Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bubbie has her smile, Sandy is born, Cubbie learns responsibility, life moves ever forward.

Poppie checked on his Sugar, he had been worried as she had been calling out oddly the night before.  Poppie was right there was a new baby in the small goat barn.  She is the picture of her grandmother, Daisy, the goat of Herbalist, that I had wanted a baby from.  I was bless to get both Sugar and Spice and each with a little girl in tow.  She does have ears which her grandmother doesn't but other than that color is the same.  She is a light Sandy color so after counseling with Mokie we came to that as her name.  All agreed it was a nice name.  She does look little compared to all the others.  She is 3 to 5 weeks younger.  I will have at least on buck to sell, and maybe 1 to 3 doelings.  I did get a nice crop of Boer withers, which is one of the breeding goals we have been seeking.  The Lord blessed our crop.  We are hoping to get inside stalls so all will have a place of safety and protection from the cougars that will come.  Mishka does her job at night, she is very nocturnal and guards fairly well at night already.  She is not sure goats are her friends as once in awhile one of them rolls her for being to close to their babies.  But she will get there eventually.

I went in to Zootown to take Mokie much needed supplies.  She couldn't go without her nasty pop, some chips, new clothes, a book and phone minutes.  She is not allowed to leave the babies room, as even if you visit the baby you have to leave the hospital so you don't spread the RSV.  Bubbie looks so sad,  she has green goop in her eyes, and they are all red,  she has a deep raw cough.  She is naked but for her dippie and her favorite blanket.  She is cuddley, likes to suck on her bottle but is not actually drinking enough of it.  She usually has a good appetite so that isn't good.  I couldn't take it any more and Mokie got me a cloth to wipe out her little eyes.  She gave me one of her big happy smiles.  She cooed and talked to us.  She had a big smile for each of the girls.  She is on the mend but can't come home until her retroactive breathing stops and she can go eight hours with out her oxygen.  She has a oxygen tube taped to her face, which she either doesn't know is there or she just hasn't had a desire to pull at.  She has a rubber pad on her foot that transfers her stats to the machine that monitors her.  She is a tough little girl and hope she kicks this once and for all.  All the many prayers we have gotten are working, the power of prayer is unbelievable.  I picked up a clutch kit for Poppie, a few items at murdocks and costco, some burgers on the way out of Zootown and got home after the girls bed time.  Long day.

Cubbie has medicine she won't take for her mom or dad.  I tried forcing it down her but she just ended up spitting it out.  I decide she has to be a big girl and take her medicine.  I took her into the kitchen got out some organic apple juice, put some in a glass, gave her her medicine, had her stir it in to her quarter cup of apple juice.  I told her baby sister could not come home to a sick sister that would make her sicker.  Cubbie has to get well so her sister could come home and that she was a big girl and could take her medicine herself. It has worked for the last two doses I had to give her.  She sits up and drinks it, with a little encouragement, but of her own accord.  She loves her sister and wants her to come home enough that says "I can take my medicine for the baby sister".  What ever works and it gives her responsibility for her taking her own medicine.  No tricks allowed she had to stir it in herself.  It will help prepare her for life and taking responsibility.  So some day when she does something silly, and in front of people, she can stand up and say I was responsible.  There is no expectation of privacy as adults when we do something stupid in front of witnesses.  You say "I did it" and go on.  Cubbie can say I did it, good or bad, and know she is responsible for her actions now and in days to come.  So when someone talks about her taking her medicine she can be proud, or when she does something that raises and eyebrow and others report what they saw she can saw "yes, I did it, stupid as it was" and go on, or with pride that she did it for her sister, empowerment is something that needs to start early..... tomorrow.

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