Poppie got all the tilling done in all three gardens, we had lots of weeds so will have to do it with the smaller tiller again in a few day and do that several times to have it ready for the planting. I weeded out all of the beds in the green house. Poppie wants to put in a soaker hose before I add more soil and manure to it. I was amazed my rosemary made it through the winter, now if I can keep Poppie from weeding it on purpose, he doesn't like rosemary, well he thinks he doesn't. Poppie has to seal the corners of the green house, We used it last year but it was not actually finished as we barely got it built in time for gardening in it at all. We hope to get some plants in it soon. We do have a little antique stove that we may use to heat it with. Probably more for next year than this so we can get things going soon or maybe we can grow things later this year, hmmmm. Poppie was sore after all the tilling but still went to the party.
It was a real nice party. Little Sister gave a nice long heart felt set of dreams more than vows and Little Brother basically said "me too". My dad did the officiating. Little Sister did say that it had been a dream of Little Brothers years ago to renew their vows at 25 so it was a nice fulfillment of his dream even if when it came down to it he wonder why he had wanted to do it again so publicly. Their kids had wanted to do it as a surprise but since he is working in North Dakota and has such a complicated schedule it couldn't be. People I hadn't seen in years, maybe some in 25, were there. All the new babies were there that are new additions to the family. All grandparents and parents proud to show them off. The food was great, it was a nice relaxed event. Good food, good friends and good times. All the sibling but Baby Sister and Baby brother, and families were there.
I had occasion to sit and talk with one of the Grand Ladies of this community. She came with Little Sisters Aunt to the party. I hadn't seen her in a number of years and not since her Love had passed on. I didn't realize that she is suffering from some degree of Alzheimer's. I spoke to her a long time. I had started by asking her questions about a new building on her property and she seemed unaware of it. I soon realized she couldn't remember recent events more than a short time. She was very sorrowed to be with out the Love of her life and is struggling with his loss in such a deeply profound way. She would misty up and almost couldn't speak at having to go on with out him. I have know this remarkable Lady for more than twenty years and it was sad to see her in such a lost state. It made it more palpable to me, maybe, that is was at a vow renewal, an anniversary, to see one half of a couple struggling along alone is such a lost state. I know beyond a doubt that she is loved by her large loving family but she seemingly doesn't understand her new circumstances, especially the no driving part, and longs so for the past that she is so sad. She no longer lives here, she is living in Zootown in a very nice assisted living, but she kept speaking of home, and being here. The reality is it is not here she misses so, it is her loving man, that has gone on before her, she so longs to be rejoined with him and the lifetime of marriage and happiness she so misses.... tomorrow.
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