Friday, May 25, 2012

Neutrality is taking a side don't ever kid yourself otherwise. Stand up make a choice to be on the side of right.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. ~Bishop Desmond Tutu

Elie Wiesel: “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented
Silence is something I have never done well.  I learned along time ago that a greased wheel gets oiled but never much go in for squeaking absurdly about, do know someone who is good at it though.  Our right to standing up and saying something is wrong is more my style, but seemingly is less effective, yet eventually standing up and saying we are in pain and being abused should be heard shouldn't it?  Tried to say it to the persons that are supposed to help us but if justice is blind does she really have to be deaf too?  I have resorted to you, sorry for that. I have a voice that needs to be heard and you be default are my captive audience. 

In the early 2000's I volunteered at the local helpline, and I am still a certified advocate for the state of Montana. One of the new laws, that had just come into being, was that if an officer was called to a domestic assault call someone, by law the aggressor, was to be arrested and go to jail.  Unfortunately the officers from all parts of the state were deciding to just arrest both parties and take them to jail,  they didn't have to investigate or do their jobs they just arrested both people and made the judge do the job they should have. Or worse not one got arrested.  Needless to say judges from all over the state were up in arms over this, it was not in compliance with the law and helped no one,  does ticketing or arrest the victim and the abuser equally ever make any sense?  Seems that old habits die hard and officers tend to fall into the old ways of doing things.  Just look at the fiasco going on at the University and in Zootown in general, sexual assaults being pushed under the rug, because of who the abusers are.  Is it right to over look the indiscretion's of the titans and allow them to abuse those who they can and want to? Is it easier to ticket everybody than to do your job and ticket the aggressor? Is it right to allow a small child and a woman to be assaulted, maybe even battered by definition, by some one much bigger and stronger than them and as long as "no one else witnessed it"  is it really ok?  Can you imagine that an investigation was ever made if the victims were never interviewed, just the abuser... do you really think they said "yes, yes that was me I did it"  No, the authorities said, "no case here, they told me they didn't do it, so I believed them"  Duh, my name is stupid.

I do thank you for the consideration it takes for my blog to be passed on so readily to the "authorities" not sure how else I could get their attention not knowing all of their emails myself.  The Sheriff did tell me that he regularly gets "emails" advising him of it's content.  Keeping him and his contour parts, the judge, county attorney and commissioners up to dated on my blogging must take up a good portion of time, a truly pathetic us of a mothers day.  Additional time must be wasted reading it and hanging on my every word hoping to see your antic or abuses mentioned, I just want to say thanks it is clear that we are harassed and I am glad that they are being made aware of these abuses.  I did promise the Sheriff I would never blog about the abuser again if we were left alone. Funny how those few days I didn't  have to blog about being attacked made her so nuts she had to do something so egregious and outrageous as making up a white trash dance, to share with the neighborhood, trespass so that her devil dog could take a crap on Mokies property, throw rocks, knock over a innocent woman, etc........  I do so like to see dancing of this caliber on the utube, in all its glory.  I did learn, from being illegally video taped regularly, that having one of your own, just in case, is a good way to protect yourself.  Nice little clip that.   Funny how every time someone stops by my house,  Sisters or Mokies, the cameras move around until they pin point our exact  location in our own yards.  Do some people really have so little life of their own that they have time to watch our every move? You can't imagine how many people are aghast to see it when it is pointed out for them to witness.  Documentation, documentation, documentation.  I am amazed that batting your eyes, wiggling your girls and maybe, I can't say for sure, but just maybe, a slight wardrobe malfunction, always seems to help when she says "but officer I didn't do that they are lying about me ........". 

Okay, I am sorry just sometimes I get overwhelmed with the shear danger and stress of living next to a crazy nut case that has nothing better to do with their life than to spend it peeking at us, calling any agency that has to take a reportOOP, that no one seems to feel should be enforced.  It could be said that if you want to break the law, across the board, come to Missoula County or  Mineral County, no one here cares really in either jurisdiction.... indifference, is it really a part of law enforcement?  ...... tomorrow.

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