Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring burning is so renewing. Cubbie and Curious enjoy the sun.

The weather man told us we would have another couple of days of warm renewing sunshine so we took full advantage of the cleansing sunshine.  We raked pine and fir needles, old cones, branches and broken boards into piles.  I used a pitch fork and shovel to load it all into a wheeliebarriow,  Love the way my little ones used to say it.  I dumped several loads together to make a pile which Poppie lit afire.  He removed the last few boards of the old wood shed off of the front of the hay barn.  I carted them into the shop/new goat barn to stack into a pile to await their renewal as goat stalls.  Poppie was using the pitch fork end to thump the pieces of the tin off the rafters when one old rotten board came down on his head,  he wasn't hurt but paid more attention thereafter.  I stacked the good end and add the piece that hit him to the burn pile.  We finished removing the old board and went to raking under the trees.  It was really looking nice, I picked up an old cardboard boxes that held Cyprus knees, and low and behold there was a nest of 16 eggs, and since there have been no chickens of mine out and none of Shinnies out since October I was careful to pick them up gently and take them to the piglets to enjoy.  No smell escaped. 

Cubbie and Curious were playing on the play set as we worked along.  Curious cooked at the kitchen and Cubbie made muddy pies.  They argued once in a while but general had a glorious day.  Poppie went and picked up the kids from school in the afternoon.  The girls came home and immediately took to their bikes to enjoy the sunshine.  Boy came along a short while later, with Cubbie in tow, pushing their wheelbarrows.  The Easter Bunny brought them both new wheelbarrows Sunday.  Boy had his own pitch forks and went to forking old hay at the front of the hay barn.  He got to put it into the turkey pen floor to restraw their coop.  Cubbie tried her best but wasn't able to actually fill her own wheelbarrow but gave it her best shot.  They both went home a short while later, about the time that Curious was picked up.  They neither one would take their wheelbarrows, they were sure that Poppie would need their help, and wheel barrows, in the morning and wanted to be prepared to assist Poppie in anyway they would be needed.  I do so love to have the companionship of all the little ones that grace and bless my home.

Today the weather seems to be smiling on us once again.  There is some more needles and cone to be raked, animals to feed and life to enjoying.  You can't control the surrounds, or life choices of those around you, but you can choose to live in God and continue on in his grace.  The Grace of God is a marvelous things, he holds you as his and provides you with all you need.  He does know your needs and answers prayers, so pray today..... tomorrow.

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