Monday, June 25, 2012

No, I am not gone just took the weekend off, Farmers Market and the woods.

The Ladies and I had a nice farmers market,  the new bagels were a success.  The girls sold almost completely out so they were happy.  They gave the last two loaves and one little bagel to Grandpa and to Bug.  They got good feedback on the bagels.  They are already talking about making pretzels, as I had told them that they are made the same ways as the bagels, so they are plotting to make them.  I sold soap about the same as last week.  It is funny the new bars are a great success, so sadly not as many people are as fond of the rustic cut bars as I was but most like the rustic cut molded bar idea.  I am looking to find a small, either wooden step ladder or vintage metal ladder.  I had seen it done at the flea market and thought it would work well for me.  I then saw a few photos of Twins booth and she was using it in much the same manner as I had invisioned.  So it looks to be a great idea now just to find one.  I checked eBay but I am too cheap to spend what they want for one.  I did find a pet ladder design that might work great as well, but I would have to get Poppie to make me one.  I have to get my printer, atleast one of them, to work so I can print labels for the back of the bars.  I do like the cover of the shrink wrap but like the bars in the open as well, I think I will end up wrapping the ones I sell, say in a stores, but do both for my own personal booth. 

We had a nice day at chruch but were all worn out so after we went to Jackies's for a nice lunch and then we escaped to the woods.  We had not been all spring and it was such a nice get away.  The girls weren't into it, at first, as we hadn't done it for so long they forgot the many hours we drove the woods when they were little mights.  They soon fell into the magic of the woods and were spotting paint brushes, bear grass and blue flowers, probably weeds but lovely flowers all the same. We past the old mine shafts and they were amazed at the holes still visible.  We passed one that is all closed up and has a no tresspassing sign on it.  We spotted some burl knots for our deck that we will go back for when we go cut fire wood, Poppie, of course, spotted out loads of fire wood.  We came down the Chinese Ladder, the brakes got warm but it was a peaceful descent.  We passed the road where Poppie got hurt, with no desire to explore it, probably will never return up there.  We got home in the evening. 

Poppie decided to try and start the pickup he had just gotten.  It was to be his earlier in the spring but Bug had decided to keep it but then never did anything with it and it was finally brought up to Poppie.  He had been told it was unstartable, Bug never tried to.  I thought it would start as it was orginally a forest service vehicle, so would have been well maintained. It later belonged to an old gentleman who took care of every thing he owned with deligence, we got the truck because he has passed on to home.  It was not owned by anyone else.  I was betting it would start and be a good vehicle for wooding for Poppie.  Poppie opened the hood.  We tried to start it and no luck, there was not spark.  We got out of the vehicle a little disappointed.  His friend, that he got it from, said he had tried to start it with no luck.  Poppie checked wires, found that part of on of the spark plug wires was missing. He checked some more and the distributor was unplugged.  Poppie laughed and said no one could start it with out it plugged in.  We plugged it in and tried again.  It sparked but didn't start.  He primed it and Glory Be it started right away.  I didn't stay running, but the motor sounded wonderful.  It had been sitting 10 years so Poppie was totally stoked, wonderful motor to do that.  The fuel pump turned out to be bad and there was no gas in it.  Poppie, has to put a differnt fuel pump on it but it is a great truck and such a blessing.  Poppie needed a blessing and the Lord must have known he was due one.  Poppie is so excited about his new truck, and with the "new" truck still down, it is definatley a blessing we needed.  The Lord does take care of his own.   Wood here we come, we do so love to firewood. We ended the evening with the milking.  Yogie is the queen, she milks 5 goats every night, about all she can manage.  She is going to milk Mokies goat this morning.  She is a blessing to our little farm.

Off today on an outing but since it is an escape I will not divulge the details until another blog. Poppie will have the kids and it is so nice of him to let me escape for the day.  Tomorrow he and the Ladies will go out and help the Professor so they will get to escape then, both well deserved escapes. We do love the kids (grands and pseudo grands) don't get us wrong but we are worn out from the long three week stint of having them.  I hope you have a day of escape it you need one.... tomorrow.

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