I was reading one of the blogs (link http://lawana-counterculture.blogspot.com/2011/08/marriage-is-empty-hole-in-ground.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Lawana-counterCulture+%28LAWANA-COUNTER+CULTURE%21%29) I follow and the blogger, who I think of in every way as my Christian friend, said, "People who call themselves Christians... were sarcastic and negative" then went on the make her point about her religious views. I was one of the People she was speaking of, remembering back to a conversation we had had in March. Why is it that anyone who didn't believe in her view was being sarcastic or negative? I found myself angry not because she didn't like my views, God speaks to us each individually and personally to create our beliefs. I was anger at being judged to not be a Christian and having to call myself a Christian. Do I have to call myself a Christian to be seen as one, isn't it obvious to anyone who knows me that I am a Christian. I had given that respect to my friend, the Blogger, but obviously I was not given the same respect in return. She did respect the atheist and the agnostic enough to call them such without saying they called themselves that. I actually don't really care about the issue that she was talking about, it is a mute point, she is very proud of her children, as we all are, and tells one and all that they didn't have sex, kiss or even hold hands when they were engaged/betrothed before marriage. They were betrothed or engaged and the way I read Deuteronomy 20:7, they could have, even by old testament standards of being betrothed. Or is there a suggestion that God would tell betrothed men to sin? So I am happy for them but am really tired of hearing that they are better than other engaged couples for having waited. They have been married a year nearly, can't we get off worshiping at the alter of their courtship. Did they lust for one another, which is also normal, but wouldn't that be a sin too, Matthew 5:28, 'But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart'. which if they did, wasn't any ones business and wasn't a sin since they were betrothed. I do get a little upset about the implied short comings of other kids who fall short of their special love and courtship. I might add that courtship and dating are not mentioned in the bible so obviously God didn't feel it necessary to tell us how to do it. Betrothal is mentioned in the bible so God had more need to tell us of it. I do find it interesting that in the end she called up on "appearance of evil" to finish her argument. There are few verses in the bible more twisted or more abused to the point of view of the churches, Amish, Catholic, Baptist through Zionist, or the user of the verses than, 1 Thessalonians 5:22. Churches and people call upon this verse when they are establishing their opinion of the evil and putting forth their agenda. Are you really evil if you don't honor the Pope? Catholics believe you are. Are you really evil if your daughter dates a boy without a chaperon? etc.... I truly believe in their being an appearance of evil, but shouldn't it be God's Scriptures and not the opinion of the Churches or people who determine what it is?
Earlier in the week a different friend of mine had had a difficult time with a co-worker and was upset at herself for being angry and in the end said this about anger "

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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He/She that angers you, controls you. Don't give anyone that much power over you! ~Lorna
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking of that phrase "people who call themselves christians" a lot since yesterday. I am sure I have used that phrase myself and now I have to think about it and perhaps not use it anymore. I think mostly people use it to show a lack of integrity? people who are not walking their talk. they call themselves christians, but....So I am guessing there are a whole lot of christians out there that think their religion defines christianity. that maybe the rest just call themselves christians. It is perhaps my biggest problem with a lot religions. That it not only attempts to define the undefinable but then holds fast that their definition is the only definition. And in spite of their warm hearts and good intentions they then insult and alienate other very good god loving people. some people want/need black and white rules and codes to live by, rather then dig deep inside themselves for god and spirituality. those people are attracted to the rigid religions in their search for god. When really you can find him on a mountain, in the laugh of a child........And if you can't find him there you may be searching for a very long time. I am learning tolerance for all types as I grow older. And I try not to judge them as their journey is their own. They would probably call me heathen or atheist. but God is where you find him. The rest is just rules, like the rules in your home everyone has different rules. The rules however do not define the heart.
ReplyDeleteI think that probably we are all guilty of using the phrase, "People who call themselves Christians" at one time or another. Christians... and non Christians alike. Generally when we see things in life that doesn't stand up to our standards of Christianity.
ReplyDeleteI read the blog that you were referring to... and I would not take it personally. I know sometimes when someone says something it can roll around in a person's mind and make you wonder, "Was that person referring to me?" When more often than not... it probably had nothing to do with us at all... and is just the devil's way of trying to get between friends and family.
There are so many different religions and views of Christianity out there... What is right or wrong for one person... isn't necessarily going to be the same for everyone. So... I think sometimes getting along well with friends, or family sometimes just means letting them have their view of things. Even if we do not agree.
You are a good Christian woman... with a good heart... I would not worry about it. Mom once said to me, "Debbie has a really big heart... she'd give you the shirt right off her back, if you needed it." And that's what being a Christian is all about... THE LOVE... and believing in... and accepting Christ. Love ya, Sister
Also... I think that if God had really intended for people to wait to have sex... or even kissing... before marriage... with the right person... when the right person comes along... with whom you give a commitment to... even before marriage... almost none of us would live up to God's expectations... as most of us, even from older times... did not wait until marriage when the right person came along. God knows man isn't ever going to be anywhere close to perfect... That is why he gave HIS PERFECT son for our sins in the first place. Not that sin is okay... but I have to wonder if God himself even see's sex before marriage wrong... when you are committed to your person. If we as humans had to be perfect to get into Heaven... none of us would make it... none of us is perfect. That is why we enter into Heaven only by the Grace of God. After all.. it was Jesus that said, "Ye without sin cast the first stone." And not one person did. I think that sometimes people can get so deep into their "Religion" that they are more harsh than Jesus himself would be. Be not judging... lest thou be judged yourself. Sister
ReplyDeleteNannie, I am so sorry. I have hurt you with my words. I was wrong. Will you please forgive me?
ReplyDeleteI love you.
I forgave you before I slept, God had guided my heart, love you Debbie
ReplyDeleteFirst off, they did hold hands, so you can take that off the list. Second of all i choose the restrictions of no hand holding/kising and sex because, i know me, I AM HUMAN, and i really want love. So i keep those restrictions because I feel like thats what i need to do, not because the Bible says so (well it does about the sex part). If i go part of the way (hand holding/kissing) then all thats left is sex and i dont want that, i want it ALL to be new. I agree about the "appearance of evil" quote, some things that others see as evil are not necesarily evil. everybody is different we just have to go to God and see what he says to US, as individuals, the only things we have to worry about are the ones God has as black and white in the Bible, other than that we have to go to him. thanx debbie for sharing your thoughts its really refreshing.