Thursday, March 29, 2012

"thank you Lord for my cancer" was part of the message of the Preachers sermon, I struggle daily but the Lord does lead me.

The Preacher gave a great sermon on Sunday, part of it was about a lady that had gone to church all of her life until she developed cancer late in her life.  She couldn't understand why the lord had inflicted her with this terrible disease.  She was overwhelmed with her cancer and soon no longer went to church, she had lost her faith and was no longer able to go to worship the Lord.  Along came a preacher or missionary out reach person to her door.  She was not very welcoming to the preacher at her door, she told him she had always worshipped the Lord and he had turned his back on her.  The out reach person prayed with her, shared the bibles words anew with her, through vigilance, and the grace of God, he showed her the way back to the Lord.  The Lord came into her heart in a way he had never been allowed before, she for the first time saw him as her true salvation and the blindness that had been on her eyes her whole life had been remove. She returned to church, I am not sure if it was a new church or not, but she returned to church to worship with new found truth in her heart.  Her cancer was eventually eradicated and her blessings was tenfold of what they had been before her cancer.  She for the rest of her life would say with great resolve "thank the Lord for my cancer", without which she would not have come to the Lord in the way he had called her all of her life.  She was saved and written in the book of life for it having been in her life. 

I have be given so many blessings in the last year, the travails I have had to go through, or my family has had to go through, have been the cancer that has helped us seek out the Lord in a more direct way and know we needed him so much more.  The Lord does work in mysterious ways.  I am hearkened back to the sermon I read months ago, I am including the link again, as it is a very good message and helps me to get through the hard times.,  Loving our neighbor is a commandment and I know in my heart that I do that on a daily bases, as most people do, it is very human to give to people in general.  I have been an emt, a dispatcher, a helpline member and domesctic violence advocate, and generally a helpful person most all of my life. I have also helped many a strange as did the good Samaritan.  I have newly found additions to my prayers and have included them in my prayers for months.  I prayer for those who by any standard or definition are my enemy.  No, I don't prayer for their demise or harm.  I pray for their health, I prayer for their children's safety, I pray for the Lord to talk to their hearts.  I would say that that is loving my neighbor by the standards the Lord has asked of me.  I am at ease with all that the Lord asks of me.  My life is full of many blessings from the Lord so know I am right with him.  I also sleep well at night knowing that I pray daily and the Lord shows me the way he wants me to go. I am blessed because of my enemies, sort of like the lady with cancer was for having had it.  I am asked by the Lord to pray and endure; that I can do happily daily.... tomorrow.

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