Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bubbles enjoys Church. Cubbie couldn't wait to go all week and Boy just chills.....

Cubbie had been excited to go to Church since her dad told her he would take her to Church this Sunday. She had her dress all picked out and couldn't contain her excitement to go with her dad.  This morning bright and early Boy came over holding both his sister's hands and asked if we could do their hair.  Bubbles was wearing one of the woolen dress I had made, the one with the appliqued sheep on it.  They were dress all warm with boots and coats over their dresses.  I did Cubbie's and Yogie did Bubbles hairs, soon after they had their hair combed Boy took their little hands and took them home to go to Church with their Daddy.  We left soon after, pies, sweet potatoes, cranberries and relish tray in hand.  Today was to be potluck.  Son and the kids arrived shortly behind us.  The ladies got all the food stuffs in the oven, and refrigerator, soon after morning services started.  Bubble was so excited she didn't know exactly what to do, she hadn't been to Church since she had been really little and since she will be two next month she thinks of herself as a big girl.  She sat on Yogie's lap with her hymnal on her lap, she sang along a little but most people wouldn't have guessed she was singing more like she was just making noise.  She got off Yogie's lap with her hymnal in a bear hug and walked around the pews (rows of chairs) looking at the people.  Her Dad and Poppie both tried to encourage her to sit with them but she was most intent on sharing hymnals.  The Preacher told them to leave her be he thought that some one so joyous as to hug her hymnal and share songs books with one and all was praising the Lord out loud and joyously and what more could you asked for. During the worship service I took her back to class with the littles and she wasn't quite sure she liked class but she did dance a little when we were singing Father Abraham.  She enjoyed the coloring and finally just about time to go figured she had had enough of class. Cubbie and Boy were just enjoying having class with their friends and the Violinist.  Church was over when I brought her out of class so I gave her to her Dad and helped the ladies get the potluck ready.

We had a joyful potluck all were well fed and I think Son for the first time was comfortable being at Church the Lord had sure blessed our family this week, Son sought his salvation and he is the better for it.  His children are already reaping the bounty of his decision.  I hope soon Mokie too can join us at Church.  I think that in the end salvation is a choice we each have to make, a parent can, love, harass, cajole and do many other things to try and make their children seek salvation but it is a choice one has to make for themselves, in their time and on God's schedule.  This week Son made a choice his father had long prayed for but in the end it was done on Son's time frame and how Son chose to do it.  I pray that you have sought your salvation.  It is never to late, God is a patient God and knows your heart, he does but call and await your choice today.  Is today the day you answer him for yourself, of your choice?  I pray so, nothing is more sweet to see or hear than a lost child of God calling for his father's love and acceptance, the gift of salvation awaiting... tomorrow.

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