It is funny that we rarely contemplate, or acknowledge, the gifts of our ancestors as part of our inheritance on this earth. I am not talking about a monetary inheritance. I am talking about the gifts of the countless generations that came before us unto time at its birth. We talk about the wheel in this day and age, sort of more tongue and cheek than with any real thanks, for what it has really done for man. There are eons of countless discovers, inventions and blood shed that have made us what we are today and no one really knows the hardships endured to get us to this current mans world. We live in a warp speed. or maybe it is now a nano second world, in which we expect immediate gratification. Young people, in general, have no real concept of the sacrifices that were made in the past for their comforts, way of life, and place in this world. Maybe no generation really knows the cost that was paid for their lifestyle. I sometime think that each generation understand less than the previous generation but that may not be the way of it entirely, or maybe it is not the whole of the generation that doesn't understand.
Maybe it is like the man who buys a house as apposed to the one who builds his home. The man that buys a house new or old has nothing invested in it physically, he reaps the benefits of someone elses blood, sweat and tears. All he invests is his money. If he has bought a new house he may make decisions on the house so his investment is a little more than the man how bought an older house. The man that buys an older house reaps the benefits of the past owners. Okay, I am not talking about the man that buys a house to flip or a run down fixer upper, but then even the run down fixer upper has history and sweat equity in it you just have to look to see it. I am talking about the person that buys a lovely cared for home, maybe the key word is home. They buy the home that was loved with all of someones being. The previous owners no longer could stay in their loved home, they could have died, it could be that foreclosure, that is rampid in this country, could have taken it, someone could have lost a much needed job and had to move not of their own will, a spouse could have died or couple could have become empty nesters and couldn't keep this loved part of their family. Any of these, or none of them, could be the reason that the home fell into the buyer hands. This is the home that is so like the past generation we forget. We glorify in our accomplishments in this age much like this kind of homeowner.
Did we magically invent computers and the explosion of the electronic gadget in our own life time or did the invention build on generations of inventions? Did the home owner build the garden, the flowerbeds, the barns and out buildings? No, but they show them off with pride but don't have a clue how to weed or water to keep them as they are. Did we become the "politically correct" people we are now over night? No we let people step on our rights right up until we don't have any because we went along with the flow or didn't want to make a fuss. Did the new homeowner enjoy the patina on the wood work, the nicks in the banister or hand prints in the cement? Do they cherish them or do they puddy and fill them? Do we as a nation accept our part in the declines that are occurring in America or is our apathy getting the better or us? Is the new home owner worried that the garden is now full of weeds that they mow because they are to lazy to till and plant it, they mow it but are to lazy to plant even some grass seed. They have allowed the flowers to fill in with the "pretty weeds" they call flowers never knowing they are harboring a noxious weed, and don't care. Know any noxious weeds in this society?
We, in this country, have become too lazy to keep up the past honor of working hard to make a good product for a fair wage, we have decided that we have to be paid more than we are worth so we have been outsourced because someone some where else willing do it for less than it is worth. We could have prevented this had we not become so self indulged of our own worth, in general. I know there are alot of hard working people in this country that do remember and want to work for a fair days wage. They were called soldiers, farmers, loggers, mill workers, etc. They do still exist but they are becoming fewer and fewer as their jobs are being taken away at an alarming rate. We would rather let the few decide what is not good for us and take away our right to work and make a living to support our families. Is it really so hard to stand up and say you can't do that to us and you can't take our right to do that way? Invariable it must be, because so many of us have let the loud few change our world to a world we don't even recognize and if we don't recognise it, you can darn sure bet our founding fathers and ancestors wouldn't either.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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