I am not and have never been a fashionista. I think there is real inner part of me that is a girlie girl but I don't know that it the part that really cares what people think of how I dress. I heard the other day on the Today show that if you are over 50 you shouldn't have long hair. Who gets to decides that? I wonder if all the ladies down through time, that have praised the Lord with their hair, know that. Did the Amish, Mennonite, Wesleyan Methodist, and countless other religious ladies get the memo? Do they care what the secular world thinks anyway? I can't say that I really spend much thought on the clothes I wear, but then I usually am up to my knees is manure, or milking, or carrying a 50 lb bag of grain so maybe the sweatshirts, sweats or jeans that I wear are probably appropriate attire after all. I am not sure that heels would help my goats give more milk, though Cubbie did try and bring them to me to wear to go milking yesterday, I asked her if the goats would like me to wear them and she said "yes Nannie they are pretty." So if you come by and see me wearing such dreadful clothes should you really commit on how unfashionable I look, I probably will think that you are totally clueless to my life and smile on the inside at your stupidity. I don't really have time to cater to your needs of how I should dress and know I don't have time to comment on you fashionable attire. Do you think a person who would comment on what I am wearing may be a person so self involved that they want me to compliment them on my way to herding the goats? Never thought of it that way until now that I am examining it. I may not be a fashion forward person; and I may not live up to others standards of what I should wear. I don't really have time to put all that much importance into the superficiality of what I am wearing but I do know what is inappropriate for me to wear.
I think that I would find it more important to be appropriate in my dress than what others around me wear. I have never felt the need to wear a bikini, even at 16 with a body others would have thought hot. I am not saying there is no room in this world for bikini's because there are and there are many beautiful woman who wear them. My Ladies wear bikini's appropriate for their age. I am sure they will wear them, at their wanting when they are 16, I would think they will wear ones of some taste as they have been brought up in the Lord and know some restraint. I am thinking of the overly voluminous ( I don't think it is voluminous when it muffins over) and way to old for that G-sting of floss up her rotund bum. I think that may just count as inappropriate. Or how about the guy in the speedo that can't see his feet over that old beer belly. I would think both of those individuals would count as much more inappropriate in their fashion sense than my long hair and the old sweats in the barnyard. I guess that would make me critical, should I embarrass their fashion choice even if society would have said they should have thrown out that bikini and the speedo a number of years ago? No, I should just look the other way, literally it is way to eww to look at and I should not voice my opinion out of respect for my fellow man, no matter how miss placed their sense of fashion is.
I guess people who throw stones need to remember they live in a glass house. I don't think that any of us have the right to say that isn't something they would have worn, we only get to decide what is appropriate for our lives, we need to be true to ourselves, and remember what you wear makes a statement of who you are. I would much rather be the old woman in a pair of sweats on an udder than the aging thirty or forty something with butt floss lost in a wide backside or under that overlapping muffin top. Funny how both are considered inappropriate by the society but are they really? Should muffin tops really say I should dress better and applaud me if I by chance should wear something they finds inappropriate enough to be correct in their eyes? Life is too short to worry about the frivolity of old woman's clothes, should I really need to dress as a twenty something, which would be truly inappropriate to please the inappropriate? NO, I am thinking not...... tomorrow.
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