Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Three for one, wagons to the internet in only a century? Where did the sonic booms go?

We started the day with the knowledge that Poppie had missed his appointment to the Dr in Zootown, it ended up that the appointment had been 10 days prior and we got a letter telling us he had missed it.  He rescheduled and we had to go in by 1, I really hate when you have to take an unplanned trip.  We did however have a promise from Murdocks to replace the one little turkey that had died, and as we had no want to go to Zootown for just a single turkey it ended up being a blessing.  Poppie went to his appointment and then we stopped for the new turkey and some grain.  I showed them the receipt and they were happy to replace it.  They didn't have a replacement of the same turkey that we had lost so I asked if I could pay the difference and get two white ones,  the nice lady said "oh, no you get two",  I was so pleased by her kindness.  While we were catching them she said "do you want three?"  I said I didn't need them but would take them so she gave me a third, they are getting a new shipment and these are getting older so it was nice of her to give me the extra.  The kids were excited when we got home to have three, they named them Socks, Blocky, and Feathers.  So we now have Socks, Blocky, Feathers, Giblets, Brawny, Snow white, Thanks Giving, Lurkey, Boggle, and Gobble.  Oh what a variance of names is that.  We have 4 adults, I can't remember the kind, but a plain black and white, one bronze, I hope a tom, and 5 whites.  We should have a nice gene pool to start with.  We have 5 goose eggs and 5 chicken eggs in the incubator as well.  I am giving the chickens one more week and then they well have used up their last reprieve.  I will get some nice veggies and make them into soup base.

I can't imagine being one of the people that are our oldest living people.  They have lived a life from wagon to high speed Internet and cars that are now flying.  Can you imagine the changes that have taken place in the last one hundred years.  I do understand that more advancements have been made in the last 10 to 20 than in all of history but that is communication orientated not like the physical transformations that have taken place in the last hundred.  Most of us have never been in a wagon little own had to go some place far or across the country in one.  We now think in terms of a circumnavigating the world in hours not days, months or years.  One hundred years ago the Titanic sunk the grandest largest ship ever but now we have ships three times that size that cruise all over.  They were still being amazed by the phone and now we carry computers in our pockets, libraries as well.  Flight was a thing birds did but look at us now, not that I have ever taken flight or ever will but many spend their lives in the air.  Speaking of flight where or when did the sonic booms go? 

My mother often regaled us with frights from her childhood when I was a child.  She told us of the first time she ever saw a jet stream.  She was a child in middle school and a long white line began to appear across the sky seemingly following a bird which later she determined was a some kind of plane.  She and her friends watched it come closer and closer, the world seemed to be cracking in half and then all of a sudden a tremendous booming sound rang out.  They screamed and ran as fast as they could home knowing the world was coming to an end, seeking out their mothers for comfort.  She also recounted how she and her same friends would go down to the railroad station and challenge each other to stand as close as they could to the engines.  One day they were doing such, and getting to close to the tracks, when a wiley engineer must have spotted them as they came closer and much too close he let out the steam spraying them with water and terrifying them.  They again ran home as fast as their little legs would carry them.  We no longer have steam trains or sonic booms,  an age gone past.  What will the next hundred years bring to our kids, could it possibly be a bigger leap than from steam to nano technology?  Or are the changes to come more drastic than what the last have been?  Will we really be able to transport, or will we have destroyed ourselves long before we can advance that far?  Will the Lord return?  What will we figure out, discover, conquer or find in the next 100 years... tomorrow.

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