Monday, April 2, 2012

Bubbie still in the hospital. Responding to O2. Probably won't be home today but will see.

Bubbie is still in the hospital they have tried to take her off of the oxygen, a couple times, but she drops off badly when they do.  They have her stable on a minimal flow.  She is eating her formula, always has liked to eat, and getting pedilite bottles as well.  She has launched bottles on them, much like many of us have experienced in the past.  She is being true to her own little nature, likes to eat, demands momma to listen and hold her.  She spirit is doing well, now if her little body can catch up she will get to return home to us.  I think Son is doing well with the older kids, it is actually good for him to have to spend one on one time with them, especially Cubbie.  He will drop them off this morning.  Don't know how many extras we will have, not sure how many are usually there on Mondays.  Poppie is still working on figuring out what is wrong with Herbalists sons truck, hoping it is the clutch thinking it is more than likely the tranny.  He will know for sure this morning. 

Still awaiting the last baby goats.  Spent some time draining more mud, thanks to the rain from the piglet pen.  The goats got lettuce with the pigs, chickens and turkeys.  The prep slop Poppie gets had a whole case that had gone bad.  The rabbits got cabbage leaves and carrots.  A nice bunch of discarded produce, which is always nice. 

Church was nice, the girls got kudos for their orange rolls and cinnamon rolls.  Sister brought donuts as well, with chocolate icing.  The Little, proudly shared the memory verse she had learned with the congregation.  The Preacher showed the bibles the children would earn, and have their own names on, when they had been there 5 weeks in a row.  The girls have both earned theirs as they have been there 8 weeks.  They will be so proud of their new bibles.  The girls both have a nice bible that they are both proud of that I gave them,  they keep them in there original boxes and actually read them daily.  They will be excited to compare, and learn to understand the two different translations.  The ones from Church will be King James, the one I gave them are New international versions.  I think that having different translations helps you see what the different words mean, and helps some people have a clearer understanding when they read different readings.  I know that is not how some churches believe and I have no problem with that.  I do believe that God speaks to you through the word and he can talk to you no matter the translation.  The Word transcends translations. 

The girls and I are reading Proverbs this month.  The preacher had said he did it every month.  There are 31 chapters and many months have 31 days so a nice fit.  The girls have a little bit of trouble understand the poem like language but that they are trying is the only thing that matters.  Day two down.  We also discussed that baptism is and how it works.  I did tell them that they would need to be a little older to truly understand it.  Booboo is sure she understand it now,  but I am not sure a child that believes in  the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa has that capability so she can study and learn more on her way to eternal life. 

The kids have starting to arrive, the ladies are preparing to return to school and Poppie is checking on that last hold out momma so our day is well and truly begun.... Oh, Poppie reported the wait is over we have another baby girl......tomorrow.

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