Monday, August 12, 2013

Only one door......

I spent the last few days canning, it is the height of canning season and since I can't bear to see any empty jars I have been trying my darnedest to fill all of mine.  I got a great deal through BBFC to go along with the huckleberries coming on in the woods, the bumper crop of chokecherries and the every bearing rows of green beans from Poppie's garden.  I share a 25 pound lug of beautiful Hatch Green Chilis with Lady, oh and 3 38 pound boxes of apples so my weekend was all booked up.  We had a great distribution at BBFC and the girls had a wonderful Farmer's Market.  I got home at around noon thirty, I had stop at the store and bought 2 free range chickens to make up pepper chicken soup.  I got the chickens right into the pressure cooker when I got home to have the chicken for the soup cooked.  I put away my basket, and for some reason the radish greens were very tasty looking.  I tried one it tasted great, Poppie said you better find out if they are edible before you eat any more.  I check on the internet and they are full of all sorts of wonderful vitamins and mineral.  I threw them into the bottom of the pressure canner with the backbones, some onions, garlic, swiss chard and what ever else I could find to put into the stock and got it going so I would have nice stock for the soup.  I chopped peppers, onions, tomatoes, opened a jar of my corn, parboiled some wheat berries and some garbanzo beans and layered all into the jars, topped the jars of with the chicken and stock when they were all processed.  I ended up with 29 jars, I always mess up the count and have to make one with something else.  It is sort of like when I make stone soup it just seems to keep growing, I guess even when I make it in jars..... who knew.  I ended up having to finish processing on Sunday.

I woke up Sunday sick.  The girls and I were to take lemon brownies and regular brownies for Breakfastfest.  Good thing we baked them the night before between batches of pressure cannering.  I know why I am sick.  My wonderful Poppie saw how hot I was from all the steaming of the pressure cookers and canners so ran the swamp cooler all night, which is right nest to my bed, so I would sleep in comfort.  The problem is that my lungs are fragile at best and he never thought that the swamp cooler was probably not the best thing after a day of steam on my lungs, and the fact that the swamp cool brought in the smoke from the fires that is drifting into our valley.  I needless to say I have a horrible summer cold, and last night the swamp cooler was not on so warm all night in our room.  I did get the other canning done yesterday,  I didn't get to go to church because I can't stop cough.  I did get to read my Bible as the jars processed.  I sadly didn't get to go to Boys birthday bash, but he did have a nice party, said Poppie and the girls.

I read in my Bible, I meandered a little here and there.  I read of how the second coming of Christ is likened to the days of Noah and the days of Lot.  The saved in Christ will be likened to the saved in Noah and Lots times.  Noah because God provided a safe haven for the saved in the ark.  The ark was a place that was especially made for the people who believed the word of God.  Noah and his family were the only ones that believed God, it was a horrible world in the time he lived.  God provided a prepared place for believers that only had one door. So few were saved. In Lots time, Lot too lived in a horrible place but unlike Noah he was living among the horrible sinners and he was saved but tested by the fires.  The Bible tells us the there is only one door to salvation, you can only get there one way.  Today were are told by false preachers that you can get there if you are good, if you love others, if you do this or that ritual but that is not the case.  God has prepared for us a place, heaven, but as with the ark it only has one door. Few will be saved, and only the few that know that  Jesus is that door.  You have to believe that Jesus was the Son of God, he came to earth and was born of a virgin, a miraculous birth, he was killed upon a cross was buried and in three days he rose again.  He gave his life and blood, as a sacrifice for one and all, that believe on him.  That is the one door to everlasting life and heaven.  God sent his only begotten son as a sacrifice for us all, he loves us and gave his son to die on the cross for us.  We, that believe, are washed in the blood of Jesus, that is the one and only door way to heaven.  If you believe that and confess that to God he opens the door way for you.  Though you be like Lot, and believe, you will still receive everlasting life, though in that case you might need to be clean by fire like Lot was before you enter but God will know and provide that as well, but enter you will if you believe in the one door way, That Jesus lived and died for you..... tomorrow.

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