The Ladies were turning their eggs last night when they found that three of the 5 chicken eggs had holes in them. The chicks had pecked through. They didn't manage to get out during the night so Poppie cracked the eggs a little to give them a little help. Two have made their way out of the shells but one is still not quite there yet. The other two chicken eggs may still hatch not sure yet. If not that is a 3 fifths success rate so not so bad since they couldn't use the egg turner and had to do it manually due to the goose eggs. The goose eggs need a few more days hope they hatch as well, but we will see.
Poppie worked extra hard on the flooring and he only has the last few pieces to finish and the trim to reinstall. He is almost as happy for it to be done as I am. We will have enough to do one of the girls rooms instead of the office so that is great, he did it so carefully we got alot more extra. Yay for frugality. Now we get to put the room back together in a whole new way. We are going to cut a stand in half and make it into a stacked shelf unit. It is a nice oak piece my brother in law made in high school. It was originally a coffee table, maybe, but it is to tall way to wide and mirror image from one side to the other. It will be a nice wall unit for my pictures and trinkets the kids make.
I found myself thinking about children off and on all day after writing about them yesterday. It amazes me how so many people never see their children as anything but children. I am not talking about when you fondly look on your child and see the child they once were. I am talking about the parents, usually a mother, that never sees their child as an adult. Oh, they understand they are grown but they never accept it on some level. They try to mother from afar, micromanage, fix things for their babies and quite often end up using power and control on their child. I don't think they intend that really they just don't know when to let their child stand on their own. Maybe it is because they never taught their child to be independent? I don't actually know why they do it maybe it is a different reason for each mother who does it. I see mothers who begin by not see their child as an adult when they first become an adult, they "help" them. They usually do it with money, or cleaning their babies laundry, apartment or dorm room. Sometimes a very normal thing but sometimes it is a pitfall to never really letting go. It soon becomes paying their bills, "to help out", buying them a car here and there, cleaning their houses, etc. The end result is mothers with "boys" in the late thirties that don't know how to manage their own lives, mom fixes or tries to fix everything for them. They soon run their daughter in laws and if the new wife doesn't like it, she soon will, because momma's boy can't do with out the extras momma supplies so she tows the line or he choices momma and gets ride of the wife. You think I am crazy don't you? Look around you, you know people or mothers and sons with just this relationship and you know it. Is it a new phenomena or is this something that has always being going on through out history? I wonder, just an observation. I sometimes see a mother trying this tactic with her daughter but rarely does it go on very long before mother and daughter figure out they don't want to live that way or the daughter stands up and becomes a friend or more an equal with the mother. Both win and their bond becomes stronger. I do know having been a child that didn't stand up to my mother for a long time, maybe that respect of my mother was so ingrained in me I couldn't even get to a balance with my mother until I had been an adult along time, but I eventually got there. I have tried very hard not to be that mother to my kids. I don't or have tried not to control their lives. I raised them to stand on their own, I don't like when people tattle to me so I can fix a problem with one of my adult children. They are adults talk to them yourself. I like that my children are adults, their mistakes are theirs, I have enough of my own to deal with so have no desire to take on theirs too. I expect respect from them but have no desire to have power and control over them. I actually like to have loud debates with them, it lets the frustrations out and we get to air our issues; but if they don't respect me then they are on their own until they want to have a respectful relationship with me. I am always here when they come to the decision that they want that relationship with me again, loud and angry or happy and cozy. ..... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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ReplyDeletethe comment they deleted was gggg, I looked it up it means giggling, such an odd comment for a person who calls themself a chaplain, hmmmmm.