I have spoken of saving faith in the past and it is a different type of faith than intellectual faith. One is the knowing of what is ask of you and the other is the faith that fulfills what is ask of you by God. Another blog and I will not expound upon it here. I recently spoke of the age of which it is right to leave your child are home a different age of accountability but I would say in many respects of the same nature. Can a child that can't be left alone at home really be able to make a choice to be saved into Christ? The bible never actually gives us an age of accountability for a child. I would surmise that different cultures, different ages and times, would play in to that as well, do you really think that your 15 year old and the 15 year old of two hundred years ago is the same age? Probably not on any level. We, in our age, especially here in America are asking less and less of our children and making them younger and younger for longer and longer. I recently read that the child's brain is not an adult brain until they are 25 is that the new age of accountability? I heard on the news that someone wants to make the age for marriage 25 as well, is that really ever going to happen? Should it? We as a society have decided that we will mandate the age when we vaccinate our children, how old they are to be in a car seat, a booster seat of when they can set in the front seat. We have decided that at 18 they can die for our country but aren't old enough to drink alcohol. So they are adults when we ask them to sacrifice their all but they are children and shouldn't drink? Odd, and something is wrong there, but the law none the less. I am not much of a drinker so it is not about the alcohol that I have a question of right or wrong it just seems out of wack that they aren't old enough to make an adult choice about alcohol but we want them to step up and die for our rights. I digress and that is not the point of this blog.
I have recently become aware of the age of accountability in regard to salvation. I know that some Churches, of which I know nothing about, baptise their children at birth or shortly after and since I don't know anything about their theology have no opinion on the subject and this is not about judging any theology. I do know something about two churches, I was raised in the Church of Christ and am trying to understand the Baptise Church. I was trained up in the Church of Christ and as that is the training God choice for me to have will probably never stray far from the core belief I have. I am therefore in a place of limbo in many respects. I do want to raise my girls is a church and God has called us to the local new testament Church, which both churches are. My girls will be trained up in the Baptist church. I know that those among you that are Church of Christ find me to be a sinner for my decision, but do not think that this decision wasn't made without long hours of prayer with God. It is a decision he has lead us to and is the right decision and has guided us on that path. I know to the dismay of the Baptist church that I will never be a true member in their eyes. I would like anyone that finds me a sinner for this choice to show me scripturally the church I am to go to, just give me the name of the church and I will glad to read God's word and go there. Since it is not there, I will be guided by the Lord and be a member of the church he is the head of and that is the church I was saved into anyway.
I do know that the two churches are alike in many ways, I know I am sinful for saying so but they are to me and God has lead me to that understanding. They are different and I understand that as well and there in lies my dilemma. I was taught to believe that the act of being saved was one step, you stepped forward asked to be saved, were baptised and we added to the church in one action. Seems the Baptist church does that in different steps, you asked to be save and at a later time, or maybe the same time sometimes, you are baptised and then later you asked be a member of the church. My question lays in when is a child of accountability in a Gods eyes. Jesus and David both saw children as innocents in the bible and scripture says that, yes, we were born into sin but there is an age when we are innocent. When does that age no longer exist? Is a child that can't stay at home alone of an age of accountability? Does a child that believes in the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy and Santa have the mental ability to be accountable to God? My older children could know that the tooth fairy wasn't real but still be of the belief that Santa did, were they at an age of accountability if they couldn't know what was fantasy and what was real? I am sure that two hundred years ago that many a 7 or 8 year old were at an age of accountability with God, but is your average 7 or 8 year old of today?
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