor or not having wealth.  I guess I always figured wealth wasn't a money thing.  God always helped us out somehow and we got by.  I grew up never thinking I was poor, sometime we didn't have all the much be we had all our parents could provide us with at the time.   I raised my older kids pretty much the same, I gave them the best I had at the time.  Sometime they got extras and sometimes it was lean.  I still never figured I was poor and was certain I had wealth. I am raising my younger kids the same way, pretty much a "if it's not broke don't fix it" kind of person.  I been amazed as I age that "being broke" is world's apart from one person to the next.  If I am broke I don't have any money and certainly nothing to buy anything with, so I rely on what I have. I know people that when they are broke they won't be able to take a vacation this year, or they won't be able to get a new car this year, or they won't be able to update their furniture this year, or they don't have enough in their retirement account to live as they do now.  I find the difference interesting; and it is staggering to contemplate what a huge difference there is in peoples lifestyle that these extremes exist. I don't think wealth is about money in my life. I may only think that because I never had any but I am not sure that is true either.

Wealth is of the spirit, wealth is how you perceive yourself when you look in the mirror.  Are you a good honest Godly person? I have always thought so when I looked at the person looking back at me.  God gave me a good family, God gave me the best of husbands, God gave me the gift of good health, creativity and a mind to help me make my way in the world.  God gave me the love of people, and helping my fellow man.  I never thought that I was poor.  I was an adult when it occurred to me that I may be poor or lacking in wealth by alot of peoples standards.  I have never lived a moment in my life where I didn't live from paycheck to paycheck some times even without the paycheck, in my birth family or my adult family.  I share with others what I have and others have shared with me.  I can't imagine having alot of money in the bank, I know me, I am sure I would find someone to help with it or share it somehow, probably why I never figured out how to have money in the bank in the first place.  I do know that money is something you have to be taught to use, and even if you figure out how to use it, poor people or people who never had it rarely know how to use it right, in the way that rich people are taught to from birth. Ever hear of a poor person winning the lottery that knew how to make it work for him, usually not.  Is money wealth?  I am sure to some it is, and very much so.   Again, I am not sure that wealth ever had to do with money in my life.

Wealth is gift of God's grace. Wealth is happy healthy children. Wealth is a good life with a spouse you adore.  Wealth is many things, to many people, but I am sure that is not always about money to  many people.  What is wealth to you?.... tomorrow,

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