Poppie worked hard on the installing of the laminate but it is still not done. He is doing a masterful job. The longest run of it is the hallway and front room together which is about 25 feet long, it gave Poppie fits getting it just right in that long a section. It is really looking nice. Mishka is terrified of it. It is so funny to see my giant dog, who isn't afraid of the bear at night or a gunshot, hide under the couch when she sees it. She walks around it on the little piece of carpet she can access. She is frantic, well she will either adapt for not be in the house at all. We are raising her like her ancestors would have been raised as part of the family, in the house and out. We are hoping to get to the cabin as soon as the floor is in, the fence is next, then the garden needs tilled, the greenhouse needs plastic applied to its corners, a wither pen is planned for the back yard, the boat and trucks need moved, the list goes on and on. It is good that the Lord gives us lots of things to keep us busy. I think that the lack of work in peoples lives, in this day and age, are the devils playground. Electronic have taken so much away from our children's lives. I find it funny, or maybe good, that of the 5 Kinect games we bought at Christmas, 3 are still seal and have never been opened. They have them they just choose to ride bikes, play with animals, play in the yard, play being the key word and I don't mean doing it with your fingers.
I have lots of time this week to finish up my diaper cover order, the Ladies both are in the play, ok so all the kids that tried out got parts but that doesn't take away their excitement and joy of participating in the play. The Ladies will be at it until about 8 each night, it will be a long week and tiring. My sister, Little Sister, is going to be having her 25 wedding anniversary party and renewal of vows this weekend. It will be a nice event and makes my life more busy, I am going to make pulled pork as my potluck contribution. A little birdie told me her daughter, the one planning it, wanted me to bring it but either didn't have the nerve to ask me or forgot to. Funny how young adults are still the same kid they were when the were growing up when they go to asking you for something. She was always shy around me as I didn't see her all that often, she lives a ways away. Funny I am 32 years this year, Sister is 30, Silver is 29 or 28 years, Little Sister 25, Drama Queen is 23 I think, pretty good odds for any marriage in this day and age and the is the standard in my family. The others have nice long marriages as well just don't know for sure the lengths and since I probably missed up on the ones I listed already I thought I should stop at this point, it being made. Raise your kids well and they will emulate their example. My parents celebrate their 53 in July.
The Preacher spoke of not teaching your children how to be angry or sad at Church on Sunday. It was a new approach I had never heard from the pulpit. I had heard it differently, sort of from the pulpit, so to speak from the movie Pollyanna, but that was actually about being glad not specifically about not being sad. I don't believe he meant not to be sad when your loved ones die or when a catastrophe occurs but more or being sad for yourself. He spoke of not teaching your children to sit and be sad for yourself, like "why me", "pour me", "why does nothing go good for me". I think he meant the Lord wants us to teach our kids to see the good in things, not to be defeated before you start, and much like my father taught his children, "you can". My dad never taught us that we could fail so we never knew we couldn't do anything, or teach ourselves to do anything we wanted to accomplish. Maybe now that I think about it I have heard the sermon before I just didn't know it. Teach you children to be happy, that they can succeed, sadness and anger doesn't accomplish your dreams.... tomorrow.

The day to day living of a family on a rural Montana hobby farm, stories of goats, piglets, sourdough bread making, cheese making, soap making and the general raising of two little girls, their three older adult siblings, and the loving of our 10 grandkids. The story of a 36 year marriage with it's ups and downs. We worship God with reverence and are truly blessed for being his beloved children.
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