We feel a newness of simple returning to our lives. The stress is melting away and live is going forth with a stir of happiness and basic simplicity. The girls are settling into new routines that include the study of their Awana's books and a new desire to study the word of God. I am in a new begin of happiness with the calm that is just seeming to settle upon us. I am so glad that the Lord answers prays and gives us what we need in this life and for this little family it was the security of being left to live our lives undisturbed and alone as we see fit. The joy of doing our chores, enjoying the loving company of each other, one of the most special blessing in our lives. The privacy of a family living an unencumbered life. The simple life for us is a true blessing above all else.
We got to go to Cubbie's third birthday party last night, she will actually be three on Thursday. We had homemade lasagna, asparagus, garlic bread and a lovely Barbie Cake, purple dress of course. She was tickled pink with all the gifts and fun. It was just a little affair, which was a nice ending to a long stressful month here. She got a new puppy on Thursday, when we went to Zootown, a six week old lab puppy. The puppy adores her and she is doing well with it, it sleeps with her and still cries a little at night for it's momma, she takes it out potty and that to is going well. It helps her stay in her bed and sleep alone in preparation for her new sisters arrival. The puppies name is Dorie, like on Nemo. Boy is jealous of the new puppy but is beginning to understand, and remember, that he has his own dog and we can't always just have new puppies, we have to love our old grown up puppies.
We finished up the goat house wall yesterday, we had taken it down to clean out the birthing pen with the Kabota when we made manure piles into composting heaps. The new wall is nice, a recycled project but very functional and will be just what they need. We have to put straw in there today and maybe burn yard waste piles that we have been making from all the restructuring. I love the fall and that we are having a nice one, but the chill of winter is definitely in the air and soon coming to our little place. The piglets are all settled in, soon four will be going home to new homes, we are going to end up raising 6 to market size and one to adulthood, to be a new momma pig, so we will have two. The one that will probably end up being the new momma is Miss Charlotte, but encase she isn't we are keeping two alternate females if we need to make any last minute changes between market and breeder. A crisp morning with such promises to come, a blessing from the Lord to be sure and priceless in our lives..... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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Guess that's one way to get her to sleep in her own bed!