Belle is doing well after her surgery, the Lord be praised. Little Mischief will be with her daddy today, he got to have time off to be at home with his family. Blessing and Prayers for their family in this time of trial.
The mountains are getting a sugaring of snow on the tops in our little valley. The days are still crisp and fall like but the threat of winter is ever more present in our lives. The days of Norman Rockwell scenes are upon us, soon all will be hibernating and in their dens. The valley here is almost like a page out of a book a hundred years old. I do know that a lot of people in our area take advantage of the winter sports, that Montana has to offer, but for the most part, the county and town I live in is very economically depressed and in general those sports are quite spendy, so only enjoyed by the few or as a great one time adventures for most of our population. We do enjoy the older events like, sledding down the hill in the back yard or over the garden wall. Ice fishing is enjoyed by some. I know some who do cross country skiing or snow shoeing, as the initial cost is the biggest cost, and the equipment can be enjoyed for years in the woods and not at the ski hills. The first snow, of snowman snow, will bring the little solitary soldiers to our yards, sometimes there will be couples that will melt away together. Their scarves will mat, the carrot will wilt and the birds will eat at it for sustenance. The paths to the goat pens, turkey, chicken and peacock coups and the pig sty will be trails cut into the snow to show the way to chores that need to be done daily to keep our little farm going. Children's laughter will cut through the quiet of the days to come. Nannie and Poppie will hibernate in the warmth of the house, as much as the little ones will let us, as we are getting older and our bones tell us it is cold out there. Our hibernation will be cut short as the kids, old and young, demand we enjoy their fun in the snow and cold of winter, and maybe the bones will forget the cold and just enjoy the time together.
Tomorrow we will go get a load of wood for an older couple that needs more wood before the snow is upon us. Bug will be going with us and we will get a bit for him as well. We will steal a moment of time before the winter comes down and catches us in it's cold blustery magic.... tomorrow.
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