Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow a blessing as we had to warm up to have it fall, Bubbles is two today......

We spent the latter part of last week and the weekend in a deep freeze.  We had the coldest weather we have had in years.  It was -14 below zero on Saturday morning here in my yard.  The car started but before Poppie could drive to town the motor over heated on the car, he had to return home so the motor wasn't ruined, somewhere it was frozen.  Son spent the morning thawing his water pipes only to find that all of his drains were frozen so he had to allow the pipes to freeze back up because he had no place for the water to go once thawed.  Our water did not freeze until Saturday evening until around 8 and only froze because the pressure switch failed and allowed the water to set in one place where it was colder under one side of the house, the furnace (which we rarely use) helped thaw part of it but Poppie had to crawl under the house and lay on his back on the cold ground for an extended period of time, he thawed the pipes but thoroughly froze his back.  He spent the rest of the day in pain.  He went and helped the Professor unthaw his pipes later.  I would say it was abnormal but in reality it was just winter time in Montana.  I was not much help all weekend for Poppie I had a terrible neck and headache.  I am feeling a little better but think it is all more of the symptoms from my "friends" going and so far not return, a blessing in so many ways but some days I would trade some of the pain of her loss for her return.

Mokie helped Booboo make a simple pinata for the "winter concert"  I hate that the PC police have stolen the joy and love of Christmas from our children's lives.  Christ is the reason for the season so I think that if they don't want to honor and be blessed from his day then they should not celebrate it at all.  It is hypocritical to set aside a day and throw out the reason it was set aside in the first place.  Though it is not the real day of Christ's birth it is the day set aside to honor it, so HONOR it.  Merry Christmas to one and all, not happy holidays, stand up and say it out loud.  Merry Christmas to all and peace on earth, God sent Peace to earth and it was Christ with out him you are lost, he is your only hope for salvation.  Look around you, just look at all that are not in Christ and are dead men walking.  I look and like the boy from the sixth sense I see dead people one and all who are not in the body of Christ.  You are not in the body of Christ if you "believe in a higher being", if you believe in the "God thing", if you believe in God but don't believe in Jesus in anyway.  God said he gave his one and only begotten son and if you believe on him you will have eternal life.  God didn't say believe on me.  Jesus is the one and only door.  Christmas is about honoring him, if you don't you are lost.

Bubble celebrates her second b-day today.  Her sister Cubbie got into the freezer this weekend and ruined her sister's birthday cake.  Cubbie has been exceptionally naughty of late.  Her mom and dad are struggling to get her under control.  Tonight in the "winter concert" as I have said prior so unsure when we will celebrate Bubbles b-day so don't know when her mom is celebrating it.  She is so far ahead she has been in her naughty twos for some time but then with Cubbie being so naughty Bubbles naughtiness has been almost unnoticeable.

I pray you are in Christ and are among the living awaiting life in heaven.  I am so saddened when I here people laugh and joke about hell, or the afterlife.  It is real and it is not a joke.  So sad it will be to be one day to late.  Poppie has a bumper sticker that says if you are living like there is not God you had better be right.  I say if you are living like there is no Jesus Christ you are already lost..... tomorrow.  

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